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英文名称 中文名称 CAS号 操作
Antimicrobial 抗菌剂 详细
Soft smoothing agent 柔软平滑剂 详细
Mercerized penetrant 丝光渗透剂 详细
Hydrophilic softener 亲水性柔软剂 详细
Polyethylene Glycol Monocetyl Ether 聚氧乙烯醚 9004-95-9 详细
PH slip agent PH滑动剂 详细
Alcohol polyoxyethylene ether 醇聚氧乙烯醚 详细
Printing and dyeing auxiliary 印染助剂 详细
Acid dye fixing agent 酸性染料固色剂 详细
Dyeing agent 导染剂 详细
Antistatic agent 静电防止剂 详细
Magnesium chloride 氯化镁 14989-29-8 详细
Disperse dye PH stabilizer 分散染料PH稳定剂 详细
Strong degreaser 强效去油剂 详细
Low foaming soaping agent 低泡性皂洗剂 详细
Wool scouring agent 羊毛精练剂 详细
Infiltration scouring agent 毛用渗透精练剂 详细
NS-398 抑制剂 123653-11-2 详细
Slipping agent 平滑剂 详细
Degreaser 去油剂 详细
Level dyeing repairing agent 匀染修补剂 详细
Acrylic dye inhibitor 腈纶染料抑制剂 详细
Dyeing agent 道染剂 详细
Polyester fiber 聚脂纤维 详细
Synergistic chelating wetting agent 综效螯合润湿剂 详细
Promoter 增进剂 详细
Alkaline reducing lotion 碱性还原洗剂 详细
Blocking agent 阻染剂 详细
Soaping agent 皂洗剂 详细
Dye-fixing agent 固色剂 详细
Chelating agent E 螯合剂E 详细
Yellowing inhibitor 黃变防止剂 详细
Acrylic dye dispersant 腈纶染料分散剂 详细
Wool special comprehensive effect scouring agent 羊毛专用综效精练剂 详细
Osmosis scouring agent 渗透精练剂 详细
Acid wool leveling agent 酸性羊毛均染剂 详细
Wool and silk fiber 羊毛和真丝纤维 详细
Chelating disperse agent 螯合分散剂 详细
Cotton softener 棉用柔软剂 详细
Disperse dye leveling agent 分散染料均染剂 详细
Acid scouring agent 酸精练剂 详细
Synergistic chelating dispersant 综效螯合分散剂 详细
2-(2-Aminoethylamino)ethanol 羟乙基乙二胺 111-41-1 详细
Strong emulsified degreaser 强力乳化去油剂 详细
Silicon microemulsion softener 硅微乳型柔软剂 详细
cellulore 醋酸纤维 详细
Neutralisation agent 中和剂 详细
Polyethylene 聚乙烯蜡 9002-88-4 详细
Oligomer remover 齐聚物去除剂 详细
Special refining agent for wool 羊毛专用精炼剂 详细
Additive 助剂 详细
Cotton soaping agent 棉用皂洗剂 详细
Strong emulsion penetrant 强力乳化渗透剂 详细
Hydrophilic silicone oil softener 亲水性硅油柔软剂 详细
Reduction detergent enhancer 还原洗净强化剂 详细
ANTIOXIDANT 765 抗氧化剂 详细
Scouring agent 精练剂 详细
Acid fixing agent 酸性固色剂 详细
Leveling agent 均染剂 详细
Refined penetrant 精练渗透剂 详细
Nylon retarder 尼龙阻染剂 详细
Silicon microemulsion softener 硅微乳液型柔软剂 详细
Penetrating agent 渗透剂 详细
Diethylenetriamine pentamethylphosphonate 二乙烯三胺五甲叉膦酸钠 详细
Reduction inhibitor 还原防止剂 详细
Disodium edetate dihydrate 螯合剂 6381-92-6 详细
Hydrogen peroxide tranquilizer 双氧水安定剂 详细
Acid dye leveling agent 酸性染料均染剂 详细
Synergistic scouring agent 综效精练剂 详细
Acid neutral agent 酸中性剂 详细
Fiber reinforcement 纤维增强剂 详细
Organic silicon defoaming agent 有机硅消泡剂 详细
Dioctyl sulfosuccinate sodium salt 润湿剂 577-11-7 详细
alomond gum,cedo gum 稳定剂 详细
Anti-wrinkle agent 抗皱剂 详细
Acid dye PH slip agent 酸性染料PH滑动剂 详细
Reductive cleaner 还原清洗剂 详细
Rubbing fastness improver 摩擦牢度增进剂 详细
Cotton fixing agent 棉用固色剂 详细
Powerful scouring agent 强效精练剂 详细
Acid reducing lotion 酸性还原洗剂 详细
Wool special hydrogen peroxide stabilizer 羊毛专用双氧水安定剂 详细
Synthetic soap soaping agent 合成纤维皂洗剂 详细
Polyester fiber 聚脂胺纤维 详细
Polypropylene 聚丙烯纤维 9003-07-0 详细
FLUORESCENT BRIGHTENER 28 荧光增白剂 4404-43-7 详细
Strong wetting penetrant 强力润湿渗透剂 详细
Yellowing inhibitor 黄变抑制剂 详细
Acid bath reducing lotion 酸浴还原洗剂 详细
stabilizer of hydrogen peroxide 双氧水稳定剂 详细
Multi-functional additive 多功能助剂 详细
Softener for acrylon 腈纶柔软剂 详细
Low temperature high performance soaping agent 低温高效皂洗剂 详细
Anti-pilling agent 抗起毛起球剂 详细
Dyeing leveling agent 染色用均染剂 详细
Cellulose fiber 纤维素纤维 详细
Full fabric comprehensive effect scouring agent 全织物综效精练剂 详细
产品总数:105 产品页码:
1 2


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