Mouse Anti-Human IgE Antibody

Mouse Anti-Human IgE Antibody

中文名称Mouse Anti-Human IgE Antibody
中文同义词HUMAN IGE单克隆抗体
英文名称Mouse Anti-Human IgE Antibody
英文同义词Mouse Anti-Human IgE Antibody
Mol文件Mol File
结构式Mouse Anti-Human IgE Antibody 结构式

Mouse Anti-Human IgE Antibody 性质

Mouse Anti-Human IgE Antibody 用途与合成方法

小鼠单克隆抗体[B3102E8]抗人IgE FcMouseHumanUnconjugated适用于: ELISA, WB, Dot blot, IHC-Fr, ICC

ELISA - Mouse monoclonal [B3102E8] Anti-Human IgE Fc (ab99804)

ELISA - Mouse monoclonal [B3102E8] Anti-Human IgE Fc (ab99804)
ELISA plate was coated with Human IgE. Immunoglobuliun was detected with serially diluted Mouse monoclonal [B3102E8] Anti-Human IgE Fc (ab99804) conjugated to Biotin followed by Streptavidin-HRP and ABTS.
This product has switched from ascites to tissue culture supernatant on 8th June 2020. Lot numbers higher than GR3258714 are from tissue culture supernatant.

Anti-Human secondary antibodies are affinity-purified antibodies with well-characterized specificity for human immunoglobulins and are useful in the detection, sorting or purification of its specified target. Secondary antibodies offer increased versatility enabling users to use many detection systems (e.g. HRP, AP, fluorescence). They can also provide greater sensitivity through signal amplification as multiple secondary antibodies can bind to a single primary antibody. Most commonly, secondary antibodies are generated by immunizing the host animal with a pooled population of immunoglobulins from the target species and can be further purified and modified (i.e. immunoaffinity chromatography, antibody fragmentation, label conjugation, etc.) to generate highly specific reagents.正常情况下血清IgE仅在ng/ml水平,用常规测定IgG或IgM的凝胶扩散法检测不出IgE,必须用高度敏感的放射免疫测定法及酶联免疫测定法进行检测。
Mouse Anti-Human IgE Antibody是一类可以特异性结合Human IgE的多克隆抗体,主要用于检测Human IgE的Western Blot、IHC-P、IF、ELISA、Co-IP等多种免疫学实验。



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