子式Molecular formula:C7H5Bi04
分子量Molecular weight:362.11
用 途:主要是抗螺旋体病药的原料。
Description:This product is white or almost white powder,can dissolve in acid and alkali,but can not dissolve in water,alcohol and ether,no smell or taste,easily degenerate under light and decompose in the boiled water.
Usage:Used as anti—spirochaetosis material
质量标准Quality standard:USP
检测项目Test 检测标准Specification 干燥失重Loss on dry ≤1.0% 硝酸盐 Nitrate ≤0.4% 游离水杨酸 Free salicylic acid ≤2.0% 铜(Cu) Copper ≤10ppm 银(Ag) Silver ≤10ppm 铅(Pb) Lead ≤10ppm 砷(As) Arsenic ≤10ppm 可溶性铋 Soluble bismuth ≤40ppm 含量(以Bi计) Content of Bismuth 56.0%-59.4% 含量(以水杨酸计)Content of total salicylates 36.5%-39.3%