
ChemicalBook Optimization Suppliers
名前: -Lianyungang Deyang Chemical Co., Ltd.  Gold
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ベンゾフェノン 製品概要
カテゴリ情報:Fluorescent Labels & Indicators;Flavor & Fragrance Intermediates;Fluorescent Labels and Indicators;Analytical Chemistry;Environmental Endocrine Disruptors;Bioactive Small Molecules;Cell Biology;Essential Chemicals;Inorganic Salts;Reagent Plus;Research Essentials;Solutions and Reagents;Organics;Additives for Plastic;Pharmaceutical Intermediates;Aromatics;Intermediates;organic chemical;Building Blocks;C13 to C14;Carbonyl Compounds;Chemical Synthesis;Ketones;Organic Building Blocks;B;Estradiol, etc. (Environmental Endocrine Disruptors);Functional Materials;Photopolymerization Initiators;119-61-9;bc0001
Mol File:119-61-9.mol
ベンゾフェノン 物理性質
融点 47-51 °C (lit.)
沸点 305 °C (lit.)
比重(密度) 1.11
蒸気密度4.21 (vs air)
蒸気圧1 mm Hg ( 108 °C)
屈折率 1.5893
闪点 >230 °F
貯蔵温度 Store below +30°C.
溶解性ethanol: soluble100mg/mL, clear, colorless (80% ethanol)
外見 Crystalline Powder or Flakes
White to off-white
臭い (Odor)Characteristic.
水溶解度 insoluble (<0.1 g/100 mL at 25 ºC)
JECFA Number831
Merck 14,1098
BRN 1238185
Dielectric constant13.0(20℃)
安定性:Stable. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents, strong reducing agents. Combustible.
LogP3.18 at 25℃
CAS データベース119-61-9(CAS DataBase Reference)
IARC2B (Vol. 101) 2013
EPAの化学物質情報Benzophenone (119-61-9)
主な危険性 Xi,N,Xn,F
Rフレーズ 36/37/38-52/53-50/53-67-65-62-51/53-48/20-11-40
Sフレーズ 26-61-37/39-29-60-36-62-36/37-33-16-9
RIDADR UN 3077 9/PG 3
WGK Germany 2
RTECS 番号DI9950000
国連危険物分類 9
容器等級 III
HSコード 29143900
有毒物質データの119-61-9(Hazardous Substances Data)
毒性LD50 orally in Rabbit: > 10000 mg/kg LD50 dermal Rabbit 3535 mg/kg
MSDS Information
Benzophenone English
SigmaAldrich English
ACROS English
ALFA English
ベンゾフェノン Usage And Synthesis
外観白色~ほとんど白色, 結晶~結晶性粉末

ベンゾフェノンの主な物理的及び化学的性質は、融点/凝固点が48~50 ℃、沸点又は初留点及び沸騰範囲が305.4 ℃、引火点が143 ℃です。密度が1.11 g/cm3の固体で、やに溶け、水にはほとんど溶けません。



diphenyl ketone.C13H10O(182.22).C6H5COC6H5.ベンゾイルベンゼンともいう.ベンゼンと塩化ベンゾイル,あるいはベンゼン2分子とホスゲン1分子とのフリーデル-クラフツ縮合(フリーデル-クラフツ反応)によって合成される.安定形および不安定形の2形があり,安定形は融点49 ℃,沸点306 ℃,158 ℃(1.33 kPa).d5041.087.n45D1.597.不安定形は融点26 ℃.ともに結晶.エタノール,エーテル,クロロホルムに可溶,水に不溶.還元すればジフェニルメタンあるいはベンズヒドロールが得られる.香料の固定剤として用いられる.また医薬品,農薬などの合成原料にも用いられる.LD50 2895 mg/kg(マウス,経口).[CAS 119-61-9]

