
회향씨추출물 구조식 이미지
카스 번호:
Fennel, ext.
Foeniculum;Fennel, ext.;Fema no. 2482;Fema no. 2481;Einecs 283-414-6;Extract of fennel;FennelSeedOil=Fencheloel;Foeniculum Vulgare Seed Extract;foeniculum vulgare fruit extract;Fennel, common (foeniculum vulgare mill.)
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100.00%에서. 회향
?? ??
  • 위험 및 안전 성명
  • 위험 및 사전주의 사항 (GHS)
그림문자(GHS): GHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictograms
신호 어: Danger
유해·위험 문구:
암호 유해·위험 문구 위험 등급 범주 신호 어 그림 문자 P- 코드
H226 인화성 액체 및 증기 인화성 액체 구분 3 경고
H304 삼켜서 기도로 유입되면 치명적일 수 있음 흡인 유해성물질 구분 1 위험 GHS hazard pictograms
H315 피부에 자극을 일으킴 피부부식성 또는 자극성물질 구분 2 경고 GHS hazard pictograms P264, P280, P302+P352, P321,P332+P313, P362
H317 알레르기성 피부 반응을 일으킬 수 있음 피부 과민성 물질 구분 1 경고 GHS hazard pictograms P261, P272, P280, P302+P352,P333+P313, P321, P363, P501
H341 유전적인 결함을 일으킬 것으로 의심됨 (노출되어도 생식세포 유전독성을 일으키지 않는다는 결정적인 증거가 있는 노출경로가 있다면 노출경로 기재) 생식세포 변이원성 물질 구분 2 경고 P201,P202, P281, P308+P313, P405,P501
H410 장기적 영향에 의해 수생생물에 매우 유독함 수생 환경유해성 물질 - 만성 구분 1 경고 GHS hazard pictograms P273, P391, P501
P201 사용 전 취급 설명서를 확보하시오.
P202 모든 안전 조치 문구를 읽고 이해하기 전에는 취급하지 마시오.
P261 분진·흄·가스·미스트·증기·...·스프레이의 흡입을 피하시오.
P264 취급 후에는 손을 철저히 씻으시오.
P264 취급 후에는 손을 철저히 씻으시오.
P272 작업장 밖으로 오염된 의복을 반출하지 마시오.
P273 환경으로 배출하지 마시오.
P280 보호장갑/보호의/보안경/안면보호구를 착용하시오.
P281 요구되는 개인 보호구를 착용하시오
P302+P352 피부에 묻으면 다량의 물로 씻으시오.
P308+P313 노출 또는 접촉이 우려되면 의학적인 조치· 조언를 구하시오.
P321 (…) 처치를 하시오.
P332+P313 피부 자극이 생기면 의학적인 조치· 조언을 구하시오.
P333+P313 피부자극성 또는 홍반이 나타나면 의학적인 조치·조언를 구하시오.
P362 오염된 의복을 벗고 세척 후에 재사용하기
P363 다시 사용전 오염된 의류는 세척하시오.
P391 누출물을 모으시오.
P405 밀봉하여 저장하시오.
P501 ...에 내용물 / 용기를 폐기 하시오.

회향씨추출물 C화학적 특성, 용도, 생산


Herbaceous, perennial plant, native to the Mediterranean regions; it grows wild or cultivated almost everywhere - central Europe, India, Argentina, and the United States. Only the cultivated plant is used for extractive purposes. The plant closely resembles sweet fennel, F. vulgare Mill. var. dulce, with the exception of having somewhat larger seeds. Also sweet fennel does not grow wild; it is cultivated only. The green parts of the plant, dried seeds, and roots are used. Fennel, common has a warm, camphoraceous odor with a bitter, slightly burning flavor.
The essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the dried, comminuted seeds in varying yields, usually from 2.5 to 6.5%, depending on the plant origin. It is a colorless to pale-yellow liquid with an aromatic, spicy odor and an initially slightly bitter, camphoraceous, then sweet flavor.
The main constituents include d-pinene, camphene, d-α-phellan- drene, dipentene, 50 to 60% anethole, fenchone, methyl chavicol, aldehydes, and anisic acid. Also 2,3- or 1,3-dimethyl butadiene has been identified in a seed oil originally from South Dakota. The essential oil distilled from green parts of the plant (herb oil) containsd-oc-phellandrene, pinene, a small amount of anethole, methyl chavicol, fenchone, and other substances .
The derivatives are hydroalcoholic tinctures and fluid extract (from the seeds and roots).

화학적 성질

Fennel is an herbaceous, perennial plant, native to the Mediterranean regions; it grows wild or cultivated almost every- where—central Europe, India, Argentina, and the United States Only the cultivated plant is used for extractive purposes The plant closely resembles sweet fennel, with the exception of having somewhat larger seeds Also, sweet fennel does not grow wild; it is culti- vated only A number of subspecies have been identifed and their names add to the potential confusion surrounding the terminology of fennel plants The green parts of the plant, dried seeds and roots are used Fennel common has a warm, camphoraceous odor with a bitter, slightly burning favor.


fennel extract (Foeniculum vulgare) is described as a cleanser and detoxifier indicated for oily skin types. The principal constituents of fennel oil are anethol and fenchone, plus d-pinene, phellandrine, anisic acid, and anisic aldehyde. Anethol, also a main constituent of anise oil, may produce hives, scaling, and blisters when applied directly to the skin. The therapeutic properties of fennel oil are most probably because of fenchone, and so only the varieties of fennel that contain a good proportion of fenchone are suitable for therapeutic use. Fennel oil is obtained from a distillation of the seeds.

Essential oil composition

The essential oils evidenced five chemical groups characterized by (1) α-phellandrene, methyl chavicol and trans-anethole; (2) α-pinene, limonene and trans-anethole; (3) methyl chavicol and α-phellandrene; (4) methyl chavicol and α-pinene; and (5) α-phellandrene. The main constituents of common fennel include d-pinene, camphene, d-alpha-phellandrene, dipentene, 50 to 60% anethole, fenchone, methyl chavicol, aldehydes and anisic acid. Also 2,3- or 1,3-dimethyl butadiene has been identified in a seed oil originally from South Dakota. The essential oil distilled from green parts of the plant (herb oil) contains d-alpha-phellandrene, pinene, a small amount of anethole, methyl chavicol, fenchone and other substances.

회향씨추출물 준비 용품 및 원자재


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