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英文名称 中文名称 CAS号 操作
Mercerized penetrant 丝光渗透剂 详细
Chemical fiber moisture absorbing finishing agent 化纤吸湿整理剂 详细
Reduced penetrant 减量渗透剂 详细
Elastic fluffing agent P 弹性蓬松剂P 详细
Acidic repair agent 酸性修补剂 详细
Soy fiber bleach 大豆纤维漂白剂 详细
Fibrillation agent 开纤剂 详细
Waterborne polyurethane 水性聚氨酯 详细
Hygroscopic finishing agent 吸湿整理剂 详细
Chitin finishing agent RSP 甲壳素整理剂RSP 详细
Elastic fluffing agent 弹性蓬松剂 详细
Refined enzyme 精练酶 详细
Net antibacterial agent mycophenolate g 霉克净抗菌剂 详细
reducing agent 还原剂 详细
SB-30 plastic antibacterial agent SB-30塑料抗菌剂 详细
Dye leveller for cotton 棉用匀染剂 详细
Precipitation inhibitor 沉淀防止剂 详细
Smoothing agent 平滑整理剂 详细
Gloss improver 光泽改进剂 详细
Hydrophilic smoothing agent 亲水平滑剂 详细
Acrylic stripping agent 腈纶剥色剂 详细
Flame retardant LAT 阻燃剂LAT 详细
Stripping agent 剥色剂 详细
Desizing agent 退浆剂 详细
Chlorine fastness fixing agent 耐氯牢度固色剂 详细
Mercerized wool smoothing softener 丝光羊毛平滑柔软剂 详细
Antifouling soap lotion 防污皂洗剂 详细
Hygroscopic and Soil Release Finishing Agent Hygroscopic and Soil Release Finishing Agent 详细
Rohm and Haas Plastic Antibacterial Agent SB-1 罗门哈斯塑料抗菌剂SB-1 详细
Cleaning agent 清缸剂 详细
Alkali agent 代碱剂 详细
Polyester stripping agent 涤纶剥色剂 详细
Cosolvent 助溶剂 详细
Antiseptic and bactericide 防腐杀菌剂 详细
Nylon fixing agent 锦纶固色剂 详细
Non-yellowing cationic softeners 无黄变阳离子柔软剂 详细
Dec 十碳 详细
Stiffening resin 硬挺树脂 详细
Oligomer remover 低聚物去除剂 详细
Isotridecanol 异构十三醇 详细
Acid release agent 释酸剂 详细
Single-chain ten carbon 单支链十碳 详细
Pretreatment agent 前处理剂 详细
Cracking inhibitor 裂纱防止剂 详细
Flossing softener 起毛柔软剂 详细
Non-foaming soaping agent 无泡皂洗剂 详细
Wool fixing agent 羊毛固色剂 详细
Ammonia emulsion 氨硅乳液 详细
Polyester repair agent 涤纶修补剂 详细
Deepening agent 增深剂 详细
Bath smoothing agent 浴中平滑剂 详细
Bath fluffing agent 浴中蓬松剂 详细
Anionic soft oil 阴离子软油 详细
Nylon cotton anti-dyeing agent 锦棉防染剂 详细
Anti-pilling pilling agent CLS 抗起毛起球剂CLS 详细
Anti-wrinkle fluffing agent 抗皱蓬松剂 详细
Anti-wrinkle lubricant 抗皱润滑剂 详细
Anti-wrinkle scouring agent 抗皱精练剂 详细
SB-8 Plastic antibacterial agent SB-8塑料抗菌剂 详细
Rohm and Haas Plastic Antibacterial Agent SB-27 罗门哈斯塑料抗菌剂SB-27 详细
Reducing lotion 还原净洗剂 详细
产品总数:61 产品页码:


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