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D-パントテン酸カルシウム 製品概要
英語化学名:Calcium D-Pantothenate
别名:(+)-PANTOTHENIC ACID CALCIUM SALT;(R)-(+)-N-(2,4-DIHYDROXY-3,3-DIMETHYL-1-OXOBUTYL)-BETA-ALANINE HEMICALCIUM SALT;(theta)-;beta-alanine,n-(2,4-dihydroxy-3,3-dimethyl-1-oxobutyl)-,calciumsalt(2:1),;N-(2,4-dihydroxy-3,3-dimethyl-1-oxobutyl)-,calciumsalt(2:1),(R)-.beta.-Alanine;N-(2,4-Dihydroxy-3,3-dimethyl-1-oxobutyl)-alaninecalciumsalt;n-(2,4-dihydroxy-3,3-dimethylbutyryl)-beta-alaninecalcium;panthoject
カテゴリ情報:Aliphatics;Chiral Reagents;Intermediates & Fine Chemicals;Pharmaceuticals;Pyridines ,Halogenated Heterocycles;Food additives;Isolabel;Biochemistry;Ca (Calcium) Compounds;Classes of Metal Compounds;Typical Metal Compounds;Vitamins;Nutritional Supplements;Nutritional fortification substances
Mol File:137-08-6.mol
D-パントテン酸カルシウム 物理性質
融点 190 °C
比旋光度 26.5 º (c=5, in water)
屈折率 27 ° (C=5, H2O)
闪点 145 °C
貯蔵温度 2-8°C
溶解性H2O: 50 mg/mL at 25 °C, clear, nearly colorless
外見 Powder
White or almost white
PH6.8-7.2 (25℃, 50mg/mL in H2O)
臭い (Odor)Odorless
光学活性 (optical activity)[α]20/D +27±2°, c = 5% in H2O
水溶解度 Soluble in water.
Sensitive Hygroscopic
Merck 14,7015
BRN 3769272
安定性:Stable, but may be moisture or air sensitive. Incompatible with strong acids, strong bases.
LogP-0.849 (est)
CAS データベース137-08-6(CAS DataBase Reference)
EPAの化学物質情報Calcium pantothenate (137-08-6)
主な危険性 Xn
Rフレーズ 20/21/22-37/38-41-48
Sフレーズ 24/25-45-36/37/39-26-22
WGK Germany 1
RTECS 番号RU4375000
HSコード 29362400
MSDS Information
D-(+)-Pantothenic acid calcium salt English
SigmaAldrich English
ACROS English
ALFA English
D-パントテン酸カルシウム Usage And Synthesis
性質無色吸湿体液体.〔α〕D25 +37.5˚ (H2O).pK 4.4.中性溶液安定.酸・アルカリ,熱で速やかに分解.Ca塩は光,空気にかなり安定.水溶液の加熱滅菌不可
溶解性水に易溶, エタノールに難溶, エーテルに不溶。水に溶けやすく、エタノールに極めて溶けにくく、ジエチルエーテルにほとんど溶けない。

パントテン酸カルシウム,水溶性ビタミンで,補酵素の構成成分である。生体内に取込まれると組織細胞中でコエンザイムA (CoA) に生合成される。動物実験では,欠乏の際に成長停止,毛髪,神経,消化管,副腎などの障害が認められる。腸内細菌により生成されるので,抗生物質投与により腸内細菌が死滅したような場合に欠乏症をきたす可能性がある。臨床的には成育期,妊娠時,病後回復期などに投与され,また,放射線療法,抗腫瘍剤,ストレプトマイシンなどの副作用防止に用いられる。副作用としては,1日 10~20gを内服で連続投与すると下痢,顔面浮腫などの症状を示すが,投薬を中止すれば消失する。

生物学的性質欠乏症:発育阻止(ネズミ,ニワトリ),皮膚障害(ネズミ),増殖阻止(酵母,乳酸菌) 機能:補酵素A,アシル運搬タンパク質成分
栄養機能食品は、栄養成分の機能の表示をして販売される食品です。栄養機能食品として販売するためには、一日当たりの摂取目安量に含まれる当該栄養成分量が定められた上?下限値の範囲内にある必要があるほか、栄養機能表示だけでなく注意喚起表示等も表示する必要があります。 栄養機能表示
パントテン酸は、皮膚や粘膜の健康維持を助ける栄養素です。 注意喚起表示
用途ビタミン B 群化合物です。代 謝反応に作用します。
商品名パントテン酸カルシウム (丸石製薬)
化学的特性Calcium D-Pantothenate is white crystalline powder
OriginatorCalcium D-Pantothenate,Arocor Holdings Inc.