用途1) 香料の固定剤, 2) 殺虫剤の原料


説明Benzophenone is a combustible, white,crystalline solid with a rose-like odor. Molecularweight=182.23; Specific gravity (H2O:1) = 1.085 at 50℃;Boiling point = 305℃; Freezing/Melting point = 48.5℃;Latent heat of vaporization=2.93 3 105 J/kg; Heat ofcombustion= -358 3 105 J/kg. Hazard Identification(based on NFPA-704 M Rating System): Health 1,Flammability 1, Reactivity 0. Insoluble in water.
化学的特性Benzophenone is a combustible, white, crystalline solid with a rose-like odor. soluble in ethanol, ether, chloroform and other organic solvents and monomers, insoluble in water. It is a free radical photoinitiator, mainly used in free radical UV curing systems, such as coatings, inks, adhesives, etc. It can be prepared in several ways, for example, by Friedel–Crafts reaction of benzene and benzoyl chloride with aluminum chloride, or of benzene and carbon tetrachloride, and oxidation of diphenylmethane.
天然物の起源Benzophenone has been found in various fruits, including Vitis vinifera L., black tea, cherimoya (Annona cherimola), mountain papaya (Carica pubescens), and soursop (Annona muricata L.).
使用Benzophenone is used as a synthetic intermediate for manufacture of pharmaceuticals and agricultural chemicals. It is also used as a photoinitiator in UV-curable printing inks, as a fragrance in perfumes, as a flavor enhancer in foods. Benzophenone can be added as a UV-absorbing agent to plastics, lacquers, and coatings at concentrations of 2–8%.
調製方法Benzophenone is commercially synthesized by the atmospheric oxidation of diphenylmethane using a catalyst of copper naphthenate. Alternatively, it can be produced by a Friedel–Crafts acylation of benzene using either benzoyl chloride or phosgene in the presence of aluminum chloride .
定義ChEBI: Benzophenone is the simplest member of the class of benzophenones, being formaldehyde in which both hydrogens are replaced by phenyl groups. It has a role as a photosensitizing agent and a plant metabolite.
Synthesis Reference(s)Tetrahedron Letters, 36, p. 2285, 1995 DOI: 10.1016/0040-4039(95)00191-E
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 34, p. 3595, 1986 DOI: 10.1248/cpb.34.3595
一般的な説明Benzophenone(119-61-9) appears as white solid with a flowery odor. May float or sink in water. It is a widely used building block in organic chemistry, being the parent diarylketone.
空気と水の反応Insoluble in water.
反応プロフィールKetones, such as Benzophenone, are reactive with many acids and bases liberating heat and flammable gases (e.g., H2). The amount of heat may be sufficient to start a fire in the unreacted portion of the ketone. Ketones react with reducing agents such as hydrides, alkali metals, and nitrides to produce flammable gas (H2) and heat. Ketones are incompatible with isocyanates, aldehydes, cyanides, peroxides, and anhydrides. They react violently with aldehydes, HNO3, HNO3 + H2O2, and HClO4. Benzophenone can react with oxidizing materials.
健康ハザードIngestion causes gastrointestinal disturbances. Contact causes eye irritation and, if prolonged, irritation of skin.
火災危険Flash point data for Benzophenone are not available, but Benzophenone is probably combustible.

1. 光重合開始材


2. 紫外線吸収剤

ベンゾフェノン系の紫外線吸収剤は、プラスチックとの相性が良く、塗料などに効果が高いことで知られています。紫外線吸収剤は、紫外線を跳ね返す紫外線散乱剤と異なり、紫外線を吸収して他のエネルギー (熱エネルギーなど) に変えることで、結果的にベースとなる物質を保護する物質となります。黒色、不透明なパッケージでは不都合な場合に特に有用です。

3. 脱水溶媒の調製


4. 光アフィニティプローブ


5. その他の使用用途

ベンゾフェノンは、樹脂モノマーとの混和性や反応速度を向上させることを目的として種々のベンゾフェノン誘導体が開発され、市販されています。ベンゾフェノン誘導体の中には、日焼け止め成分として有用なものもあります。その他にも、有機合成の原料や医薬関連製品の中間体 (原料と最終の医薬品との中間に位置する製品) としても知られています。


