抗ADARB1抗体 ウサギ宿主抗体

抗ADARB1抗体 ウサギ宿主抗体 化学構造式
抗ADARB1抗体 ウサギ宿主抗体
抗ADARB1抗体 ウサギ宿主抗体
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抗ADARB1抗体 ウサギ宿主抗体 物理性質

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抗ADARB1抗体 ウサギ宿主抗体 価格 もっと(2)

メーカー 製品番号 製品説明 CAS番号 包装 価格 更新時間 購入
Sigma-Aldrich Japan AV40342 抗ADARB1抗体 ウサギ宿主抗体 IgG fraction of antiserum
Anti-ADARB1 antibody produced in rabbit IgG fraction of antiserum
100ul ¥38600 2021-03-23 購入
Sigma-Aldrich Japan SAB4200143 clone ADAR2-15, IgG fraction of tissue culture supernatant
Monoclonal Anti-ADAR2 antibody produced in mouse clone ADAR2-15, IgG fraction of tissue culture supernatant
200ul ¥72200 2018-12-25 購入

抗ADARB1抗体 ウサギ宿主抗体 化学特性,用途語,生産方法


All Prestige Antibodies Powered by Atlas Antibodies are developed and validated by the Human Protein Atlas (HPA) project (www.proteinatlas.org)and as a result, are supported by the most extensive characterization in the industry.

The Human Protein Atlas project can be subdivided into three efforts: Human Tissue Atlas, Cancer Atlas, and Human Cell Atlas. The antibodies that have been generated in support of the Tissue and Cancer Atlas projects have been tested by immunohistochemistry against hundreds of normal and disease tissues and through the recent efforts of the Human Cell Atlas project, many have been characterized by immunofluorescence to map the human proteome not only at the tissue level but now at the subcellular level. These images and the collection of this vast data set can be viewed on the Human Protein Atlas (HPA) site by clicking on the Image Gallery link. To view these protocols and other useful information about Prestige Antibodies and the HPA, visit .


The gene ADARB1 (double-stranded RNA-specific editase-1) is mapped to human chromosome 21q22.3. ADARB1 belongs to ADAR gene family, including two other members - ADAR1 and ADAR3. The protein is highly expressed in brain and heart; lower levels are seen in placenta, pancreas and skeletal muscle. Very small amounts are also present in lung, liver and kidney.

Biochem/physiol Actions

ADARB1 is an enzyme responsible for pre-mRNA editing of the glutamate receptor subunit B by site-specific deamination of adenosines. Studies in rat found that this enzyme acted on its own pre-mRNA molecules to convert an AA dinucleotide to an AI dinucleotide which resulted in a new splice site.This gene encodes the enzyme responsible for pre-mRNA editing of the glutamate receptor subunit B by site-specific deamination of adenosines. Studies in rat found that this enzyme acted on its own pre-mRNA molecules to convert an AA dinucleotide to an AI dinucleotide which resulted in a new splice site. Alternative splicing of this gene results in several transcript variants, some of which have been characterized by the presence or absence of an ALU cassette insert and a short or long C-terminal region.

抗ADARB1抗体 ウサギ宿主抗体 上流と下流の製品情報



抗ADARB1抗体 ウサギ宿主抗体 生産企業

Global( 3)Suppliers
名前 電話番号 電子メール 国籍 製品カタログ 優位度
Sigma-Aldrich 021-61415566 800-8193336
orderCN@merckgroup.com China 51471 80

  • Anti-ADARB1
  • Anti-Adenosine Deaminase, RNA-specific B1
  • Anti-RNA Editase 1
  • Monoclonal Anti-ADAR2 antibody produced in mouse
  • Anti-Double-stranded RNA-specific editase 1
  • Anti-dsRNA adenosine deaminase
  • Anti-RNA-editing deaminase 1
  • ANTI-RED-1
  • Anti-RNA-editing enzyme 1
  • RNA-editing deaminase 1
  • RNA-editing enzyme 1
  • Anti-ADAR2a
  • Anti-ADAR2a-L1
  • Anti-ADAR2a-L2
  • Anti-ADAR2a-L3
  • Anti-ADAR2b
  • Anti-ADAR2c
  • Anti-ADAR2d
  • Anti-ADAR2g
  • Anti-ADARB1 antibody produced in rabbit
  • Anti-adenosine deaminase, RNA-specific, B1 (RED1 homolog rat)
  • Anti-DRABA2
  • Anti-DRADA2
  • Anti-hRED1
  • 抗ADARB1抗体 ウサギ宿主抗体
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