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英文名称 中文名称 CAS号 操作
Folic Acid EP Impurity G Sulfate 叶酸EP杂质G 硫酸盐 详细
D-glucono-1,4-lactone D-葡糖酸-1,4-内酯 1198-69-2 详细
Dexamethasone EP Impurity F 地塞米松EP杂质F 382-67-2 详细
Naproxen EP Impurity L 萘普生EP杂质L 3900-45-6 详细
Ampicillin EP Impurity M 氨苄西林EP杂质M 114977-84-3 详细
Apixaban Impurity 3 (BMS-778960-01) 阿哌沙班杂质3 (BMS-778960-01) 2098457-92-0 详细
Amorolfine EP Impurity A 阿莫罗芬EP杂质A 78613-39-5 详细
Entecavir EP Impurity A 恩替卡韦EP杂质A 1367369-78-5 详细
Rivaroxaban EP Impurity A 利伐沙班EP杂质A 865479-71-6 详细
1R 3S 4R-Ent-Entecavir (1R,3S,4R)-恩替卡韦 188399-46-4 详细
Memantine Related Compound A 美金刚胺相关化合物A 702-79-4 详细
Paracetamol EP Impurity G 对乙酰氨基酚EP杂质G 34523-34-7 详细
Budesonide EP Impurity I 布地奈德EP杂质I 113930-13-5 详细
Moxifloxacin EP Impurity G (HCl) 莫西沙星EP杂质G(HCL) 1394029-14-1 详细
Methotrexate EP Impurity H 甲氨蝶呤EP杂质H 67022-39-3 详细
Metoprolol EP Impurity D 美托洛尔EP杂质D 62572-90-1 详细
Furosemide EP Impurity F 速尿EP杂质F 4793-38-8 详细
(3S,5R)-Atorvastatin EP Impurity B (single configuration) Calcium salt (3S,5R)-阿托伐他汀EP杂质B(单一构型)钙盐 887196-25-0 详细
Pranoprofen Impurity 2 普拉洛芬杂质2 52549-19-6 详细
Metformin EP Impurity A 二甲双胍EP杂质A 461-58-5 详细
Levocarnitine EP Impurity C Chloride 左卡尼汀EP杂质C氯化物 6490-20-6 详细
Paracetamol EP Impurity C 对乙酰氨基酚EP杂质C 3964-54-3 详细
Dapagliflozin Impurity 14 达格列净杂质14 2271248-78-1 详细
Phenylephrine Impurity 14 去氧肾上腺素杂质14 939-38-8 详细
Entecavir EP Impurity D 恩替卡韦EP杂质D 1367369-80-9 详细
Clarithromycin EP Impurity F 克拉霉素EP杂质F 128940-83-0 详细
Ceftizoxime RC 4 头孢唑肟 RC 4 929101-89-3 详细
Acetaminophen EP Impurity H 对乙酰氨基酚EP杂质H 2623-33-8 详细
Choline Fenofibrate EP Impurity B 胆碱非诺贝特EP杂质B 42017-89-0 详细
Choline Fenofibrate EP Impurity A 胆碱非诺贝特EP杂质A 42019-78-3 详细
Calcitriol EP Impurity C(Mixture of Diastereomers) 钙三醇EP杂质C(非对映混合物) 86307-44-0 详细
Prilocaine Impurity 6 (Lidocaine Impurity 16) 丙胺卡因杂质6(利多卡因杂质16) 39084-88-3 详细
Progesterone EP Impurity A 黄体酮EP杂质A 24377-08-0 详细
Febuxostat Impurity 16 非布索坦杂质16 1335202-60-2 详细
Tizanidine Impurity 6 替扎尼定杂质6 173532-15-5 详细
Bisoprolol Impurity 14 比索洛尔杂质14 177034-57-0 详细
Progesterone EP Impurity B 黄体酮EP杂质B 145-14-2 详细
Ceftazidime EP Impurity A 头孢他啶EP杂质A 1000980-60-8 详细
Carbocisteine Impurity 4(Mixture of diastereomers) 羧甲司坦杂质4(非对映异构体混合物) 5439-87-2 详细
Ursodeoxycholic Acid EP Impurity F 熊去氧胆酸EP杂质F 4651-67-6 详细
Cefixime EP Impurity E 头孢克肟EP杂质E 72701-01-0 详细
Furosemide EP Impurity B 速尿EP杂质B 2736-23-4 详细
Aspirin Impurity 2 阿司匹林杂质2 636-46-4 详细
Stanolone-d4 雄诺龙-d4 521-18-6 详细
Acetylcysteine Impurity 17 乙酰半胱氨酸杂质17 25779-79-7 详细
Valaciclovir EP Impurity I(Aciclovir EP Impurity A) 伐昔洛韦EP杂质I(阿昔洛韦EP杂质A) 102728-64-3 详细
Amphotericin B EP Impurity C 两性霉素B EP杂质C 136135-61-0 详细
(R)-Carbidopa (R)-卡比多巴 28875-92-5 详细
Topiroxostat Impurity 2 ( Isoniazid Impurity 5 ) 托匹司他杂质2(异烟肼杂质5) 100-48-1 详细