来歴Pantothenic acid (PA), also known as vitamin B5, is essential to all forms of life. Its name is derived from the Greek word pantos that means “everywhere”, which is appropriate for this widely, distributed vitamin.
使用D-(+)-Pantothenic acid calcium salt is a member of the B complex vitamins; essential vitamin for the biosynthesis of coenzyme A in mammalian cells. Occurs ubiquitously in all animal and plant tissue. The richest common source is liver, but jelly of the queen bee contains 6 times as much as liver. Rice bran and molasses are other good sources.
使用Calcium Pantothenate is a nutrient and dietary supplement which is the calcium chloride double salt of . It is a white powder of bitter taste and has a solubility of 1 g in 3 ml of water. It is used in special dietary foods.
使用calcium pantothenate is used as an emollient and to enrich creams and lotions in hair care preparations. This is the calcium salt of pantothenic acid found in liver, rice, bran, and molasses. It is also found in large amounts in royal jelly.
定義Calcium pantothenate, also known as calcium D-pantothenate or calcium pantothenic acid, is a naturally occurring form of pantothenic acid, an essential vitamin found in various foods. Calcium pantothenate is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) in the United States and in Europe. The US FDA requires infant formulas have at least 300 micrograms (mcg) per 100 calories of prepared formula.
定義ChEBI: Calcium pantothenate is a polymer.
反応性Pantothenic acid is a constituent of coenzyme A, which participates in numerous enzyme reactions. CoA was discovered as an essential cofactor for the acetylation of sulfanilamide in the liver and of choline in the brain.
Manufacturing ProcessA mixture of 288 g (4 mols) of isobutyraldehyde, 288 g of methanol was cooled to 10°C and 170 g (2 mols) of 36.6% formalin containing 8.5 g (3% based on isobutyraldehyde) of sodium hydroxide was added dropwise over a 55 minute period to produce alpha,alpha-dimethyl-beta-hydroxy-propionaldehyde. The mixture was stirred for an additional 2 hours at 10-15°C and then contacted with acetic acid to neutralize the catalyst. The excess isobutyraldehyde and methanol were stripped off at a kettle temperature of 50°C at 25 mm. To the residual α,α-dimethyl-beta-hydroxypropionaldehyde a mixture of 260 ml of methanol and 2 g (0.75%) sodium cyanide was added and the solution cooled to 10°C before adding 59.4 g (2.2 mols) of hydrogen cyanide dropwise over a 35 minute period to produce α,γ-dihydroxy-β,β- dimethylbutyronitrile. The mixture was stirred at 10°C for one hour period and then contacted with acetic acid to neutralize the catalyst before stripping off the excess methanol to a kettle temperature of 45°C at 18 mm. The crude cyanohydrin was then hydrolysed by heating with 4 mols of concentrated hydrochloric acid at 80°C for 2 hours, then diluting with an equal volume of water and heating at 100°C for an additional 8 hours. The aqueous mixture was extracted continuously with ethylene dichloride. The solvent was removed, and pantolactone (B. P. 131°C/19 mm, M.P. 61-77°C, 96.5% purity by saponification) was obtained by distillation in 71.5% yield based on formaldehyde and 55% efficiency based on isobutyraldehyde.
26 grams of racemic pantolactone (0.2 mol) and 1.1 grams of sodium methoxide (0.02 mol) contained in 30 ml of methanol, were added to 78.8 grams of 1-brucine (0.2 mol) contained in 156 ml of methanol. The resulting mixture was refluxed for 1.5 hours and allowed to stand at room temperature overnight. After centrifuging, washing with methanol and drying, 65.4 grams of D-(-)-pantolactone 1-brucine (62% of theory based upon all of the racemic pantolactone) melting at 203° to 206°C were obtained. Upon chilling the mother liquor, 13.46 grams of additional complex melting at 175° to 177°C were obtained.
