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  •       天津市光复科技发展有限公司是集南开大学化学学院、生命科学院、材料科学院、物理电子学院等教授博士、硕士生之才,专业从事科研、开发、生产高纯、色谱、基准、生化、环保、标准溶液等试剂的高科技企业。 本所技术力量雄厚、设备工艺先进,质量体系健全、管理科学严谨。拥有大型原子发射光谱仪、原子吸收光谱仪、气相色谱仪、高压液相色谱仪、紫外可见分光光度计、红外分光光度计等分析检测仪器,无论在开发新品种还是在保证产品的质量上,都具有独特的竞争能力。
英文名称 中文名称 CAS号 操作
NA 淡水藻保存液Ⅰ 详细
NA Harris苏木精液 详细
Sudan IV staining solution-A solution 苏丹Ⅳ染色液-A液 详细
Methyl green staining solution (1%) 甲基绿染色液(1%) 详细
Amino Black 10B staining solution (0.1%) 氨基黑10B染色液0.1% 详细
GILL hematoxylin staining solution (GILL NO.1) Gill苏木素染色液(Gill No.1) 详细
Safranin O ethanol solution (1%) 番红O乙醇溶液(1%) 详细
Sand yellow / saffron red T saturated ethanol solution 沙黄/藏红T饱和乙醇溶液 详细
Alizarin Red S staining solution (2%) 茜素红S染色液(2%) 详细
Victoria Blue Stain Solution 维多利亚蓝染色液 详细
NA 淡水藻保存液Ⅲ 详细
Selenium 硒粒 7782-49-2 详细
EA50 staining solution EA50染色液 详细
Sudan III Solution 苏丹Ⅲ染色液 详细
Methyl green staining solution (0.1%) 甲基绿染色液(0.1%) 详细
Basic Fuchsin, 5% in ethanol 碱性品红乙醇溶液(5%) 详细
Solid green staining solution (0.1%) 固绿染色液(0.1%) 详细
White Blood Cell Dilution 白细胞稀释液(计数液) 详细
Toluidine blue aqueous solution (0.1%) 甲苯胺蓝水溶液(0.1%) 详细
Urine sediment staining solution (STERNHEIMER method) 尿沉渣染色液(Sternheimer法) 详细
Fast Green FCF Stain Solution 固绿FCF染色溶液 详细
Coomassie Blue Decolorizing solution 考马斯亮蓝脱色液 详细
Hematoxylin stain HARRIS 苏木素染液(Harris) 详细
Toluidine Blue O solution,0.5% in sodium borate 甲苯胺蓝染色液(0.5%,硼酸盐法) 详细
Crystal violet-citric acid staining solution (0.1%) 结晶紫-柠檬酸染色液(0.1%) 详细
HEINZ small body staining solution (Nair blue method) Heinz小体染色液(耐尔蓝法) 详细
Nuclear Fast Red solution, 0.1% 核固红染色液(0.1%) 详细
Thiopurine staining solution (0.4%) 硫堇染色液(0.4%) 详细
A solution of gentian violet (0.1%) 龙胆紫水溶液(0.1%) 详细
Sodium lactate aqueous solution (4%) 乳酸钠水溶液(4%) 详细
NA 亮绿PA染色液(0.1%) 详细
NA 淡水藻保存液Ⅱ 详细
NA 茜素红S染色液(0.2%,pH=4.2) 详细
Toluidine Blue O solution,1% in PBS 甲苯胺蓝染色液(1%,磷酸盐法) 详细
Melanin lipoprotein staining solution (Nile blue method) 黑色素脂褐素染色液(尼罗蓝法) 详细
GILL hematoxylin staining solution (GILL NO.2) Gill苏木素染色液(Gill No.2) 详细
Tannic acid/tannic acid solution (5%) 鞣酸/单宁酸水溶液(5%) 详细
Lead monoxide 氧化铅 1317-36-8 详细
NA AFIP甲酸-柠檬酸钠液 详细
NA EA25染色液 详细
Propidium iodide PI staining solution (1MG/ML) 碘化丙啶PI染色液(1mg/ml) 详细
RAKOFF staining solution Rakoff染色液 详细
EHRLICH hematoxylin staining solution Ehrlich苏木素染色液 详细
Sudan III alcohol saturated solution 苏丹Ⅳ酒精饱和溶液 详细
Phenol basic fuchsin solution (5%/0.5%) 苯酚碱性品红溶液(5%/0.5%) 详细
Solid green staining solution (0.5%) 固绿染色液(0.5%) 详细
HEINZ small body staining solution (crystal violet method) Heinz小体染色液(结晶紫法) 详细
Toluidine Blue O Cartilage Stain solution 软骨染色液(甲苯胺蓝法) 详细
Alizarin Red S staining solution (0.1%, PH4.2) 茜素红S染色液(0.1%,pH=4.2) 详细