Olopatadine Impurity 1 奥洛他定杂质1 1331668-21-3 详细
Δ2-Cefcapene Pivoxil Δ2-头孢卡品酯 详细
Oseltamivir Impurity 22 奥司他韦杂质22 详细
Sodium Valproate EP Impurity C 丙戊酸钠EP杂质C 62391-99-5 详细
Nicorandil EP Impurity A 尼可地尔EP杂质A 65141-47-1 详细
Mometasone Furoate EP Impurity C 糠酸莫米松EP杂质C 1305334-31-9 详细
Loxoprofen Impurity 66 洛索洛芬杂质66 334948-52-6 详细
Metronidazole EP Impurity C 甲硝唑EP杂质C 5006-69-9 详细
Brexpiprazole Impurity 28 依匹哌唑杂质28 1191900-51-2 详细
Irinotecan USP Rc E 伊立替康USP RCE 78287-27-1 详细
Ampicillin EP Impurity D 氨苄青霉素EP杂质D 32746-94-4 详细
Propranolol EP Impurity A 普萘洛尔EP杂质A 36112-95-5 详细
Metoprolol EP Impurity J 美托洛尔EP杂质J 163685-37-8 详细
Metronidazole EP Impurity G 甲硝唑EP杂质G 1010-93-1 详细
Sertraline EP Impurity B HCl 舍曲林EP杂质B盐酸盐 52758-05-1 详细
Buspirone EP Impurity A 丁螺环酮EP杂质A 20980-22-7 详细
Pregabalin Impurity 53 普瑞巴林杂质53 61312-87-6 详细
Baloxavir Impurity 11 巴洛沙伟杂质11 1985607-69-9 详细
Salbutamol EP Impurity Q 沙丁胺醇EP杂质Q 54030-32-9 详细
Ilaprazole Impurity 34 艾普拉唑杂质34 2285351-50-8 详细
Flurbiprofen EP Impurity B (Mixture of Diastereomers) 氟比洛芬EP杂质B(非对映异构体的混合物) 1797883-74-9 详细
Diclofenac EP Impurity E 双氯芬酸EP杂质E 59-48-3 详细
Ondansetron EP Impurity G 恩丹西酮EP杂质G 99614-03-6 详细
Sodium Picosulfate EP Impurity B 匹可硫酸钠EP杂质B 603-41-8 详细
1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine 1,2-二硬脂酰基-sn-丙三基-3-磷酸胆碱 816-94-4 详细
Lansoprazole EP Impurity E 兰索拉唑EP杂质E 583-39-1 详细
Progesterone EP Impurity M (17-alpha-Progesterone) 黄体酮EP杂质M 2000-66-0 详细
Olmesartan Medoxomilum EP Impurity C 奥美沙坦酯EP杂质C 879562-26-2 详细
Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate EP Impurity F 地塞米松磷酸钠EP杂质F 详细
Metoclopramide EP Impurity G 胃复安EP杂质G(盐酸盐C4X-141530有备货) 171367-22-9 详细
Guaifenesin EP Impurity B 愈创甘油醚EP杂质B 14007-09-1 详细
Stearic Acid 硬脂酸 57-11-4 详细
Clenbuterol EP impurity B 克伦特罗EP杂质B 37845-71-9 详细
Levalbuterol HCl 左旋沙丁胺醇 HCl 50293-90-8 详细
Olopatadine Related compound C 奥洛他定USP RC C 55453-87-7 详细
Avibactam Sodium Salt 阿维巴坦钠 1192491-61-4 详细
Acyclovir EP Impurity C 阿昔洛韦EP杂质C 91702-61-3 详细
Piracetam EP Impurity C 吡拉西坦EP杂质C 61516-73-2 详细
Cetirizine EP Impurity A 西替利嗪EP杂质A 303-26-4 详细
Dydrogesterone EP Impurity A 去氢孕酮EP杂质A 23035-53-2 详细
Amikacin EP Impurity F 阿米卡星EP杂质F 197909-67-4 详细
Clarithromycin EP Impurity A 克拉霉素EP杂质A 124412-58-4 详细
Ruxolitinib Impurity 1 鲁索利替尼杂质1 2606144-44-7 详细
5-(1H-purrole-1-yl)-2-marcapto- benzimidazole 5-(1H-purrole-1-yl)-2-marcapto-苯并咪唑 172152-53-3 详细
Baloxavir Impurity 16 巴洛沙伟杂质16 详细
Orlistat Impurity 2 奥利司他杂质2 104872-28-8 详细
Levodopa EP Impurity C 左旋多巴EP杂质C 7636-26-2 详细
Diclofenac EP Impurity F 双氯芬酸钠EP杂质F 560075-65-2 详细
Tadalafil 他达拉非 171596-29-5 详细
Rivaroxaban EP Impurity B 利伐沙班EP杂质B 1429334-00-8 详细
Levocarnitine EP Impurity A 左卡尼汀EP杂质A 144205-67-4 详细
产品总数:15726 产品页码:
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