
Hydrogen telluride Struktur
Englisch Name:
Hydrogen telluride
TeH2;ellane;tellane;Einecs 231-981-5;Dihydrotellurium;Tellurium hydride;Dihydridetellurium;Hydrogen telluride;Hydrogen telluride(H2Te);Hydrogen telluride ISO 9001:2015 REACH

Dihydrogentellurid Eigenschaften

bp -2°
dliq-12 2.68
soluble in H2O, ethanol, alkaline solutions
colorless gas
soluble H2O, unstable solution; soluble alcohol and alkalies [HAW93]
CAS Datenbank
  • Risiko- und Sicherheitserklärung
  • Gefahreninformationscode (GHS)
Bildanzeige (GHS) GHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictograms
Alarmwort Achtung
Code Gefahrenhinweise Gefahrenklasse Abteilung Alarmwort Symbol P-Code
H220 Extrem entzündbares Gas. Entzündbare Gase Kategorie 1 Achtung GHS hazard pictogramssrc="/GHS02.jpg" width="20" height="20" /> P210, P377, P381, P403
H280 Enthält Gas unter Druck; kann bei Erwärmung explodieren. Gase unter Druck verflüssigtes Gas Warnung GHS hazard pictogramssrc="/GHS04.jpg" width="20" height="20" /> P410+P403
H330 Lebensgefahr bei Einatmen. Akute Toxizität inhalativ Kategorie 1 Achtung GHS hazard pictogramssrc="/GHS06.jpg" width="20" height="20" /> P260, P271, P284, P304+P340, P310,P320, P403+P233, P405, P501
P210 Von Hitze, heißen Oberflächen, Funken, offenen Flammen und anderen Zündquellenarten fernhalten. Nicht rauchen.
P260 Dampf/Aerosol/Nebel nicht einatmen.
P271 Nur im Freien oder in gut belüfteten Räumen verwenden.
P284 Atemschutz tragen.
P304+P340 BEI EINATMEN: Die Person an die frische Luft bringen und für ungehinderte Atmung sorgen.
P320 Besondere Behandlung dringend erforderlich
P377 Brand von ausströmendem Gas: Nicht löschen, bis Undichtigkeit gefahrlos beseitigt werden kann.
P381 Bei Undichtigkeit alle Zündquellen entfernen.
P403 An einem gut belüfteten Ort aufbewahren.
P403+P233 An einem gut belüfteten Ort aufbewahren. Behälter dicht verschlossen halten.
P405 Unter Verschluss aufbewahren.
P410+P403 Vor Sonnenbestrahlung schützen. An einem gut belüfteten Ort aufbewahren.
P501 Inhalt/Behälter ... (Entsorgungsvorschriften vom Hersteller anzugeben) zuführen.

Dihydrogentellurid Chemische Eigenschaften,Einsatz,Produktion Methoden


Hydrogen telluride has the formula, H2Te. The simplest hydride of Te, it is rarely encountered because of its tendency to decompose to the constituent elements. Most compounds with Te–H bonds are unstable with respect to loss of H2. H2Te is chemically and structurally similar to H2S, and both are acidic species with H–X–H angles approaching 90°.The tellurides of the alkaline earth metals tend to immediately decompose on exposure to air, with liberation of tellurium. H2Te is prepared by the acidification of salts of Te2-,such as Al2Te3 and Na2Te.
Na2Te can be generated by the reaction of Na and Te in anhydrous ammonia. The intermediate in the acidification, the HTe is a stable anion.
H2Te is an endothermic compound, and is unstable in air, rapidly decomposing into water and elemental tellurium:
2H2Te+ O2 → 2H2O+ 2Te
It is almost as acidic as phosphoric acid (pKa=8.1×10-3), having a pKa value of about 2.3×10-3. It reacts with many metals to form tellurides. However, many of these are unstable relative to their decomposition to the elements. Its CAS number is 7783-09-7 and its molecular weight is 129.6158 g/mol. It is a colorless gas and is toxic if breathed. Its density is 3.310 g/cm3 and its melting point is –49°C with a boiling point of –2.2°C. Its solubility in water is 0.701 g/100 ml of water at 20°C.

Chemische Eigenschaften

Colorless gas.Soluble in water but unstable; soluble in alcohol and alkalies.

Physikalische Eigenschaften

Colorless gas; strong garlic-like odor; stable to light when dry but under-goes photochemical decompostion in the presence of moisture and dust; den-sity 5.68 g/L; liquefies to a colorless unstable liquid at -2°C, decomposed bylight; liquid density 2.57 g/mL at -20°C; solidifies at -49°C; soluble in water,alcohol and alkalies; pKa 2.6 (for first dissociation constant at 18°C) and 11.0(the dissociation constant at 25°C) for the second replaceable hydrogen.


It is synthesized by the action of acid on aluminum telluride. It has no industrial uses.


Hydrogen telluride is prepared by the reaction of aluminum telluride,Al2Te3 with hydrochloric acid:
Al2Te3 + 6HCl → 3H2Te + 2AlCl3
It also may be prepared by electrolysis of a 50% sulfuric acid solution using atellurium cathode.


See hydrogen selenide.

Dihydrogentellurid Upstream-Materialien And Downstream Produkte


Downstream Produkte

Dihydrogentellurid Anbieter Lieferant Produzent Hersteller Vertrieb Händler.

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Hubei Jusheng Technology Co.,Ltd.
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Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd
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1026@dideu.com China 8132 58
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027-88013699 17354350817
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jjlchem2@163.com China 9981 58
Shaanxi DIDU pharmaceutical and Chemical Co., Ltd 17691182729 18161915376
1046@dideu.com China 10010 58

7783-09-7(Dihydrogentellurid)Verwandte Suche:

  • Hydrogen telluride
  • Dihydridetellurium
  • Dihydrotellurium
  • Tellurium hydride
  • TeH2
  • Einecs 231-981-5
  • tellane
  • ellane
  • Hydrogen telluride ISO 9001:2015 REACH
  • Hydrogen telluride(H2Te)
  • 7783-09-7
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