硫酸钙晶须,CaSO4 Whisker


价格 8000
包装 内衬塑料纸,外覆牛皮纸包装
最小起订量 内衬塑料纸,外覆牛皮纸包装
发货地 上海
更新日期 2016-06-18


中文名称:硫酸钙晶须英文名称:CaSO4 Whisker
CAS:7778-18-9有效期: 一年
2016-06-18 硫酸钙晶须 CaSO4 Whisker RMB 8000 一年
在摩擦材料中使用硫酸钙晶须的特点 1.我们的产品属于微型纤维,在整个配方体系中可以起到辅助补充强度的效果(硫酸钙晶须的分散性和对其它有机材料的亲和性都很好,能够在摩擦块里的贫纤区 中均匀分布,从而配合摩擦块中起骨架作用的长纤维起到协同补强的效应) . 特别是我们相对粗大的, 绒状的NP- M02产品,除了补充强度的效果外,还可以更好 的增加产品的剪切强度和冲击强度. 2.我们的产品在稳定摩擦系数方面有很好的效果,随着用量的增加效果越好.(推荐使用量为8% - 15% , 具体以实际的配方设计为准. 最高用量可以添加到 20%. ) 3.添加我们的产品在磨损方面有不错的效果, 而且在高温的时候, 摩擦系数和耐摩性也保持得很好. (我们的产品耐热性为1000 度,熔点为1450度) 4.添加我们的产品不会攻击对偶,因为硫酸钙晶须的硬度不高,莫 氏硬度为3. 5.添加我们的产品可以软化摩擦块的材质, 在制动的时候, 具有很好的舒适性. 6.添加我们的产品,不会产生黑灰,并能够减少摩擦块在制动时落灰现象. 而且我们的产品原料是精选的食品级石膏,不含重金属及其它对人体有害等物质.能够适 应和满足市场对绿色环保的要求. 7.添加我们的产品,针对使用钢纤维的半金属或少金属配方体系,可以相应地减少钢纤维用量(例如: 前期添加的钢纤维为18%, 使用我们的产品,则可以减少到14 左右) ,同时还可以使钢纤维蓬松起来,降低最终产品的密度,从而降低此类配方产品的噪音. 8.添加我们的产品不会因为我们的产品而产生噪音,很多有使用矿物纤维,钢纤维,陶瓷纤维的产品都相对容易产生噪音. (因为矿物纤维的硬度普遍偏高,而且或多 或少都带有渣球, 钢纤维和陶瓷纤维都有硬度偏高的问题.) 9.添加我们的产品,可以适当的少量减少树脂的用量(1-2%). 众所周知,摩擦材料中的树脂主要是起到粘结所有其它材料的作用, 硫酸钙晶须的加入还能够减少 最终产品中其它粉末填料的使用量,随着硫酸钙晶须的加入,最终产品中的硫酸钙晶须分别越来越均匀,它配合树脂起到的粘结作用也越明显,随着该作用 的逐渐增强和其它无机粉末填料的适当减少,相应的树脂用量就能够适当的减少而不会导致最终产品的粘结效果降低。 10.针对有使用任何其它晶须产品的摩擦块,我们的产品可以部分或者完全取代其它晶须, 取代后依旧可以保持或改善最终产品的原有品质. (在所有的无机晶须 产品中,硫酸钙晶须的生产成本是最低的,能够降低最终产品的造价成本,从而提高使用用户的市场竞争力.) 在塑料行业和复合材料行业中使用硫酸钙晶须的特点 相比较于添加长纤维材料,添加晶须产品能克服连续长纤维在复杂模具中难以分布均匀,易出现贫胶区,使材料表面光洁度差,加工时对模具磨损严重等缺点,而且由于晶须的加入使复合材料的耐湿热性能得到明显改善,材料的力学性能水煮后的强度保持率也可有明显提高。 硫酸钙晶须因具有一定的长径比(10-300),且本身结构纤细(直径在0.1-10微米),并具备高强度和高模量的特点,产品可在塑料复合材料如PP、PA、PBT、PE、ABS、PVC、POM等及各种涂料中均匀分散,起着骨架作用形成聚合物-纤维复合材料 ,使聚合物内聚强度增大,薄弱环节减少,从而显著提高复合材料的机械强度。 相比较于添加长纤维材料,添加硫酸钙晶须产品能克服连续长纤维在复杂模具中难以分布均匀,易出现贫胶区,使材料表面光洁度差,加工时对模具磨损严重等缺点,而且由于晶须的加入使复合材料的耐湿热性能得到明显改善,材料的力学性能水煮后的强度保持率也可有明显提高。 在复合材料中添加晶须材料还可提高产品的稳定性,耐热性,介电性并降低收缩率和吸水率等等. 另外,无机晶须可应用在陶瓷基和金属基复合材料中达到增韧补强的效果, 还可使用在造纸行业中取代部分造纸原料并在保温材料中有很广的应用。 在复合材料中添加晶须材料还可提高产品的稳定性,耐热性,介电性并降低收缩率和吸水率等等. 另外,无机晶须可应用在陶瓷基和金属基复合材料中达到增韧补强的效果, 还可使用在造纸行业中取代部分造纸原料并在保温材料中有很广的应用. Characteristics of Calcium Sulfate Whisker in friction materials 1,Our products fall into micro fiber category, which can render assistance to increase strength in the integral formula system.(The dispersion property of calcium sulfate whisker is very good, as well as its affinity for other organic materials, the calcium sulfate whisker can be well dispersed in poor lead areas in friction blocks so as to play a supporting role to increase strength to long fibers of skeleton effect in friction blocks .) Our relatively thick and big NP-M02 of downy form product, especially, can not only increase strength, but also make products with a higher shear strength and impact strength. 2,Our product is with good effect in stabilizing friction factor, and the effect will become better and better as the growth of dosage (recommendation dosage: 8%-15%,the actual dosage should be subject to the formula design, max dosage: 20%) 3,Adding our product can produce good effect in friction, when the temperature is high ,it can keep good friction factor and abrasive resistance.(Our product refractoriness is 1000°C,melting point is 1450°C) 4,Adding our product will not do harm to brake assembly because the hardness of calcium sulfate whisker is not high, and Hardness(Mohs) is 3. 3,Adding our product can produce good effect in friction, when the temperature is high ,it can keep good friction factor and abrasive resistance.(Our product refractoriness is 1000°C,melting point is 1450°C) 4,Adding our product will not do harm to brake assembly because the hardness of calcium sulfate whisker is not high, and Hardness(Mohs) is 3. 5,Adding our product can soften the texture of the friction block ,so the brake can be used with great comfort while braking. 