D-(-)-Pantolactone was obtained from the complex in the following manner. The 65.4 grams of complex obtained above were treated with 65 ml of chloroform and 5.35 grams of sodium hydroxide contained in 35 ml of water for one hour at room temperature. The aqueous layer was extracted 6 times with 20 ml portions of chloroform in order to remove the brucine. The sodium pantoate contained in the aqueous layer was relactonized by treatment with 11 ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid. Extraction of the crude D-(-)- pantolactone yielded 15.29 grams. This material was then recrystallized from 7 ml of methyl isobutyl ketone and 7 ml hexane thereby yielding 9.77 grams of D-(-)-pantolactone (37% of theory). The αD25 was -44.8°.
Into a vessel equipped with an agitator and reflux condenser are placed approximately 52 parts by weight of α-hydroxy-β,β-di-methyl-γ-butyrolactone, approximately 36 parts by weight of β-alanine, about 40 parts by weight of diethylamine and about 100 parts by weight of anhydrous methanol. The mixture is stirred and refluxed for about 12 hours until the reaction is complete as evidenced by the dissolution of the β-alanine. To this resulting mass is gradually added 8 parts by weight of calcium metal nodules or pellets and refluxing continued until the metal is dissolved. The diethylamine and alcohol are distilled off until the residue becomes viscous. The viscous residue is dried under vacuum at 100°C. The solid residue recovered, as biologically assayed, indicated a 91% yield of calcium pantothenate.
brand nameCalpan (BASF); Pantholin (Lilly).
Therapeutic FunctionVitamin
生物学の機能Calcium D-Pantothenate accelerates the wound healing process by increasing the number of migrating cells, their distance and hence their speed.  In addition, cell division is increased and the protein synthesis changed.   Hence, higher quantities of pantothenate are locally required to enhance wound healing.
一般的な説明The first suggestion for the existance of vitamin B5 came from Carter et al. in 1930; although it was never characterized or isolated. This vitamin is synthesized by most green plants and microorganisms. Excellent sources of the vitamin are liver, egg yolk, whole grains, and fortified ready-to-eat cereals. However, as the original name implies, many foods contain sufficient pantothenic acid to supply dietary needs.
Chemically, pantothenic acid is considered to be aβ-alanine derivative of the asymmetric pantoic acid and thus shows asymmetry. Only the naturally occurring D(+)- stereoisomer (with R configuration) is biologically active and the L(-)-stereoisomer (with S configuration) is inactive. When its carboxylate functional group is attached through an amide linkage with β-mercaptoethylamine, it is known as pantetheine (also spelled pantotheine). The biologically active form of pantothenic acid, CoA, is formed when the terminal alcoholic function of pantetheine is attached to ADP 3'-phosphate.
Biochem/physiol ActionsThe calcium salts of panthenol are commonly used for pharmaceutical preparations. Pantothenate is a component of coenzyme A and is useful in its synthesis. Pantothenic acid is also involved in the synthesis of heme, cholesterol and fatty acids. Since vitamin B5 is found in all foods, its deficiency is not commonly observed.
臨床応用The only therapeutic indication for pantothenic acid is intreatment of a known or suspected deficiency of this vitamin.Because of the ubiquitous nature of pantothenic acid, deficiencystates of this vitamin are only seen experimentally byuse of synthetic diets devoid of the vitamin, by use of thevitamin antagonist, ω-methylpantothenic, or both. In a 1991review, Tahiliani and Beinlich described that the mostcommon symptoms associated with pantothenic acid deficiencywere headache, fatigue, and a sensation of weakness.Sleep disturbances and gastrointestinal disturbances, amongothers, were also noted. The most likely setting for pantothenicacid deficiency is in the setting of alcoholism wherea multiple vitamin deficiency exists confounding the exactrole of the pantothenic acid deficiency as compared to theother vitamins. Because a deficiency of a single B vitamin israre, pantothenic acid is commonly formulated in multivitaminor B-complex preparations.
安全性プロファイルModerately toxic by intraperitoneal, subcutaneous, and intravenous routes. Mildly toxic by ingestion. A vitamin. See also CALCIUM COMPOUNDS. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of NOx.
純化方法The salt crystallises as needles from MeOH, EtOH or isoPrOH (with 0.5mol of isoPrOH). It is moderately hygroscopic. The S-benzylisothiuronium salt has m 151-152o (149o when crystallised from Me2CO). [Kagan et al. J Am Chem Soc 79 3545 1957, Wilson et al. J Am Chem Soc 76 5177 1954, Stiller & Wiley J Am Chem Soc 63 1239 1941, Beilstein 4 IV 2569.]