上海笃玛生物科技有限公司 公司信息

公司名称: 上海笃玛生物科技有限公司
电话: 021-60520536
网址: www.dumabio.com


Human Ultra Sensitive Prostate Specific Antigen,PSA U S ELISA Kit 人超敏前列腺特异性抗原(PSA-U S)ELISA试剂盒
Human Estrogen-induced protein pS2 ELISA Kit 人雌激素诱导蛋白PS2 ELISA试剂盒
Human cytokeratin Low Molecular Weight,CK-LMW ELISA Kit 人低分子量细胞角蛋白(CK-LMW)ELISA试剂盒
Human low density lipoprotein receptor,LDLR ELISA Kit 人低密度脂蛋白受体(LDLR)ELISA试剂盒
Human aryl hydrocarbon receptor,AhR ELISA Kit 人芳香烃受体(AhR)ELISA试剂盒
Human parathyroid hormone related peptide,PTHrp ELISA Kit 人副甲状旁腺激素相关肽(PTHrp)ELISA试剂盒
Human Matrix metalloproteinase 10,MMP-10 ELISA kit 人基质金属蛋白酶10(MMP-10)ELISA试剂盒
Human Kallikrein 6,KLK 6 ELISA Kit 人激肽释放酶6(KLK 6)ELISA试剂盒
Human calcitonin gene related peptide,CGRP ELISA Kit 人降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)ELISA试剂盒
Human Osteogenic Growth Peptide,OGP ELISA Kit 人成骨生长肽(OGP)ELISA试剂盒
Human dynamin 2,DNM2 ELISA Kit 人发动蛋白2(DNM2)ELISA试剂盒
Human calmodulin,CAM ELISA Kit 人钙调素(CAM)ELISA试剂盒
Human high mobility group protein 17,HMG-17 ELISA Kit 人高速泳动蛋白17(HMG-17)ELISA试剂盒
Human oligomeric protein ELISA Kit 人寡聚蛋白(oligomeric)ELISA试剂盒
Human Connexin,Cx ELISA Kit 人间隙连接蛋白(Cx)ELISA试剂盒
Human rheumatoid factor,RF ELISA Kit 人类风湿因子(RF)ELISA试剂盒
Human soluble leukocyte antigen G (SHLA-G) ELISA detection kit 人可溶性白细胞抗原G(sHLA-G)ELISA检测试剂盒
Human forkhead box O3,FOXO3 ELISA Kit 人叉头框蛋白03(FoxO3)ELISA试剂盒
Human maturation promoting factor,MPF ELISA Kit 人成熟促进因子(MPF)ELISA试剂盒
NA 人的端粒酶活性检测ELISA检测试剂盒
Human Peptide YY ELISA Kit 人多肽YY(Peptide-YY)ELISA试剂盒
Human Caspase 12,Casp-12 ELISA Kit 人胱天蛋白酶12(Casp-12)ELISA试剂盒
human Prostaglandin D2-methoxime,PGD2-MOX ELISA KIT 人甲肟前列腺素D2(PGD2-MOX)ELISA试剂盒
Human Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor,CNTF ELISA Kit 人睫状神经营养因子(CNTF)ELISA试剂盒
Human Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor,M-CSF ELISA kit 人巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(M-CSF)ELISA试剂盒
Human anti-calmodulin specific antibody,CaM-ab ELISA Kit 人抗钙调素特异抗体(CAM-ab)ELISA试剂盒
Human glomerular basement membrane antibogy,GBM ELISA Kit 人抗肾小球基底膜抗体(GBM)ELISA试剂盒
Human anti-cell membrane DNA antibody,cmDNA ELISA Kit 人抗细胞膜DNA抗体(cmDNA)ELISA试剂盒
Human granzymes B,Gzms-B ELISA Kit 人颗粒酶B(Gzms-B)ELISA试剂盒
Human Soluble Cluster of differentiation 38,sCD38 ELISA Kit 人可溶性白细胞分化抗原38(sCD38)ELISA试剂盒
Human Ankyrin B (ANK-B) ELISA Kit 人锚蛋白B(Ank-B)ELISA试剂盒
Human Anti-adrenocortical antibody,AAA ELISA Kit 人抗肾上腺皮质抗体(aaa)ELISA试剂盒