ベンゾフェノンは国内法規上、危険物船舶運送及び貯蔵規則で「有害性物質」、航空法で「その他の有害物質」に指定されています。化学物質排出把握管理促進法 (PRTR法) でも「第1種指定化学物質」に指定があります。



  • 容器を密栓し、冷暗所に保管する。
  • 酸化剤などの混触危険物質から離して保管する。
  • 屋外や換気の良い区域のみで使用する。
  • 粉塵が飛散しないように注意する。
  • 使用時は保護手袋、保護眼鏡を着用する。
  • 使用後は適切に手袋を脱ぎ、本製品の皮膚への付着を避ける。
  • 取扱い後はよく手を洗浄する。
  • 皮膚に付着した場合は、石鹸と多量の水で洗い流す。
  • 眼に入った場合は、水で数分間注意深く洗う。


接触アレルゲンUnsubstituted benzophenone is largely used in chemical applications. It acts as a marker for photoallergy to ketoprofen.
安全性プロファイルModerately toxic by ingestion andintraperitoneal routes. Combustible when heated.Incompatible with oxidizers. When heated todecomposition it emits acrid and irritating fumes.
職業ばく露Benzophenone is used in UV curing of inks and coatings; as an intermediate; as an odor fixative in fragrances, flavoring, soaps; in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals and insecticides; in organic syntheses.
応急処置If this chemical gets into the eyes, remove anycontact lenses at once and irrigate immediately for at least15 min, occasionally lifting upper and lower lids. Seekmedical attention immediately. If this chemical contactsthe skin, remove contaminated clothing and wash immediately with soap and water. Seek medical attention immediately. If this chemical has been inhaled, remove fromexposure, begin rescue breathing (using universal precautions, including resuscitation mask) if breathing hasstopped and CPR if heart action has stopped. Transferpromptly to a medical facility. When this chemical hasbeen swallowed, rinse mouth and get medical attention.
発がん性Lifetime dermal carcinogenicity studies in mice and rabbits did not show any tumor excess in the treated animals. Female Swiss mice and New Zealand White rabbits of both sexes were treated dermally with 0, 5, 25, or 50% of benzophenone (0.02 mL) twice a week for 120 or 180 weeks. Weekly examination of the rabbits did not reveal any reduction in survival or appearance of tumors. Mice treated with benzophenone did not show any excess in the number of tumor-bearing animals or in total number of tumors compared to untreated control animals. Although three skin tumors were observed in the benzophenone- treated mice (one case of squamous cell carcinoma and two cases of squamous cell papilloma), there were also three tumors (one carcinoma and toe papillomas) observed in the control animals.
代謝Benzophenone's main metabolic pathway in the rabbit is by reduction to benzhydrol, which is excreted conjugated with glucuronic acid(Williams, 1959).
Solubility in organicsInsoluble in water and glycerin, slightly soluble in Propylene glycol, 6% soluble in alcohol, soluble inmost perfume oils.
貯蔵Color Code—Green: General storage may be used.Store in a cool, well-ventilated area away from sources ofignition and incompatible materials.
輸送方法UN1224 Ketones, liquid, n.o.s., Hazard Class: 3; Labels: 3—Flammable liquid, Technical Name Required. UN3077 Environmentally hazardous substances, solid, n.o.s., Hazard class: 9; Labels: 9—Miscellaneous hazardous material, Technical Name Required.
純化方法Crystallise it from MeOH, EtOH, cyclohexane, *benzene or pet ether, then dry in a current of warm air and store it over BaO or P2O5. It is also purified by zone melting and by sublimation [Itoh J Phys Chem 89 3949 1985, Naguib et al. J Am Chem Soc 108 128 1986, Gorman & Rodgers J Am Chem Soc 108 5074 1986, Ohamoto & Teranishi J Am Chem Soc 108 6378 1986, Naguib et al. J Phys Chem 91 3033 1987]. [Beilstein 7 III 2048, 7 IV 1357.]
不和合性Oxidizing materials, such as dichromates and permanganates.