Monoclonal Anti-Biotin

Monoclonal Anti-Biotin Struktur
Englisch Name:
Monoclonal Anti-Biotin
Monoclonal Anti-Biotin;Monoclonal Anti-Biotin antibody produced in mouse;Monoclonal Anti-Biotin–FITC antibody produced in mouse;Monoclonal Anti-Biotin–Cy3? antibody produced in mouse;Monoclonal Anti-Biotin–Agarose antibody produced in mouse;Monoclonal Anti-Biotin?Peroxidase antibody produced in mouse;Monoclonal Anti-Biotin–Alkaline Phosphatase antibody produced in mouse
Mol file

Monoclonal Anti-Biotin Eigenschaften

storage temp. 
PBS suspension
  • Risiko- und Sicherheitserklärung
  • Gefahreninformationscode (GHS)
Kennzeichnung gefährlicher Xn
R-Sätze: 21/22
S-Sätze: 36/37
WGK Germany  nwg
Bildanzeige (GHS) GHS hazard pictograms
Alarmwort Warnung
Code Gefahrenhinweise Gefahrenklasse Abteilung Alarmwort Symbol P-Code
H317 Kann allergische Hautreaktionen verursachen. Sensibilisierung der Haut Kategorie 1A Warnung GHS hazard pictogramssrc="/GHS07.jpg" width="20" height="20" /> P261, P272, P280, P302+P352,P333+P313, P321, P363, P501
P261 Einatmen von Staub vermeiden.
P272 Kontaminierte Arbeitskleidung nicht außerhalb des Arbeitsplatzes tragen.
P280 Schutzhandschuhe/Schutzkleidung/Augenschutz tragen.
P302+P352 BEI BERÜHRUNG MIT DER HAUT: Mit viel Wasser/... (Hersteller kann, falls zweckmäßig, ein Reinigungsmittel angeben oder, wenn Wasser eindeutig ungeeignet ist, ein alternatives Mittel empfehlen) waschen.
P333+P313 Bei Hautreizung oder -ausschlag: Ärztlichen Rat einholen/ärztliche Hilfe hinzuziehen.

Monoclonal Anti-Biotin Chemische Eigenschaften,Einsatz,Produktion Methoden


Mouse monoclonal anti-biotin antibody was used to identify by western blot S-nitrosylated proteins that had been labeled with a biotin moeity based on the biotin-switch method. No reactivity was visible on the blots when the biotin switch method was inhibited by treatment with 100 mM dithiothreitol showing that this antibody shows no unspecific cross reactivity. The mouse monoclonal anti-biotin antibody does cross react with Arabidopsis plant by western blot, no cross reactivity with unbiotinylated proteins.
In some applications, localization of biotinylated probes with avidin produces high background levels. Anti-biotin reagents may be substituted for avidin to decrease non-specific binding.

Allgemeine Beschreibung

Biotin is an essential vitamin required for cells in living organisms and in cultures. The high binding affinity of biotin to egg white avidin or bacteria-derived streptavidin has been used to design immunoassays for detecting antigen-antibody interactions. The use of monoclonal anti-biotin IgG can enhance the sensitivity of such avidin-biotin immunoassays. The monoclonal antibody functions by selectively enlarging and bridging the avidin-biotin-enzyme complexes, thereby increasing the signals from substrate conversion. Furthermore, this antibody can be used in many other applications where biotin may be introduced as target label.

Biochem/physiol Actions

Biotin may participate in the replication and transcription of DNA. It acts as a coenzyme in the fatty acid biosynthesis, glyconeogenesis, and catabolism of several branched-chain amino acids and odd-chain fatty acids.

Monoclonal Anti-Biotin Upstream-Materialien And Downstream Produkte


Downstream Produkte

Monoclonal Anti-Biotin Anbieter Lieferant Produzent Hersteller Vertrieb Händler.

Global( 2)Lieferanten
Firmenname Telefon E-Mail Land Produktkatalog Edge Rate
Sigma-Aldrich 021-61415566 800-8193336 China 51471 80

  • Monoclonal Anti-Biotin
  • Monoclonal Anti-Biotin–FITC antibody produced in mouse
  • Monoclonal Anti-Biotin–Alkaline Phosphatase antibody produced in mouse
  • Monoclonal Anti-Biotin antibody produced in mouse
  • Monoclonal Anti-Biotin?Peroxidase antibody produced in mouse
  • Monoclonal Anti-Biotin–Cy3? antibody produced in mouse
  • Monoclonal Anti-Biotin–Agarose antibody produced in mouse
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