Cellmano Biotech Limited

Cellmano Biotech Limited

Main products: custom peptide,cosmetic peptide,generic peptide,peptide synthesis

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Address: Room C608,Chiyuan venture park,Kexue Ave&WangJiang West Rd
Product Name MF CAS Details
Neuropeptide Y (2-36) (porcine) 102961-52-4 Details
Octreotide C51H70N10O12S2 79517-01-4 Details
(Pro34)-Peptide YY (human) C194H294N54O56 179986-93-7 Details
Pancreatic Polypeptide (rat) C195H298N58O57S1 90419-12-8 Details
Oxytocin Acetate C43H66N12O12S2 50-56-6 Details
β-Sheet Breaker Peptide C51H81N13O16 339990-32-8 Details
(Ser4,Ile8)-Oxytocin Isotocin C41H63N11O12S2 550-21-0 Details
Tyr-PDGF A-Chain (194-211) C101H181N39O25 137132-69-5 Details
cAMP-Dependent Protein Kinase Inhibitor-α (5-22) amide (human, mouse, rabbit, rat) C84H137N29O26 100853-58-5 Details
CYCLO(-GLY-TYR(PO3H2)-VAL-PRO-MET-LEU) C32H49N6O10PS 158778-21-3 Details
Prion Protein (118-135) (human) C68H112N18O22S2 202121-03-7 Details
Peptide YY (3-36) (canine, mouse, porcine, rat) C176H272N52O54 126339-09-1 Details
Pancreatic Polypeptide (bovine) 179986-89-1 Details
Biotinyl-Obestatin (human) C126H190N34O35S 1815618-10-0 Details
Preptin (rat) 315197-73-0 Details
Phosphorylase Kinase β-Subunit Fragment (420-436) C79H131N31O25S 150829-21-3 Details
Prion Protein (106-126) (human) C80H138N26O24S2 148439-49-0 Details
Biotinyl-Obestatin (rat) C124H188N36O33S 1815618-11-1 Details
Orexin B (human) Hypocretin-2 (human) C123H212N44O35S 205640-91-1 Details
Neurotensin (1-8) C46H71N13O14 80887-44-1 Details
Osteogenic Growth Peptide OGP C68H110N22O18 132996-61-3 Details
PACAP-38 (human, mouse, ovine, porcine, rat) 124123-15-5 Details
PACAP Related Peptide (1-29) (rat) C148H242N42O45S 132769-35-8 Details
Neuropeptide Y (3-36) (human, rat) C175H269N53O54S1 150138-78-6 Details
Neuropeptide Y (18-36) C112H174N36O27 114495-97-5 Details
Pancreatic Polypeptide (rana temporaria) C192H276N52O58 132187-74-7 Details
(Ala11,D-Leu15)-Orexin B (human) C120H206N44O35S 532932-99-3 Details
Oxytocin (free acid) C43H65N11O13S2 4248-64-0 Details
Neurotensin (1-11) C66H99N19O18 74032-89-6 Details
Peptide YY (3-36) (human) C180H278N53O54R 123583-37-9 Details
Orphan GPCR SP9155 Agonist P550 (mouse) Orphan G-Protein Coupled Receptor SP9155 Agonist Peptide P550 (mouse), P550 (mouse) C126H195N37O37 600171-70-8 Details
Chromostatin Chromogranin A (124-143) (bovine) C78H120N24O35 133633-11-1 Details
Peptide YY (13-36) (canine, mouse, porcine, rat) C135H209N41O38 86895-09-2 Details
(Leu31,Pro34)-Peptide YY (human) C195H296N54O56 179986-95-9 Details
Osteocalcin (37-49) (human) C75H104N20O19 89458-24-2 Details
Malantide C72H124N22O21 86555-35-3 Details
PDGF Antagonist C77H122N20O17 143784-00-3 Details
(Gln18)-Platelet Factor 4 (15-22) (human) C38H69N15O13 144207-60-3 Details
Osteocalcin (1-49) (human) C269H381N67O82S2 136461-80-8 Details
Acetyl-(Leu28·31)-Neuropeptide Y (24-36) Acetyl-(Leu28·31)-NPY (24-36) C81H131N27O19 155709-24-3 Details
Ovalbumin (323-339) (chicken, japanese quail) OVA (323-339) (chicken, japanese quail) C74H120N26O25 92915-79-2 Details
Acetyl-PACAP-38 (human, mouse, ovine, porcine, rat) C205H333N63O54S 156106-32-0 Details
Neurotensin C78H121N21O20 55508-42-4 Details
Obestatin (rat) C114H174N34O31 869705-22-6 Details
(Pro30,Tyr32,Leu34)-Neuropeptide Y (28-36) GR231118 C57H91N17O12 161650-01-7 Details
(Leu31,Pro34)-Neuropeptide Y (13-36) (human, rat) C134H206N40O35S 302798-54-5 Details
Nociceptin Orphanin FQ C79H129N27O22 170713-75-4 Details
Physalaemin C58H84N14O16S 2507-24-6 Details
Pancreatic Polypeptide (1-17)-(Ala31,Aib32)-Neuropeptide Y (18-36) (human) 313988-70-4 Details
(D-Tyr27·36,D-Thr32)-Neuropeptide Y (27-36) C61H99N19O15 163887-48-7 Details
Peptide YY (human) C194H295N55O57 118997-30-1 Details
p60 v-src (137-157) C111H168N30O35 131023-24-0 Details
(Phe2,Orn8)-Oxytocin (Phe2,Ile3,Orn8)-Vasopressin C42H65N13O11S2 2480-41-3 Details