6,Adding our product will not generate soot, but can reduce the amount of ash when the brake is used. Furthermore, our product is made of gypsum of food-grade, and is without heavy metal and other harmful matters. 7,Adding our product can reduce the dosage of fiber for the formula of semimetal of steel fiber or less metal.(For example, if 18% of steel fiber in the earlier period, about 4 percent of steel fiber can be reduced by using our product), at the same time, the steel fiber can be plumped up to reduce the density so as to reduce the noise of this kind of friction block. 8,Adding our product will not lead to noise for our sake, while manufacturing products with mineral fiber, steel fiber, ceramic fiber will easily lead to noise.(Because the hardness of mineral fiber is commonly high, and is more or less with shot content, So is steel fiber and ceramic fiber ) 9,Adding our product can reduce a small amount of the dose of resin(1-2% could be reduced). As is well-known, the resin in fraction material is mainly to adhere to other materials, adding into calcium sulfate whisker can reduce the dose of other powders in the eventual products. Following the increment of calcium sulfate whisker, the distribution of it will become better, the adhering effect of it on resin will become more obvious. As that effect is enhancing and the sensible reduction of other inorganic material powder, the dose of resin will sensibly reduce, but the adhering effect of eventual products will not go down. 10, Aiming at any other whiskers which have been used in friction block , our product can partly or completely take their places , after using our products, maintenance or improvement in quality of the eventual product can be made.(Among all the inorganic whisker products, calcium sulfate whisker is with the lowest cost, so as to enhancing the competitiveness of final products.) Our main production: CALCIUM CARBONATE WHISKER, made by inorganic materials. As its slim structure(Diameter:0.1-10μm),especially in proper rate(Length/Diameter: 10-300μm), with high strength and high module properties, whisker has been successfully dispersed fairly in plastic composites materials forming such as PP,PA,PBT,PE,ABS,PVC,POM and coatings. In forming, whisker acts framework part and then together with composites become polymer-fiber physically. With whisker, it promotes polymer inner reinforcement and toughness, reduces weakness and thereby prominently enhances composites mechanism. In comparison with longer fiber material, that blending whiskers into plastics or resins can overcome dispersity hard problem, disappear imperfect resins, surface smooth and cleaning, lessen mould abrasion, etc. Furthermore, because of with whisker in plastics or resins, composites are greatly modified humid bear and thermal bear. And also its toughness and strength improved distinctly after test. In forming composites, with whisker also improve stability, heat-resistance, insulation, reduce shrinkage ratio, water absorption, etc. In addition, inorganic whisker reinforcing and toughing for ceramic and metallic composites has been achieved in industry. It can be taken up to substitute some portions of raw materials in paper making. And it has wide applications in insulatingcompound as well.
关键字: 硫酸钙晶须;无水硫酸钙晶须;纤维填料;摩擦材料


峰竺联合集团,始建于2004年中国上海。业务涉及包括有色金属、无机材料、电力设备等产业。现已成为拥有五个国际贸易公司,八个基地生产厂工贸一体化的集团性企业。峰竺晶须(NP WHISKER)—国家政策鼓励的新兴高科技环保型无机晶须专业供应商,公司结合国内高校及研究院由多方实力雄厚的企业共同组建而成,实现研、试、产、销一条完整的产业发展链条,正致力于打造中国乃至全球最大的无机晶须生产及销售企业。公司于2004年在山西省潞城市建有年产500吨(一期工程)的硫酸钙晶须试验研发基地,并于2006-2007年扩产建成年产5000吨硫酸钙晶须(二期工程)的生产基地。为适应不断增长的市场需求及产业发展需要, 于2013年, 在江西省宜丰县工业园投资约2.8
成立日期 注册资本
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主营行业 经营模式
  • 峰竺晶须
  • 公司成立:暂无
  • 注册资本:暂无
  • 企业类型:暂无
  • 主营产品:暂无
  • 公司地址:中国上海市莘建东路388弄6号4层


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