Beijing Dakco is Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

Firmenname:Beijing Dakco is Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Telefon:010-64828744 15601365316
Produkte insgesamt:6348
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Recombinant Human Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Non Receptor Type-6
Recombinant Human SCAN domain containing 1
Recombinant Human Seryl-tRNA Synthetase
Recombinant Human SUB1 Homolog
Recombinant Human Ubiquitin Conjugating Enzyme E2C
Recombinant Human Xeroderma Pigmentosum, Complementation Group A
Recombinant Human Quinoid Dihydropteridine Reductase
Recombinant Human Regulator of G-Protein Signaling 10
Recombinant Human RNA Binding Motif Protein 3
Recombinant Human Roadblock Domain Containing 3
Recombinant Human Septin-2
Recombinant Human Serpin Peptidase Inhibitor, Clade G Member 1
Recombinant Human Signaling Threshold Regulating Transmembrane Adaptor 1
Recombinant Human Speckle-Type POZ Protein
Recombinant Human STE20-Related Kinase Adaptor Alpha
Recombinant Human Thymine-DNA Glycosylase
Recombinant Human Tissue Specific Transplantation Antigen P35B
Recombinant Human Vesicular Overexpressed in Cancer, Prosurvival Protein 1
Recombinant Human Zinc Finger, Matrin-Type 3
Recombinant Human Proline-Rich Protein HaeIII Subfamily 1
Recombinant Human Proteasome Beta Type 10
Recombinant Human Selenoprotein X 1
Recombinant Human Threonyl-tRNA Synthetase
Recombinant Human Tubulin Folding Cofactor E-Like
Recombinant Human Twisted Gastrulation Protein
Recombinant Human Ubiquitin Conjugating Enzyme E2Z
Recombinant Human Ubiquitin-Conjugating Enzyme E2F
Recombinant Human Usher Syndrome 1C
Recombinant Human WD Repeat Domain 5
Recombinant Human Zinc Finger Protein 514
Recombinant Human Zinc Finger, C4H2 Domain Containing
Recombinant Human Programmed Cell Death 1 Ligand 2
Recombinant Human Ras-Related GTP Binding C
Recombinant Human Spastic Paraplegia 21
Recombinant Human Sprouty-Related EVH1 Domain Containing 1
Recombinant Human TNFAIP3 Interacting Protein 1
Recombinant Human Ubiquitin Conjugating Enzyme E2N
Recombinant Human Visinin-Like Protein-1
Recombinant Human Zinc Finger HIT-Type Containing 1
Recombinant Human Proteasome Subunit Beta Type 9
Recombinant Human Quinone Oxidoreductase-like Protein 1
Recombinant Human Sorting Nexin 1
Recombinant Human Ubiquitin Conjugating Enzyme E2E3
Recombinant Human Ubiquitin-Conjugating Enzyme E2L 3
Recombinant Human Prolyl Endopeptidase
Recombinant Human Regulator of G-Protein Signaling 19
Recombinant Human RNA Exonuclease 1
Recombinant Human ST3 Beta-Galactoside Alpha-2,3-Sialyltransferase 5
Recombinant Human Thioredoxin Reductase 3 Neighbor
Recombinant Human Tyrosyl-tRNA Synthetase
Recombinant Human within BCGN Homolog
Recombinant Human Zinc Finger, CCHC Domain Containing 12
Recombinant HumanS100 Calcium Binding Protein Z
Recombinant Human RCD1 Required for Cell Differentiation1
Recombinant Human Serine Racemase
Recombinant Human Siah E3 Ubiquitin Protein Ligase 1
Recombinant Human Small Ubiquitin-Related Modifier 2, GST
Recombinant Human SNRPN Upstream Reading Frame
Recombinant Human Survival Motor Neuron Domain Containing 1
Recombinant Human Thiamin Pyrophosphokinase 1
Recombinant Human Tubby Like Protein 1
Recombinant Human Twinfilin-1
Recombinant Human Zinc Finger HIT-Type Containing 3
Recombinant Human Zinc Finger, AN1-Type Domain 1
Recombinant Human Ras Homolog Enriched in Brain
Recombinant Human Small Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein 70kDa
Recombinant Human S-phase Kinase-Associated Protein 1 Isoform A
Recombinant Human Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory Protein
Recombinant Human TGFB1-Induced Anti-Apoptotic Factor 1
Recombinant Human Ubiquitin Conjugating Enzyme E2B
Recombinant Human Ubiquitin Conjugating Enzyme E2L 6
Recombinant Human Ubiquitin-Fold Modifier 1
Recombinant Human UL16 Binding Protein 1
Recombinant Human WW And C2 Domain Containing 1
Recombinant Human Zymogen Granule Protein 16 Homolog
Recombinant Human Proteasome Subunit Alpha Type 7
Recombinant Human Ring Finger & CHY Zinc Finger Domain Containing 1
Recombinant Human RNA Exonuclease 2
Recombinant Human Secreted Phospholipase A2-IIE
Recombinant Human Shwachman-Bodian-Diamond Syndrome
Recombinant Human SNF8, ESCRT-II Complex Subunit
Recombinant Human Stathmin-1
Recombinant Human THO Complex 7
Recombinant Human U2 Small Nuclear RNA Auxiliary Factor 1
Recombinant Human Ubiquitin-Conjugating Enzyme E2I
Recombinant Human UBX Domain Protein 2B
Recombinant Human Vesicle Transport Through Interaction with t-SNAREs Homolog 1B
Recombinant Human Proliferating Cell Antigen, S9
Recombinant Human Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase
Recombinant Human Regenerating Islet-Derived 1 Alpha
Recombinant Human Sialidase 1
Recombinant Human Src-Like-Adaptor 2
Recombinant Human Synaptonemal Complex Central Element Protein 3
Recombinant Human Thiamine Triphosphatase
Recombinant Human Three Prime Repair Exonuclease 2
Recombinant Human Transcription Elongation Factor A (SII)- 1
Recombinant Human VAMP Associated Protein A, 33kDa
Recombinant Human V-Set and Transmembrane Domain Containing 2 Like
Recombinant Human WAP Four-Disulfide Core Domain 2
Recombinant Human Zinc Finger Protein 346
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