英文同义词2-(2-METHOXYPHENYL)-6-METHYL-4H-1-BENZOPYRAN-4-ONE;4H-1-Benzopyran-4-one, 2-(2-methoxyphenyl)-6-methyl-;2'MeO6MF;Gamma-aminobutyric acid Receptor,2'MeO-6MF,α2β2/3γ2L,γ-Aminobutyric acid Receptor,inhibit,GABAA,inflammatory,2'MeO6MF,GABA Receptor,α2β1γ2L,Inhibitor,sedative,neuroprotection,anxiolytic,stroke,α2β2/3;6-Methyl-2’-methoxyflavone;2'MeO6MF;2-(2-Methoxyphenyl)-6-methyl-4H-chromen-4-one
结构式2'MEO6MF 结构式

2'MEO6MF 性质

2'MEO6MF 用途与合成方法

2'MeO6MF 是一种可透过血脑屏障的 α2β1γ2L 和所有含 α1 的 GABAA 受体的正变构调节剂。2'MeO6MF 也可以直接激活 α2β2/3 和 α2β2/3γ2L GABAA 受体。2'MeO6MF 具有抗焦虑和镇静作用。2'MeO6MF 可提供神经保护作用并改善功能恢复,还可抑制中风诱发的炎症反应。

GABA A receptor

2'MeO6MF (100-300 µM; 60 min) weakly displaces [ 3 H]-flunitrazepam binding to rat brain synaptosomal membranes by 5-10%. 2'MeO6MF enhances [ 3 H]-muscimol binding to rat brain synaptic membranes in a concentration-dependent manner yielding a mean E max of 219.8% and apparent EC 50 =20.8 nM.
2'MeO6MF (1-300 µM) enhances the response elicited by a low concentration of GABA in a concentration-dependent manner at recombinant α1β2γ2L GABA A receptors expressed in XenopusM oocytes. 2'MeO6MF enhances the response elicited by GABA at recombinant α1β1,3γ2L and α1β2 GABA A receptors without any direct activation.
2'MeO6MF (1-10 µM; 60 min) increases tonic inhibitory currents in a concentration-dependent manner in granule cells.
2'MeO6MF (100-1000 µM; 6.5 h) inhibits the LPS-induced increase of NFkB activity in RAWblue TM macrophage cells.

2'MeO6MF (1-100 mg/kg; i.p.) displays anxiolytic-like effects in the elevated plus maze and light/dark tests. 2'MeO6MF induces sedative effects at higher doses in the holeboard, actimeter and barbiturate-induced sleep time tests.
2'MeO6MF (30 mg/kg; i.p.) increases tonic currents in layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons of mice after stroke.
2'MeO6MF (0.1-30 mg/kg; i.p.) is neuroprotective and enhances functional recovery after focal cerebral ischaemia in mice.

Animal Model: Male Balb-c mice (8-10 weeks, 25-35 g)
Dosage: 1, 10, 30, 100 mg/kg
Administration: I.p.
Result: No overt acute toxicity was observed.
Exerted anxiolytic effects at low doses and sedative effects at high doses without myorelaxant effects.



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