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BOC Sciences Confirms Bulk Offering of Pharmaceutical Impurities for Global Partners

Release time: 2023-04-10

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, BOC Sciences, the world's reputed chemical supplier, declares that it will increase production to offer pharmaceutical impurity standards in bulk to satisfy unmet demands.

Innovations in manufacturing processes, more complicated formulations, and increasingly complex global supply chains are just some of the factors making it more difficult for companies to assess and control impurities in drug substances and drug products. BOC Sciences is confident to employ its custom manufacturing capabilities and make large-scale impurities available to advance the development of analytical methods.

Impurities in pharmaceuticals are classified by various criteria. In accordance with the definitions of the International Council for Harmonization (ICH), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and USP, impurities are categorized into degradation-related impurities (DRIs), process-related impurities (PRIs), residual solvents, and heavy metals. As an abundant source of chemicals and biochemicals, BOC Sciences has established a near-perfect catalog of impurities involving every category mentioned above. Statistically, the current scale encompasses over 10,000 impurity reference standards, with more under development. These products can be manufactured in line with customer needs while large quantities of up to kilograms are in stock, making instant shipment a reality.

BOC Sciences managers and technicians also take pride in the contributions their USP impurity standards make to extensive disease research areas. Data collected by BOC Sciences reveal that drug researchers and manufacturers seek impurity material support in a variety of fields, including Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, anti-HBV, and anti-HCV. These impurity reference standards are applied to either quantitative analysis or qualitative analysis, acting as an indispensable tool to meet analytical needs.  

BOC Sciences has also made firm commitments to ensure the quality of output, which effectively addresses the top concerns of customers. "Our quality enables your accuracy and helps you create ever better and safer medicines. Each USP impurity standard comes with comprehensive certificates of analysis detailing the material's characterization process, ensuring its suitability for both qualitative and quantitative analysis," the chief technician of BOC Sciences promised.

Vast varieties, stable and ample supply, ensured purity, and essential certificates... BOC Sciences always strives to be at an excellent level in every aspect. This is for the ultimate goal of further building customers' confidence in their analytical methods.

More information about its impurities list can be found at


BOC Sciences is a leading (bio)chemical supplier focusing on pharmaceutical impurity standard production. It provides numerous API drug impurities and corresponding support for worldwide customers. With consistent effort, BOC Sciences has become a prominent contributor to analytical development.