
수은 구조식 이미지
카스 번호:
메탈릭수은;원소수은;히드라지룸;무기수은;수은;콜로이달수은;퀵은;홍;초산수은(II);아세트산수은;아세트산수은(II);비스(아세틸옥시)수은;수은아세테이트;수은및그화합물;수은, 원소
Hg;Hydrargyrum;Quecksilber;MERCURY METAL;Metallic mercury;Kwik;Rtec;Mercure;MERCURY;NA 2809
포뮬러 무게:
MOL 파일:
MSDS 파일:

수은 속성

-38.9 °C
끓는 점
356.6 °C(lit.)
증기 밀도
7 (vs air)
<0.01 mm Hg ( 20 °C)
저장 조건
Poison room
H2O: 용해성
물리적 상태
삼중 증류액
Specific Gravity
13.5 (20/4℃)
냄새 없는
Flame Color
95.8 μΩ-cm, 20°C
H2O에서는 20~30μg/L; 끓는 물에 용해됨 H2SO4, HNO3 [KIR81] [HAW93]
노출 한도
TLV-TWA 0.05 mg/m3 for Hg vapor, and 0.10 mg/m3, as Hg for alkyl mercury and inorganic compounds (ACGIH); ceiling 0.1 mg/m3 (OSHA); IDLH 28 mg/m3 (NIOSH).
Dielectric constant
안정적인. 강산, 티오황산나트륨, 수산화암모늄과 호환되지 않습니다.
CAS 데이터베이스
7439-97-6(CAS DataBase Reference)
3 (Vol. 58) 1993
Mercury (7439-97-6)
  • 위험 및 안전 성명
  • 위험 및 사전주의 사항 (GHS)
위험품 표기 T,N,Xn,C,T+
위험 카페고리 넘버 25-48/21/22-51/53-50/53-33-23-20/21/22-34-36/37/38-23/24/25-48/23-26-61-52/53-36/38
안전지침서 7-45-60-61-36-36/37/39-26-36/37-53
OEL STEL: 0.1 mg/m3
유엔번호(UN No.) UN 3289 6.1/PG 2
WGK 독일 3
RTECS 번호 OV4550000
F 고인화성물질 10
HS 번호 2805 40 90
위험 등급 8
포장분류 III
유해 물질 데이터 7439-97-6(Hazardous Substances Data)
독성 LCLO inhal (rabbit)
29 mg/m3 (30 h)
0.1 mg/m3 (ceiling)
0.025 mg/m3—skin
IDLA 10 mg Hg/m3
기존화학 물질 KE-23117
유해화학물질 필터링 97-1-140
중점관리물질 필터링 별표1-121
함량 및 규제정보 물질구분: 유독물질; 혼합물(제품)함량정보: 수은 또는 그 화합물과 수은화합물을 1% 이상 함유한 혼합물. 다만 황화 제이수은(Mercuric sulfide), 요오드화 제일수은(Mercuric iodide), 오레인산 수은(Mercuric oleate), 아미노 염화 제이수은(Amino mercury(II) chloride), 뇌산 제이수은(Mercury(II) fulminate) 및 그 중 하나를 함유한 혼합물은 제외
그림문자(GHS): GHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictograms
신호 어: Danger
유해·위험 문구:
암호 유해·위험 문구 위험 등급 범주 신호 어 그림 문자 P- 코드
H330 흡입하면 치명적임 급성 독성 물질 흡입 구분 1, 2 위험 GHS hazard pictograms P260, P271, P284, P304+P340, P310,P320, P403+P233, P405, P501
H372 장기간 또는 반복 노출되면 장기(또는, 영향을 받은 알려진 모든 장기를 명시)에 손상을 일으킴 특정 표적장기 독성 - 반복 노출 구분 1 위험 GHS hazard pictograms P260, P264, P270, P314, P501
H410 장기적 영향에 의해 수생생물에 매우 유독함 수생 환경유해성 물질 - 만성 구분 1 경고 GHS hazard pictograms P273, P391, P501
P201 사용 전 취급 설명서를 확보하시오.
P273 환경으로 배출하지 마시오.
NFPA 704
3 2

수은 C화학적 특성, 용도, 생산


Elemental mercury, a silver-white metal, is also known ‘quicksilver’ or ‘hydrargyrum.’ Mercury has been discovered in Egyptian tombs dating as far back as 1500 BC. The chemical symbol, Hg, is derived from the Greek word hydrargyros, meaning ‘water silver.’ Mercury was known in antiquity and used by alchemists. Its neurological effects were recognized early, and its use in the hat-making trade gave rise to the phrase ‘mad as a hatter.’ Mercury has been used commercially and medically for centuries. In the past it was a common constituent of many medications, for example, it was used in the treatment of syphilis. Use of mercury has been drastically reduced in recent years. Within the twentieth century, mercury used to be in every physician’s or pharmacist’s armamentarium, for example, calomel was commonly used in infant teething powders in the 1930s and 1940s.

