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ChemicalBook CAS DataBase List 6,6-dimethyl-2-methylidene-norpinan-3-one

6,6-dimethyl-2-methylidene-norpinan-3-one synthesis

3synthesis methods

Yield: 10 %Chromat. , 12 %Chromat. , 18 %Chromat. , 10 %Chromat.

Reaction Conditions:

with dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile at 80; for 24 h;


2.4. Catalytic Activity
General procedure: A 50mL rotaflow tube equipped withmagnetic stirring and immersed in bath oil at 80°C was usedto mix 0.5mL of the substrate (terpenic olefin), 0.1 g ofnanocatalyst (Co-Ag supported SiO2), and 5mL of acetonitrile.+en, 1.3mL of H2O2 (30percent wt) was added, and theresulting solution was stirred at 80°C. +e reaction processwas monitored using gas chromatography (GC) equippedwith a FID using an Rtx-5 capillary column. Dodecane wasused as an internal standard for the quantitative analysis ofthe reaction products. After completion of the reaction, 5mLof distilled water was added to the residue and extracted withethyl acetate (3 ×10 ml). +e combined organic phases weredried over MgSO4 and evaporated under reduced pressure.+e catalyst was separated from the reaction mixture,washed, dried, and then reused for further use.


Aberkouks, Abderrazak;Mekkaoui, Ayoub Abdelkader;Ait Ali, Mustapha;El Firdoussi, Larbi;El Houssame, Soufiane [Journal of Chemistry,2020,vol. 2020,art. no. 1241952]