과황산 칼륨

과황산 칼륨
과황산 칼륨 구조식 이미지
카스 번호:
과황산 칼륨
디칼륨과황산염;디칼륨퍼옥소디황산염;디칼륨퍼옥시디황산염;칼륨퍼옥소황산염;칼륨퍼옥시디황산염;칼륨퍼옥시디황산염(K2(S2O8));칼륨퍼옥시디황산염(K2S2O3);과황산칼륨;안티온;과황산칼륨;포타슘퍼설페이트;과황산 칼륨;디칼륨 과황산염;디칼륨 퍼옥소디황산염;디칼륨 퍼옥시디황산염;칼륨 퍼옥소황산염;칼륨 퍼옥시디황산염;칼륨 퍼옥시디황산염(K2(S2O8);칼륨 퍼옥시디황산염(K2S2O3);퍼옥시디황산(((HO)S(O)2)2O2), 디칼륨 염
Potassium persulfate
포뮬러 무게:
MOL 파일:
MSDS 파일:

과황산 칼륨 속성

1067 °C
끓는 점
1689 °C
증기 밀도
9.3 (vs air)
0Pa at 25℃
저장 조건
Store at +5°C to +30°C.
H2O: 0.5 M at 20 °C, 투명, 무색
물리적 상태
물리적 상태
단단한 모양
Specific Gravity
3.2 (50g/l, H2O, 20℃)
냄새 없는
pH 범위
2.5 - 4.5
노출 한도
ACGIH: TWA 0.1 mg/m3
안정적인. 강한 산화제. 강력한 환원제, 유기 물질, 가연성 물질과 호환되지 않습니다.
-1 at 20℃
CAS 데이터베이스
7727-21-1(CAS DataBase Reference)
Potassium persulfate (7727-21-1)
  • 위험 및 안전 성명
  • 위험 및 사전주의 사항 (GHS)
위험품 표기 O,Xn
위험 카페고리 넘버 8-22-36/37/38-42/43
안전지침서 22-24-26-37
유엔번호(UN No.) UN 1492 5.1/PG 3
WGK 독일 1
RTECS 번호 TT5900000
HS 번호 2833 40 00
위험 등급 5.1
포장분류 III
유해 물질 데이터 7727-21-1(Hazardous Substances Data)
독성 LD50 orally in Rabbit: 802 mg/kg
기존화학 물질 KE-12177
그림문자(GHS): GHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictograms
신호 어: Danger
유해·위험 문구:
암호 유해·위험 문구 위험 등급 범주 신호 어 그림 문자 P- 코드
H272 화재를 강렬하게 함; 산화제 산화성 액체;산화성 고체 구분 2
구분 3
GHS hazard pictograms P210, P220, P221P280, P370+P378,P501
H302 삼키면 유해함 급성 독성 물질 - 경구 구분 4 경고 GHS hazard pictograms P264, P270, P301+P312, P330, P501
H315 피부에 자극을 일으킴 피부부식성 또는 자극성물질 구분 2 경고 GHS hazard pictograms P264, P280, P302+P352, P321,P332+P313, P362
H317 알레르기성 피부 반응을 일으킬 수 있음 피부 과민성 물질 구분 1 경고 GHS hazard pictograms P261, P272, P280, P302+P352,P333+P313, P321, P363, P501
H319 눈에 심한 자극을 일으킴 심한 눈 손상 또는 자극성 물질 구분 2A 경고 GHS hazard pictograms P264, P280, P305+P351+P338,P337+P313P
H334 흡입 시 알레르기성 반응, 천식 또는 호흡 곤란 등을 일으킬 수 있음 호흡기 과민성 물질 구분 1 위험 GHS hazard pictograms P261, P285, P304+P341, P342+P311,P501
H335 호흡 자극성을 일으킬 수 있음 특정 표적장기 독성 - 1회 노출;호흡기계 자극 구분 3 경고 GHS hazard pictograms
P210 열·스파크·화염·고열로부터 멀리하시오 - 금연 하시오.
P280 보호장갑/보호의/보안경/안면보호구를 착용하시오.
P301+P312 삼켜서 불편함을 느끼면 의료기관(의사)의 진찰을 받으시오.
P302+P352 피부에 묻으면 다량의 물로 씻으시오.
P305+P351+P338 눈에 묻으면 몇 분간 물로 조심해서 씻으시오. 가능하면 콘택트렌즈를 제거하시오. 계속 씻으시오.
NFPA 704
1 0

과황산 칼륨 C화학적 특성, 용도, 생산




Potassium persulfate, is composed of white crystals that are soluble in water, and it decomposes below 212°F (100°C). Potassium persulfate is a dangerous fire risk in contact with organic materials. It is a strong oxidizing agent and an irritant, with a four-digit UN identification number of 1492. The primary uses are in bleaching, as an oxidizing agent, as an antiseptic, as a polymerization promoter, and in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals.

화학적 성질

Potassium persulfate is a colorless or white, odorless crystalline material.