화학적 성질

Mercury is a silvery, mobile, odorless, extremely heavy liquid , sometimes found native. Insoluble in hydrochloric acid; soluble in sulfuric acid upon boiling; readily soluble in nitric acid; insoluble in water, alcohol, and ether; soluble in lipids; extremely high surface tension.


The name of Hg derives from the Roman god “Mercury”, the nimble messenger of the gods, since the ancients used that name for the element, which was known from prehistoric times. The name mercury originated in 6th-century alchemy, in which the symbol of the planet was used to represent the metal; the chemical symbol Hg derives from the Latin hydrargyrum, “liquid silver or quick silver.” Although its toxicity was recognized at an early date, its main application was for medical purposes.


Amalgams, catalyst, electrical apparatus, cathodes for production of chlorine and caustic soda, instruments (thermometers, barometers, etc.), mercury vapor lamps, extractive metallurgy, mirror coating, arc lamps, boilers, coolant, and neutron absorber in nuclear power plants.


Metallic element of atomic number 80, group IIB of the periodic table, aw 200.59, valences = 1,2; 4 stable isotopes and 12 artificially radioactive isotopes.

생산 방법

Mercury is mined primarily in underground mines as the metal or as the red sulfide cinnabar (HgS). Like HgO, the sulfide decomposes at higher temperatures. Heating of the ore and condensation of the mercury vapor constitute a convenient procedure for reducing, extracting, and purifying mercury from its ore. In the United States, mercury is produced primarily from secondary sources; this involves recycling a variety of industrial waste products. A survey in 1980 conducted by the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health suggested that about 70,000 workers were exposed to mercury and its compounds; the majority of these exposures involves mercury vapor. However, this number has probably already decreased considerably, and occupational mercury vapor exposure has now become fairly rare in industrialized countries. On the other hand, numbers of workers exposed to mercury vapor from informal mining in developing countries has increased disproportionally and is causing health risks to workers and their families, including children.

일반 설명

An odorless, silvery metallic liquid. Insoluble in water. Toxic by ingestion, absorption and inhalation of the fumes. Corrosive to aluminum. Used as a catalyst in instruments, boilers, mirror coatings.

반응 프로필

MERCURY forms an explosive acelylide when mixed with acetylene. Can form explosive compounds with ammonia (a residue resulting from such a reaction exploded when an attempt was made to clean MERCURY off a steel rod [Chem. Eng. News 25:2138. 1947]. Chlorine dioxide (also other oxidants, such as: chlorine, bromine, nitric acid, performic acid), and MERCURY explode when mixed [Mellor 2, Supp. 1:381. 1956]. Methyl azide in the presence of MERCURY is potentially explosive [Can. J. Chem. 41:1048. 1963]. Ground mixtures of sodium carbide and MERCURY can react vigorously [Mellor 5:848. 1946-47]. Ammonia forms explosive compounds with gold, MERCURY, or silver. (Eggeman, Tim. mmonia Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001.).


Central nervous system impairment, peripheral nervous system impairment, and kidney damage. (1) Mercury, metallic: Highly toxic by skin absorption and inhalation of fume or vapor, absorbed by respiratory and intestinal tract. FDA permits zero addition to


Mercury is a non-specific toxin, attacking many of the body s systems. At low levels of exposure, symptoms are mainly related to nerve and brain function and include memory loss, mood instability, tremor, and other stress-like symptoms: poor coordination, headache, and visual and hearing problems. Recently, reproductive health has been shown to be affected, with abnormalities in menstrual cycle, poor outcome of pregnancy, and subfertility in both men and women. The immune system is also damaged by mercury exposure.


Behavior in Fire: Not flammable

인화성 및 폭발성

Mercury is not combustible.

