罗红霉素杂质 A

罗红霉素杂质 A

中文名称罗红霉素杂质 A
中文同义词红霉素 A 二水合物;禁止进口;罗红霉素杂质 A
英文同义词ERYTHROMYCIN A, DIHYDRATE VETRANAL;Roxithromycin Impurity A;Erythromycin A dihydrateQ: What is Erythromycin A dihydrate Q: What is the CAS Number of Erythromycin A dihydrate Q: What is the storage condition of Erythromycin A dihydrate;Erythromycin A, EvoPure
相关类别对照品-杂质对照品;Alphabetic;Chemical Structure;E;EQ - EZAntibiotics;MLS
结构式罗红霉素杂质 A 结构式

罗红霉素杂质 A 性质

熔点197.6 °C

罗红霉素杂质 A 用途与合成方法

Erythromycin dihyrate 是由放线菌产生的大环内酯类抗生素 (antibiotic),具有广泛的抗菌活性。Erythromycin dihyrate 通过结合细菌的 50S 核糖体亚基而起作用,并通过阻断转肽和/或易位反应来抑制 RNA 依赖性蛋白 (RNA-dependent protein synthesis) 的合成,而不会影响核酸的合成。

Erythromycin dihyrate inhibits growth of P. falciparum with IC 50 and IC 90 values of 58.2 μM and 104.0 μM, respectively.

Mice of the ddY strain began to receive Erythromycin dihyrate 7 days after inoculation of EAC cells, and CDF mice begins to receive Erythromycin dihyrate immediately after inoculation of P388 cells. Erythromycin dihyrate (gastric intubation; 0.1-50 mg/kg; 30-120 days) decreases tumor growth from the dose of 5 mg/kg, mice receiving 1-10 mg/kg of Erythromycin dihyrate survives much longer than control mice, Only 10% of mice treated with 5 mg/kg of Erythromycin dihyrate had no evidence of tumor formation on day 60, and the mice are alive even at 120 days after inoculation. However, treatment with 50 mg/kg of Erythromycin dihyrate shortens mean survival time in tumorbearing mice by 4-5 days when it compares to controls.

Animal Model: Female ddY mice at the age of 6 weeks with EAC cells or CDF mice at the age of 6 weeks with P388 cells
Dosage: 0.1 mg/kg; 0.5 mg/kg; 10 mg/kg; 30 mg/kg; 50 mg/kg
Administration: Gastric intubation; 30-120 days
Result: Decreased tumor growth and prolonged the mean survival time of mice from the dose of 5 mg/kg, however, the 50 mg/kg dosage shortens the MST in tumorbearing mice.


WGK Germany2


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