
2,6-디니트로톨루엔 구조식 이미지
카스 번호:
2-methyl-1,3-dinitrobenzene;2,6-Dnt;Benzene, 2-methyl-1,3-dinitro-;6-Dinitrotoluene;2,6-DINITROTOLUOL;2,6-dinitro-toluen;2,6-DINITROTOLUENE;2,6-DINITROTOULENE;rcrawastenumberu106;toluene,2,6-dinitro-
포뮬러 무게:
MOL 파일:
MSDS 파일:

2,6-디니트로톨루엔 속성

56-61 °C(lit.)
끓는 점
3.5(x 10-4 mmHg) at 20 °C (quoted, Howard, 1989)5.67(x 10-4 mmHg) at 25 °C (Banerjee et al., 1990)
저장 조건
Soluble in ethanol (Weast, 1986) and many other organic solvents including chloroform and carbon tetrachloride.
안정적이지만 충격에 민감합니다. 산화제, 환원제, 강염기와 호환되지 않습니다. 가열하면 폭발할 수 있습니다.
CAS 데이터베이스
606-20-2(CAS DataBase Reference)
2B (Vol. 65) 1996
Benzene, 2-methyl-1,3-dinitro-(606-20-2)
2,6-Dinitrotoluene (606-20-2)
  • 위험 및 안전 성명
  • 위험 및 사전주의 사항 (GHS)
위험품 표기 T,F
위험 카페고리 넘버 45-23/24/25-48/22-52/53-62-68-39/23/24/25-11-36-20/21/22
안전지침서 53-45-61-456-36/37-26-16
유엔번호(UN No.) UN 3454 6.1/PG 2
WGK 독일 3
RTECS 번호 XT1925000
위험 등급 6.1
포장분류 II
HS 번호 29049090
유해 물질 데이터 606-20-2(Hazardous Substances Data)
독성 Acute oral LD50 for mice 621 mg/kg, rats 177 mg/kg (quoted, RTECS, 1985).
기존화학 물질 KE-23777
유해화학물질 필터링 2014-1-695
함량 및 규제정보 물질구분: 유독물질; 혼합물(제품)함량정보: 디니트로톨루엔[Dinitrotoluene; 25321-14-6, 121-14-2, 606-20-2, 610-39-9, 602-01-7, 619-15-8, 618-85-9] 및 이를 0.1% 이상 함유한 혼합물
그림문자(GHS): GHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictograms
신호 어: Danger
유해·위험 문구:
암호 유해·위험 문구 위험 등급 범주 신호 어 그림 문자 P- 코드
H341 유전적인 결함을 일으킬 것으로 의심됨 (노출되어도 생식세포 유전독성을 일으키지 않는다는 결정적인 증거가 있는 노출경로가 있다면 노출경로 기재) 생식세포 변이원성 물질 구분 2 경고 P201,P202, P281, P308+P313, P405,P501
H350 암을 일으킬 수 있음 (노출되어도 암을 일으키지 않는다는 결정적인 증거가 있는 노출경로가 있다면 노출경로 기재) 발암성 물질 구분 1A, 1B 위험 GHS hazard pictograms
H361 태아 또는 생식능력에 손상을 일으킬 것으로 의심됨 생식독성 물질 구분 2 경고 P201, P202, P281, P308+P313, P405,P501
H373 장기간 또는 반복 노출되면 장기(또는, 영향을 받은 알려진 모든 장기를 명시)에 손상을 일으킬 수 있음 특정 표적장기 독성 - 반복 노출 구분 2 경고 P260, P314, P501
H412 장기적 영향에 의해 수생생물에 유해함 수생 환경유해성 물질 - 만성 구분 3 P273, P501
P201 사용 전 취급 설명서를 확보하시오.
P273 환경으로 배출하지 마시오.
P280 보호장갑/보호의/보안경/안면보호구를 착용하시오.
NFPA 704
3 3

2,6-디니트로톨루엔 MSDS


2,6-디니트로톨루엔 C화학적 특성, 용도, 생산

화학적 성질

2,6-Dinitrotoluene is one of the six dinitrotoluene isomers. Dinitrotoluene (DNT) or Dinitro is an explosive with the formula C6H3(CH3)(NO2)2. At room temperature it is a pale yellow to orange crystalline solid. It is a high explosive and one of the precursors for trinitrotoluene (TNT), which is synthesized through three separate nitrations of toluene. The first product is mononitrotoluene, DNT is the second, and TNT is the third and final product.