Prolactin-Releasing Peptide (1-31) (rat) C28H24N4O5 215510-06-8 Details
Prolactin-Releasing Peptide (12-31) (human) C104H158N32O26 235433-36-0 Details
Orexin B (mouse, rat) Hypocretin-2 (mouse, rat) C126H215N45O34S 202801-92-1 Details
Pneumadin (rat) C47H74N12O15 130918-90-0 Details
(D-Tyr11)-Neurotensin C78H121N21O20 64088-62-6 Details
Pancreastatin (33-49) (porcine) Chromogranin A (272-288) (porcine) C77H119N23O30 106507-61-3 Details
PACAP-38 (16-38) (human, chicken, mouse, ovine, porcine, rat) C123H215N39O28S 144025-82-1 Details
(D-Trp32)-Neuropeptide Y (porcine) C197H290N56O56 153549-78-1 Details
Prion Protein (106-126) (human) (scrambled) C80H138N26O24S2 150469-23-1 Details
Pancreatic Polypeptide (human) C185H287N53O54S2 75976-10-2 Details
PACAP-27 (human, mouse, ovine, porcine, rat) C142H224N40O39S 127317-03-7 Details
Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase II (290-309) C103H185N31O24S 115044-69-4 Details
Prolactin-Releasing Peptide (1-31) (human) C160H252N56O42S 215510-22-8 Details
Nociceptin (1-13) amide Orphanin FQ (1-13) amide C61H100N22O15 178064-02-3 Details
Pneumadin (human) C41H70N12O14 130918-91-1 Details
(Thr4,Gly7)-Oxytocin C39H61N11O12S2 60786-59-6 Details
Autocamtide-2-Related Inhibitory Peptide C64H116N22O19 167114-91-2 Details
(Pro34)-Neuropeptide Y (porcine) C190H286N54O56 128768-54-7 Details
Neuropeptide Y (13-36) (human, rat) C134H207N41O36S 122341-40-6 Details
(D-Ala1)-Peptide T C35H55N9O16 106362-33-8 Details
Orphan GPCR SP9155 Agonist P518 (human) P518 (human), Orphan G-Protein Coupled Receptor SP9155 Agonist Peptide P518 (human) C127H195N37O37 600171-68-4 Details
Obestatin (human) C116H176N32O33 1081110-72-6 Details
(D-Ala1)-Peptide T amide DAPTA C35H56N10O15 106362-34-9 Details
Prolactin-Releasing Peptide (12-31) (rat) C104H158N32O26 222988-10-5 Details
Preptin (human) 315197-69-4 Details
Neuropeptide Y (3-36) (porcine) C176H271N53O54 143863-88-1 Details
Ovokinin Ovalbumin (358-365) (chicken), Gene X Protein Fragment (205-212) (chicken), Gene Y Protein (361-368) (chicken) C48H67N13O11 153512-29-9 Details
Neuropeptide Y (1-24) amide (human, rat) C116H170N30O40S 131448-51-6 Details
Osteostatin (human) Hypercalcemia of Malignancy Factor (107-139) (human), pTH-Related Protein (107-139) (human) C142H228N42O58 137348-10-8 Details
Pancreastatin (porcine) Chromogranin A (240-288) (porcine) C214H330N68O76S 106477-83-2 Details
Peptide YY (canine, mouse, porcine, rat) C190H288N54O57 81858-94-8 Details
(Gln4)-Neurotensin C78H122N22O19 61445-54-3 Details
Neuropeptide Y (22-36) C85H139N29O21 119019-65-7 Details
Polyphemusin II-Derived Peptide C90H141N33O18S2 229030-20-0 Details
Procathepsin B (36-50) (rat) C71H123N19O18S 317331-26-3 Details
Procathepsin B (26-50) (rat) C123H198N34O33S 317331-27-4 Details
(Ile3)-Pressinoic acid C30H44N8O10S2 34330-23-9 Details
Neurogranin (30-45) (human) C78H134N28O19S 146554-17-8 Details
Pancreastatin (33-48) (human) Chromogranin A (286-301) (human) C78H123N21O27S 133605-57-9 Details
Osteostatin amide (human) pTH-rP (107-139) amide (human), pTH-Related Protein (107-139) amide (human), Hypercalcemia of Malignancy Factor (107-139) amide (human) C142H229N43O57 204383-55-1 Details
Neuropeptide Y (13-36) (porcine) C135H209N41O36 113662-54-7 Details
Neuropeptide Y (2-36) (human, rat) 123139-39-9 Details
Orexin A (human, bovine, canine, mouse, ovine, porcine, rat) Hypocretin-1 (human, bovine, canine, mouse, ovine, porcine, rat) C152H243N47O44S4 205640-90-0 Details
cAMP-Dependent Protein Kinase Inhibitor-α (5-24) (human, mouse, rabbit, rat) C94H148N32O31 99534-03-9 Details
PACAP-27 (6-27) (human, chicken, mouse, ovine, porcine, rat) C121H193N33O31S 136134-68-4 Details
Pressinoic acid C33H42N8O10S2 35748-51-7 Details
PACAP-38 (6-38) (human, chicken, mouse, ovine, porcine, rat) C182H300N56O45S 143748-18-9 Details
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