EA65 staining solution EA65染色液 详细
Sahuang/Zhonghong T aqueous solution (2%) 沙黄/藏红T水溶液(2%) 详细
Lichen red ethanol solution (1%) 地衣红乙醇溶液(1%) 详细
Nuclear solid red staining solution (0.2%) 核固红染色液(0.2%) 详细
Thiopurine staining solution (1%) 硫堇染色液(1%) 详细
A solution of gentian violet (0.5%) 龙胆紫水溶液(0.5%) 详细
Chromic acid/chromium oxide aqueous solution (4%) 铬酸/三氧化铬水溶液(4%) 详细
Ponceau S Staining Solution 丽春红染色液 详细
Alizarin Red S staining solution (1%) 茜素红S染色液(1%) 详细
Alkaline reddish ethanol saturated solution 碱性复红乙醇饱和溶液 详细
NA 曙红(伊红Y)染液 详细
Toluidine Blue O solution,0.5% in PBS 甲苯胺蓝染色液(0.5%,磷酸盐法) 详细
Trypan blue staining solution (1%) 台盼蓝染色液(1%) 详细
Modified Lillie-Mayer Hematoxylin solution 改良Lillie-Mayer苏木素染色液 详细
Coomassie brilliant blue 考马斯亮蓝快速染色液 详细
GILL hematoxylin staining solution (GILL NO.3) Gill苏木素染色液(Gill No.3) 详细
Bright green staining solution (1%) 亮绿染色液(1%) 详细
Orange yellow G phosphotungstic acid solution (2%) 橙黄G磷钨酸溶液(2%) 详细
Basic Red 1:1 瑞氏-姬姆萨复合染液 3068-39-1 详细
Starch hydrolysis test reagent 淀粉水解试验试剂 详细
NA 半薄切片染色液(甲苯胺蓝法) 详细
NA 番红固绿(植物)染液 详细
EA36 staining solution EA36染色液 详细
Reticulocyte Stain solution 网织红细胞染色液 详细
Modified Harris Hematoxylin solution 改良Harris苏木素染色液 详细
Safranin O ethanol solution (0.5%) 番红O乙醇溶液(0.5%) 详细
Brilliant Cresyl Blue solution 煌焦油蓝染色液 详细
Carbol-fuchsin solution, modified 改良型carbolic acid复红染液(卡宝品红染液) 详细
Coomassie Blue Staining Solution 考马斯亮蓝染色液 详细
IEF Coomassie Brilliant Blue Staining Solution IEF考马斯亮蓝染色液 详细
NA 茜素红S染色液(2%,pH=4.2) 详细
Electrolytic decalcification solution (formic acid method) 电解脱钙液(甲酸法) 详细
Malachite green aqueous solution (1%) 孔雀石绿水溶液(1%) 详细
Basic Fuchsin Solution, 1% 碱性品红水溶液(1%) 详细
Crystal violet Solution 10% in methanol 结晶紫饱和甲醇溶液 详细
Trypan Blue 台盼蓝染色液(0.4%) 72-57-1 详细
Chromic acid/chromium oxide aqueous solution (8%) 铬酸/三氧化铬水溶液(8%) 详细
METHYL RED-METHYLENE BLUE 甲基红-亚甲基蓝溶液(乙醇溶液) 详细
Crystal violet saturated ethanol solution 结晶紫饱和乙醇溶液 详细
Thiopurine staining solution (2%) 硫堇染色液(2%) 详细
Nissl staining solution (toluidine blue method) 尼氏染色液(甲苯胺蓝法) 详细
NA 台盼蓝染色液(4%) 详细
Toluidine Blue O solution,1% in sodium borate 甲苯胺蓝染色液(1%,硼酸盐法) 详细
Hematoxylin anhydrous ethanol solution (10%) 苏木素无水乙醇溶液(10%) 详细
Goldner trichrome stain kit Goldner三色染色液 详细
Congo red staining solution (1%) 刚果红染色液(1%) 详细
Red blood cell dilution (counting solution) 红细胞稀释液(计数液) 详细
Methyl green staining solution (2%) 甲基绿染色液(2%) 详细
Bright green staining solution (2%) 亮绿染色液(2%) 详细
Sodium lactate aqueous solution (1%) 乳酸钠水溶液(1%) 详细
Nissl staining solution 尼氏染色液(硫堇法) 详细
Gentian Violet Aqueous Solution (1%) 龙胆紫水溶液(1%) 详细
产品总数:1605 产品页码:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17


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