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这家是个骗子公司 拿着别家的图谱到处行骗,他家卖出去的东西都是假的,大家千万别买了, 买了就麻烦了 他们不会承认产品的问题 ,更不会积极解决 的
2018/11/30 11:49:41      Complaint    4,5-DIHYDRO-2-PHENYLOXAZOLE
Customer Service:  Product Quality:  Quote Speed:  Product Price:  Delivery Speed:
2018/11/30 10:32:07      Complaint    4,5-DIHYDRO-2-PHENYLOXAZOLE
Customer Service:  Product Quality:  Quote Speed:  Product Price:  Delivery Speed:
2018/11/30 10:10:15      Complaint    N-methylcyclopentanamine hydrochloride
Customer Service:  Product Quality:  Quote Speed:  Product Price:  Delivery Speed:
骗子公司:假货真货一起发;100g的产品, 居然掺进去90%的无机盐。自己拿不出分析图谱。让我们提供图谱, 我们提供了仍不认账,拒不退款。
2017/3/1 10:55:28      Complaint    N-methylcyclopentanamine hydrochloride
Customer Service:  Product Quality:  Quote Speed:  Product Price:  Delivery Speed:
骗子公司:假货真货一起发;100g的产品, 居然掺进去90%的无机盐。自己拿不出分析图谱。让我们提供图谱, 我们提供了仍不认账,拒不退款。
2017/3/1 10:54:43      Complaint
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