물리적 성질

Colorless or white crystals; triclinic structure; density 2.477 g/cm3; stable in solid crystalline form; decomposes on heating, evolving oxygen; completely decomposes at about 100°C; sparingly soluble in cold water 1.75 g/100mL at 0°C; moderately soluble at ordinary temperature, 5.29 g/100 mL at 20°C;aqueous solution acidic and unstable, decomposing slowly at room temperature and more rapidly when the solution is warmed; insoluble in alcohol.


Potassium persulfate?is a powerful oxidant, commonly used to initiate polymerizations. Potassium Persulphate used for bleaching and textile desizing, as an oxidizing agent and antiseptic, in purification of ammonium sulfate, and in the manufacture of soap and pharmaceuticals. It is also used as al laboratory oxidant and photography chemical. It is a food additive.

제조 방법

Potassium persulfate can be prepared by electrolysis of a mixture of potassium sulfate and potassium hydrogen sulfate at a high current density:
2KHSO4→K2S2O8+ H2
Also, the compound can be prepared by adding potassium hydrogen sulfate,KHSOto an electrolyzed solution of ammonium hydrogen sulfate, NH4HSO4.

일반 설명

A white crystalline solid. Specific gravity 2.477. Decomposes below 100°C.

공기와 물의 반응

Water soluble. Slowly decomposed by water. The salt rapidly liberates oxygen when heated, and especially so when wet.

반응 프로필

Potassium persulfate is an oxidizing agent. Noncombustible but accelerates the burning of combustible material. Potassium persulfate plus a little potassium hydroxide and water released sufficient heat and oxygen to ignite a polythene (polyethylene) liner in a container. [MCA Case History 1155. 1955].


Strong irritant and oxidizing agent. Fire risk in contact with organic materials.


Inhalation, ingestion or contact (skin, eyes) with vapors or substance may cause severe injury, burns or death. Fire may produce irritating, corrosive and/or toxic gases. Runoff from fire control or dilution water may cause pollution.


These substances will accelerate burning when involved in a fire. Some may decompose explosively when heated or involved in a fire. May explode from heat or contamination. Some will react explosively with hydrocarbons (fuels). May ignite combustibles (wood, paper, oil, clothing, etc.). Containers may explode when heated. Runoff may create fire or explosion hazard.


Potassium sulphate, also called sulphate of potash, is a white crystalline material, moderately hygroscopic, available in fine, granular and semi-granular forms. It contains 48 to 54% potassium (as K2O) and supplies 17 to 20 % of sulphate. Chloride-sensitive crops like tobacco, grapes and potato require chloride-free potassium fertilizers. Therefore, these crops are fertilized with potassium sulphate, although this is more expensive than potassium chloride. These three crops, being major crops, account for about 7% of the total potash consumption. For best results, potassium sulphate should contain at least 50 % potash by weight.
Potassium sulphate occurs in nature as 'langbeinite' , a double sulphate of potassium and magnesium (K2SO4?2MgSO4) and made from burkeite (Na2CO3?2Na2SO4), kainite (KCl?MgS04?3H2O) or potassium chloride (KCl) as follows:
When applied to soil, potassium ion from the watersoluble potassium sulphate is retained in the soil colloids and not easily leached out. This makes potassium sulphate an excellent fertilizer, useful for all soils and crops while sowing or before sowing. It is also a safe ingredient of powdered, mixed fertilizers.

Safety Profile

Moderately toxic by ingestion. An irritant and allergen. A powerful oxidtzer. Flammable when exposed to heat or by chemical reaction. Can react with reducing materials. It liberates oxygen above 100' when dry or @ about 50' when in solution. When heated to decomposition it emits highly toxic fumes of SOx,, S2O8, and K2O.

잠재적 노출

Potassium persulfate is used as a bleaching and oxidizing agent; it is used in redox polymeri- zation catalysts; in the defiberizing of wet strength paper and in the desizing of textiles. Soluble in water.

운송 방법

UN1492 Potassium persulfate, Hazard Class: 5.1; Labels: 5.1-Oxidizer.

Purification Methods

Crystallise the persulfate twice from distilled water (10mL/g) and dry it at 50o in a vacuum desiccator. Its solubility in H2O is 1.6% at 0o, 4.5% at 20o, and 7.2% at 30o. An aqueous solution decomposes on long standing with evolution of O2 and formation of KHSO4. It is a powerful oxidising agent. Store it at ~10o. [Fehér in Handbook of Preparative Inorganic Chemistry (Ed. Brauer) Academic Press Vol I p 390 1963.]

비 호환성

A strong oxidizer. Incompatible with combustible, organic or other readily oxidizable materials; sulfur, metallic dusts, such as aluminum dust; chlorates and perchlorates. Attacks chemically active metals. Keep away from moisture.

폐기물 처리

Use large volumes of reducing agents (bisulfites, e.g.). Neutralize with soda ash and drain into sewer with abundant water.

과황산 칼륨 준비 용품 및 원자재


준비 용품

과황산 칼륨 공급 업체

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