Human delta sleep-inducing peptide,DSIP ELISA Kit 人促睡眠肽(DSIP)ELISA试剂盒
human prolactin,PRL ELISA Kit 人催乳素(PRL)ELISA试剂盒
Human Herpes simplex virus 2,HSV-Ag2 ELISA Kit 人单纯疱疹病毒抗原2(HSV-Ag2)ELISA试剂盒
Human High mobility group protein 1,HMG-1 ELISA Kit 人高迁移率族蛋白1(HMG-1)ELISA试剂盒
Human skeletal muscle Actinin-α,sm Actinin-α ELISA Kit 人横纹肌辅肌动蛋白α (sm Actinin-α )ELISA试剂盒
Human Arginase,Arg ELISA Kit 人精氨酸酶(Arg)ELISA试剂盒
Human macrophage stimulating protein,MSP ELISA Kit 人巨噬细胞刺激蛋白(MSP)ELISA试剂盒
Human anti-Mi2-antibody ELISA Kit 人抗Mi2抗体(anti-Mi2-Ab)ELISA试剂盒
Human anti-albumin antibody,AAA ELISA Kit 人抗白蛋白抗体(AAA)ELISA试剂盒
Human anti-golgi apparatus antibody,AGAA ELISA Kit 人抗高尔基体抗体(AGAA)ELISA试剂盒
Human Attacin ELISA Kit 人抗菌肽(Attacin)ELISA试剂盒
Human tubular basement membrane antibogy,TBM ELISA Kit 人抗肾小管基底膜抗体(TBM)ELISA试剂盒
Human salivary duct autoantibody,SDA ELISA Kit 人抗唾液腺导管组织抗体(SDA)ELISA试剂盒
Human orosomucoid, ORM ELISA Kit 人类粘蛋白(ORM) ELISA试剂盒
Human Protein S ELISA Kit 人蛋白S(Protein S)ELISA试剂盒
Human Calreticulin,CRT ELISA Kit 人钙网蛋白(CRT)ELISA试剂盒
Human cyclooxygenase-2,COX-2 ELISA Kit 人环加氧酶2(COX-2)ELISA试剂盒
Human Calcitonin,CT ELISA Kit 人降钙素(CT)ELISA试剂盒
Human Agrin ELISA Kit 人聚集蛋白(Agrin)ELISA试剂盒
Human InterferonαAntibody,IFNα-Ab ELISA Kit 人抗α干扰素抗体(IFNα-Ab)ELISA试剂盒
Human anti-hepatitis B virus core IgG antibody,HBc-IgG ELISA Kit 人抗乙型肝炎病毒核心igg抗体(hbcab-igg)ELISA试剂盒
soluble receptor for advanced glycation end products ELISA Kit 人可溶性晚期糖基化终末产物受体(sRAGE)ELISA试剂盒
Human tenascin-R,TN-R ELISA Kit 人肌腱蛋白R(TN-R)ELISA试剂盒
Human Thyroxine-Binding Globulin Assay,TBG ELISA Kit 人甲状腺结合球蛋白(TBG)ELISA试剂盒
Human Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor Receptor,M-CSFR ELISA Kit 人巨噬细胞集落刺激因子受体(M-CSFR)ELISA试剂盒
Human Soluble Cluster of differentiation 40 ligand,sCD40L ELISA Kit 人可溶性白细胞分化抗原40配体(sCD40L)ELISA试剂盒
Human leukocyte antigen E,HLA-E ELISA Kit 人类白细胞抗原E(HLA-E)ELISA试剂盒
Human Leishimaria antibody ELISA Kit 人利什曼原虫抗体(Leishimaria Ab)ELISA试剂盒
Human Erkeratin IGA (GLIADIN-IGA) ELISA Kit 人麦角蛋白IgA(Gliadin-IgA)ELISA试剂盒
Human forkhead box O1,FOXO1 ELISA Kit 人叉头框蛋白01(FoxO1)ELISA试剂盒
Human Factor-related Apoptosis ligand,FASL ELISA Kit 人凋亡相关因子配体(FASL)ELISA试剂盒
Human Ubiquitin,Ub ELISA Kit 人泛素蛋白(Ub)ELISA试剂盒
Human nonsmall cell lung cancer/Lung tumor Antigen,LTA ELISA Kit 人非小细胞肺癌抗原(LTA)ELISA试剂盒
Human Hepatitis G virus IgM,HGV-IgM ELISA Kit 人庚型肝炎病毒IgM(HGV-IgM)ELISA试剂盒
Human decay-accelerating factor,DAF ELISA Kit 人降解加速因子(DAF)ELISA试剂盒