Safety Profile

Poison by inhalation. Human systemic effects by inhalation: wakefulness, muscle weakness, anorexia, headache, tinnitus, hypermotihty, darrhea, liver changes, dermatitis, fever. An experimental teratogen. Experimental reproductive effects. Questionable carcinogen with experimental tumorigenic data. Human mutation data reported. Used in dental applications, electronics, and chemical synthesis. bromopropyne, alkynes + silver perchlorate, ethylene oxide, lithium, methylsilane + oxygen (explodes when shaken), peroxyformic acid, chlorine dioxide, tetracarbonylnickel + oxygen. May react with ammonia to form an explosive product. Mixtures with methyl azide are shockand spark-sensitive explosives. The vapor iptes on contact with boron diiodophosphide. Reacts violently with acetylenic compounds (e.g., acetylene, sodmm acetylide, 2-butyne-l,4 do1 + acid), metals (e.g., aluminum, calcium, potassium, sodium, rubidium, exothermic formation of amalgams), Cl2, ClO2, CH3N3, NazCz, nitromethane. Incompatible with methyl azide, oxidants. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of Hg. See also MERCURY COMPOUNDS.

잠재적 노출

Mercury is used as a catalyst, in dental applications; and in pharmaceuticals; as a liquid cathode in cells for the electrolytic production of caustic and chlorine. It is used in electrical apparatus (lamps, rectifiers, and batteries) and in control instruments (switches, thermometers, and barometers)


There is no conclusive evidence from epidemiological studies that mercury increases cancer risk in humans.12 In the few studies in which increases have been reported, concomitant exposure to other known carcinogens has confounded the results. The IARC has determined that there is inadequate evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity of mercury and mercury compounds.12 In animals there is inadequate evidence for carcinogenicity of metallic mercury and limited evidence for the carcinogenicity of mercuric chloride.


Mercury cycles through various environmental phases by exchange from ground to air and back again. Metallic and dimethylmercury, which are volatile, will be released as mercury vapor that can travel long distances before being redeposited. When found in surface waters and soils it will degas into the surrounding air where natural currents and winds spread the materials until they are deposited back on the surface waters and soils. The majority of mercury returned to the soil or water is by wet partition and accounts for almost all of the mercury found in lakes with no other input source. Inert mercury will deposit bound to particulates in aerosols. Once deposited, mercury must adsorb to soil or sediment particulates or be returned to the atmosphere. This cycle continues with a portion of the mercury revolatilizing into the atmosphere in each cycle.


Precautions should be taken to prevent spills of mercury because drops of the liquid metal can easily become lodged in floor cracks, behind cabinets, and equipment, etc., with the result that the mercury vapor concentration in the laboratory may then exceed the safe and allowable limits. Containers of mercury should be kept tightly sealed and stored in secondary containers (such as a plastic pan or tray) in a well-ventilated area. When breakage of instruments or apparatus containing significant quantities of Hg is possible, the equipment should be placed in a plastic tray or pan that is large enough to contain the mercury in the event of an accident. Transfers of mercury between containers should be carried out in a fume hood over a tray or pan to confine any spills.

운송 방법

UN2809 Mercury, Hazard class: 8; Labels: 8-Corrosive material, 6.1-Poisonous material

Purification Methods

After air has been bubbled through mercury for several hours to oxidise metallic impurities, it is filtered to remove coarser particles of oxide and dirt, then sprayed through a 4-ft column containing 10% HNO3. It is washed with distilled water, dried with filter paper and distilled under vacuum. [Schenk in Handbook of Preparative Inorganic Chemistry (Ed. Brauer) Academic Press Vol I p8 1963.]

비 호환성

Heating mercury causes the formation of toxic mercury oxide fumes. Reacts violently with alkali metals; acetylene, azides, ammonia gas; chlorine, chlorine dioxide; many acids; most metals; ground mixtures of sodium carbide, and ethylene oxide. Contact with methyl azide forms shock- and spark-sensitive explosives. Attacks copper and many other metals, forming amalgams

폐기물 처리

Consult with environmental regulatory agencies for guidance on acceptable disposal practices. Generators of waste containing this contaminant (≥100 kg/mo) must conform to EPA regulations governing storage, transportation, treatment, and waste disposal. Accumulate for purification and re-use if possible. Mercury vapors may be adsorbed or treated with sulfide solutions and then sent to mercury recovery operations

수은 준비 용품 및 원자재


준비 용품

수은 공급 업체

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yl01@ylmetallurgy.com China 9 58
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clara@hbshengyang.com China 895 58
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+86-17736087130 +86-18633844644
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Hubei Jusheng Technology Co.,Ltd.
linda@hubeijusheng.com CHINA 28172 58
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sales@czwytech.com CHINA 904 58

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