물리적 성질

Pale yellow, orange, brown or reddish rhombic crystals. Odor threshold concentration in water is 100 ppb (quoted, Keith and Walters, 1992).


2,6-Dinitrotoluene is used primarily, along with the other isomers, in producing toluene diisocyanate; production of the diisocyanate ranges from 100 million to almost a billion pounds each year.


ChEBI: 2,6-dinitrotoluene is a dinitrotoluene carrying nitro substituents at positions 2 and 6. It has a role as a genotoxin.

제조 방법

2,6-Dinitrotoluene is synthesized from o-nitrotoluene by nitration with mixed acid.

일반 설명

Yellow to red solid or heated liquid with a slight odor. Solidifies in cool water. Solid and liquid sink in water.

공기와 물의 반응

Mixes slowly with water. Insoluble in water.

반응 프로필

2,6-Dinitrotoluene is sensitive to heat. 2,6-Dinitrotoluene may explode when exposed to heat or flame. 2,6-Dinitrotoluene can be detonated only by a very strong initiator. 2,6-Dinitrotoluene is incompatible with strong oxidizers. 2,6-Dinitrotoluene is also incompatible with caustics and metals such as tin and zinc. 2,6-Dinitrotoluene may react with reducing agents. 2,6-Dinitrotoluene will attack some forms of plastics, rubber and coatings.


INHALATION, INGESTION OR SKIN ABSORPTION: Headache, weakness, nausea or dizziness, cyanosis, drowsiness, shortness of breath and collapse. Can burn eyes and skin.

Safety Profile

Poison by ingestion. A skin irritant. Questionable carcinogen with experimental tumorigenic data. Mutation data reported. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of NOx. See also 2,4-DINITROTOLUENE


Biological. When 2,6-dinitrotoluene was statically incubated in the dark at 25 °C with yeast extract and settled domestic wastewater inoculum, significant biodegradation with gradual acclimation was followed by deadaptive process in subsequent subcultures. At a concentration of 5 mg/L, 82, 55, 47, and 29% losses were observed after 7, 14, 21, and 28-d incubation periods, respectively. At a concentration of 10 mg/L, only 57, 49, 35, and 13% were observed after 7, 14, 21, and 28-d incubation periods, respectively (Tabak et al., 1981). Under anaerobic and aerobic conditions, a sewage inoculum degraded 2,6-dinitrotoluene to aminonitrotoluene (Hallas and Alexander, 1983).
Photolytic. Simmons and Zepp (1986) estimated the photolytic half-life of 2,6-dinitrotoluene in surface water to range from 2 to 17 h.
Low et al. (1991) reported that the nitro-containing compounds (e.g., 2,4-dinitrophenol) undergo degradation by UV light in the presence of titanium dioxide yielding ammonium, carbonate, and nitrate ions. By analogy, 2,6-dinitrotoluene should degrade forming identical ions.
Chemical/Physical. 2,6-Dinitrotoluene will not hydrolyze (Kollig, 1993).
At influent concentrations of 1.0, 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001 mg/L, the GAC adsorption capacities were 145, 70, 33, and 16 mg/g, respectively (Dobbs and Cohen, 1980).

신진 대사 경로

2-Amino-6-nitrotoluene, 2,6-dinitrobenzyl alcohol, 2- amino-6-nitrobenzyl alcohol, and the conjugates of the latter two alcohols are detected in the urine of male Wistar rats as metabolites of 2,6-dinitrotoluene (2,6- DNT). In addition to the metabolites identified in the urine, 2,6-dinitrobenzaldehyde is detected in the rat bile. Incubation of 2,6-DNT with a hepatic microsomal preparation gives 2,6-dinitrobenzyl alcohol. Incubation of benzyl alcohol with a microsomal plus cytosol preparation gives 2,6-dinitrobenzaldehyde, and incubation of 2,6-dinitrobenzaldehyde with cytosol preparations gives 2,6-dinitrobenzyl alcohol and 2,6- dinitrobenzoic acid.

Purification Methods

Crystallise it from acetone. EXPLOSIVE when dry.[Beilstein 5 III 761, 5 IV 866.]

2,6-디니트로톨루엔 준비 용품 및 원자재


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