Shanghai Sino Biological Technology Co., Ltd.

Firmenname:Shanghai Sino Biological Technology Co., Ltd.
Produkte insgesamt:48


Rat Total bile acide,TBA ELISA Kit
Rat α1-Acid glycoprotein,α1-AGP ELISA Kit
Rat Tri-iodothyronine,T3 ELISA Kit
Chicken Tumor necrosis factor α,TNF-α ELISA KIT
Rat alcohol dehydrogenase,ADH ELISA Kit
Rat dipeptidyl peptldase Ⅳ,DPPⅣ ELISA Kit
Rat Motilin,MTL ELISA Kit
Rat TGF-beta-inducible early response gene-1,TIEG1 ELISA Kit
Porcine Interferon α,IFN-α ELISA Kit
Chicken very low density lipoprotein,VLDL ELISA Kit
Rat Dopamine D1 receptor,D1R ELISA Kit
Porcine growth hormone releasing hormone,GHRH ELISA Kit
Rat Cluster of differentiation 30,CD30 ELISA Kit
Rat FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3,Flt3 ELISA Kit
Rat p53/tumor protein,p53/TP53 ELISA Kit
Rat α1-microglobulin,α1-MG ELISA Kit
Rat Interleukin 1,IL-1 ELISA Kit
Rat Interleukin 11,IL-11 ELISA KIT
Rat Complement 4,C4 ELISA Kit
Rat Big Endothelin,Big ET ELISA Kit
Rat glutamic acid decarboxylase autoantibody,GAD-Ab ELISA Kit
Rat osteonectin,ON ELISA Kit
Rat activated protein C,APC ELISA Kit
Rat anti-Activin A receptor antibody,ACV-RAb ELISA Kit
Rat tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase 1,TIMP-1 ELISA Kit
Rat tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase 3,TIMP-3 ELISA Kit
Rat Hexokinase,HK ELISA Kit
Rat glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor,GDNF ELISA KIT
Rat Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide,GHRP ELISA Kit
Rat Aquaporin 0,AQP-0 ELISA Kit
Rat plasmin-antiplasmin complex,PAP ELISA Kit
Rat adiponectin,ADP ELISA Kit
Rat Histamine,HIS ELISA Kit
Rat Tissue factor,TF ELISA Kit
Chicken C-Reactive Protein,CRP ELISA Kit
Chicken Complement 3 split product,C3SP ELISA Kit
Nude mouse cyclooxygenase-2,COX-2 ELISA Kit
Guinea pig Epidermal growth factor,EGF ELISA Kit
Guinea pig ovalbumin specific IgG,OVA sIgG ELISA Kit
Duck virus enteritis,DEV ELISA Kit
Porcine interleukin 10,IL-10 ELISA Kit
Porcine apoprotein A1,apo-A1 ELISA Kit
Porcine Tissue-type Plasiminogen Actilyse,t-PA ELISA Kit
Rat Bone-specific Alkphase B,ALP-B ELISA Kit
Rat Neurotrophin 4,NT-4 ELISA KIT
Chicken follicle-stimulating hormone,FSH ELISA Kit
Sheep Phosphorylated adenosine monophosphate activated protein kinase,AMPK ELISA kit
Guinea pig Tumor necrosis factor α,TNF-α ELISA Kit
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