Human anti-Ku-antibody ELISA Kit 人抗Ku抗体(anti-Ku-Ab)ELISA试剂盒
Human anti-typhus antibody ELISA Kit 人抗斑疹伤寒抗体(anti-typhus-Ab)ELISA试剂盒
Human anti-rubella virus IgM antibody,anti-RV IgM ELISA Kit 人抗风疹病毒IgM抗体(anti-RV IgM)ELISA试剂盒
Human Collagen autoantibody,CLA ELISA Kit 人抗胶原蛋白抗体(CLA)ELISA试剂盒
Human anti-cartilage-antibody ELISA Kit 人抗软骨抗体(anti-cartilage-Ab)ELISA试剂盒
Human soluble Factor-related Apoptosis ligand,sFASL/Apo-1 ELISA Kit 人可溶性凋亡相关因子配体(sFASL)ELISA试剂盒
human Hepatitis D virus IgG,HDV IgG ELISA Kit 人丁型肝炎IgG(HDV IgG)ELISA试剂盒
Human Bone morphogenetic protein receptor Ⅱ,BMPR-Ⅱ ELISA Kit 人骨成型蛋白受体Ⅱ(BMPR-Ⅱ)ELISA试剂盒
Human myogenin,MYOG ELISA Kit 人肌细胞生成素(MYOG)ELISA试剂盒
Human Collagenase I ELISA Kit 人胶原酶I(Collagenase I)ELISA试剂盒
Human epidermal basement membrane zone,EBMZ ELISA Kit 人抗表皮细胞基底膜抗体(EBMZ)ELISA试剂盒
Human Anti-nuclear Antibody,ANA ELISA Kit 人抗核抗体(ANA)ELISA试剂盒
Human Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor,GM-CSF ELISA Kit 人粒细胞巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(GM-CSF)ELISA试剂盒
Human Herpes simplexvirus Ⅰ antibody,HSVⅠ-Ab ELISA Kit 人单纯疱疹病毒Ⅰ型抗体(HSVⅠ-Ab)ELISA试剂盒
Human low-density lipoprotein-receptor-related protein,LRP-6 ELISA Kit 人低密度脂蛋白受体相关蛋白6(LRP-6)ELISA试剂盒
Human Pulmonary surfatcant-associated protein B,SP-B ELISA Kit 人肺表面活性物质相关蛋白B(SP-B)ELISA试剂盒
Human secreted phospholipase A2,sPLA2 ELISA Kit 人分泌型磷脂酶A2(sPLA2)ELISA试剂盒
Human talin ELISA Kit 人踝蛋白(talin)ELISA试剂盒
Human anti-toxoplasma IgM antibody,anti-tox IgM ELISA Kit 人抗弓形体IgM抗体(anti-tox IgM)ELISA试剂盒
Human Anti-Skin Antibody,ASA ELISA Kit 人抗皮肤抗体(ASA)ELISA试剂盒
Human lymphotoxinα, LTA Elisa Kit 人淋巴毒素α(LTA)ELISA试剂盒
Human forkhead box O2,FOXO2 ELISA Kit 人叉头框蛋白02(FoxO2)ELISA试剂盒
ubiquitin D ELISA Kit 人泛素蛋白D(UBD)ELISA试剂盒
Human Chlamydia pneumoniae antibody,Cpn-Ab ELISA Kit 人肺炎衣原体抗体(Cpn-Ab)ELISA试剂盒
Human Calretinin,CR ELISA Kit 人钙结合蛋白(CR)ELISA试剂盒
Human hepatocyte growth factor,HGF ELISA kit 人肝细胞生长因子(HGF)ELISA试剂盒
human Ultrasensitivity Thyroxine,u-T4 ELISA Kit 人高敏甲状腺素(u-T4)ELISA试剂盒
Human lumican ELISA Kit 人基膜聚糖(lumican)ELISA试剂盒
Human Procalcitonin,PCT ELISA Kit 人降钙素原(PCT)ELISA试剂盒
Human arginine vasopressin,AVP ELISA Kit 人精氨酸加压素(AVP)ELISA试剂盒
Human Anti-Complement 1q antibody,C1q ELISA Kit 人抗补体1q抗体(C1q)ELISA试剂盒
Human anti-parainfluenza virus IgG antibody,anti-PIV IgG ELISA Kit 人抗副流感病毒IgG抗体(anti-PIV IgG )ELISA试剂盒
Human Anti-glucoprotein 210,GP210 ELISA Kit 人抗核膜糖蛋白210抗体(gp210)ELISA试剂盒
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