高减水型聚羧酸减水剂母液,high range water reducing superplasticizing admixture liquor
  • 高减水型聚羧酸减水剂母液,high range water reducing superplasticizing admixture liquor
  • 高减水型聚羧酸减水剂母液,high range water reducing superplasticizing admixture liquor
  • 高减水型聚羧酸减水剂母液,high range water reducing superplasticizing admixture liquor


价格 21.5 8600
包装 25kg 1000kg
最小起订量 1000kg
发货地 湖北
文件下载 MSDS
更新日期 2024-03-25


中文名称:高减水型聚羧酸减水剂母液英文名称:high range water reducing superplasticizing admixture liquor
品牌: 华轩产地: 武汉
保存条件: 常温纯度规格: 50% solid content
产品类别: Concrete Admixture
别名: 高减水型聚羧酸醚类减水剂型号: KH-204
主要用途: 现浇混凝土、钢筋混凝土、预拌混凝土或泵送混凝土
2024-03-25 高减水型聚羧酸减水剂母液 high range water reducing superplasticizing admixture liquor 25kg/21.5RMB;1000kg/8600RMB 21.5 华轩 武汉 常温 50% solid content Concrete Admixture

Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer

KH-204 is a high range water reducing and superplasticizing admixture. HUAXUAN KH-204 meets the requirements for ASTM C-494 Types A and F.
KH-204 is water reducing type functional mother liquor based on HUAXUAN polymer technology.
   Product Performance                

·Ultra High Water Reduction:  KH-204 can be dosed in small amounts to obtain water reduction from 10-18%, and will achieve water reduction up to 45 % at highdosage rates. KH-204 is suitable for all levels of water reduction.                   

·High Plasticity and Cohesion: KH-204 is designed to be extended the side chains when polymering,which effectively hindering the secondary agglomeration between cement particles.Therefore, the superplasticizing action of KH-204 provides high dispersibility,flowing concrete that maintains excellent workability.KH-204 maintains excellent cohesion within the concrete matrix, and eliminates excessive bleeding or segregation.

KH-204 provides the following benefits in concrete:

▪Good early strength and reinforcement.The higher ultimate strengths allow for greater engineering design flexibility and structural economies.

▪Reduced water cement ratios produce more durable,dense concrete with reduced permeability.

▪Highly effective plasticizer effectively improved its shrinkage and creep properties and reduces surface defects like cracks in concrete elements and improves aesthetic appearance.

KH-204 is formulated to provide maximum water reduction, increased early strength, improved finishing characteristics.And its low alkali content significantly reduce the alkali-aggregate reaction of concrete and improve the freeze-thaw resistance of concrete.

KH-204 not contain formaldehyde,calcium chloride or any other intentionally added chlorides, and will not initiate or promote the corrosion of steel present in the concrete.

 Application Information              

Dosage rates will vary according to materials used, ambient conditions and the requirements of a specific project. HUAXUAN recommends dosage at 38 fl.oz. per 100 lbs. (195520 ml/100 kg) of cementitious for general concrete applications.

Dosage rates outside the recommended range may be used where specialized materials are specified, extreme ambient conditions are encountered or unusual project conditions require special consideration. Please contact your Huaxuan representative for more information and assistance. 

Mixing:For best superplasticizing results,KH-204 can be added directly to freshly mixed concrete in the concrete mixer at the end of batching cycle. KH-204 is also recommended to use with other admixtures,if used in combination with other HUAXUAN-KH series products,it may affect retaining workability of concrete.Pls contact Huaxuan representative for further information.

关键字: superplasticizing ;superplasticizer;polycarboxylate;Polycarboxylic acid;Water Reducer;


ORIGINAL FACTORY specialized in a group of polycarboxylate based, high performing, water-reducing superplasticizer concrete admixtures with more than 16 years
成立日期 2006-05-08 (19年) 注册资本 2010万人民币
员工人数 10-50人 年营业额 ¥ 500万-1000万
主营行业 助剂,羧酸类 经营模式 工厂
  • 武汉华轩高新技术有限公司
  • 公司成立:19年
  • 注册资本:2010万人民币
  • 企业类型:有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
  • 主营产品:Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer, TPEG Macromonomer,Polycarboxylate Ether polyehter defoamer
  • 公司地址:中国湖北武汉经济技术开发区乌金工业园华轩产业园


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