
モリブデン 化学構造式
モリブデン;モリブデン(粉末);モリブデン粉末;モリブデン(キューブ), 5N;モリブデン(粉末) 2~3ミクロン;モリブデン, ワイヤー, 熱処理済;モリブデン, 粉末, 99.9%;モリブデン, ロッド;モリブデン, ペレット;モリブデン, ホイル;モリブデン rod (99.95%);モリブデン wire (99.97%);モリブデン酸塩
MOLYBDATE;Molybdenum powder;MOLYBDENIUM;Molybdenum sheets;mclybdenum powder;tsm1;mchvl;MO007902;MO007906;MO000450
MOL File:
MSDS File:

モリブデン 物理性質

融点 :
2617 °C (lit.)
沸点 :
4612 °C (lit.)
比重(密度) :
10.3 g/mL at 25 °C (lit.)
屈折率 :
2.81 (740 nm)
闪点 :
-23 °C
貯蔵温度 :
no restrictions.
H2O: 可溶
外見 :
電気抵抗率 (resistivity):
5.0 μΩ-cm, 20°C
水溶解度 :
Sensitive :
Air Sensitive
Merck :
ACGIH: TWA 10 mg/m3; TWA 3 mg/m3
NIOSH: IDLH 5000 mg/m3
CAS データベース:
7439-98-7(CAS DataBase Reference)
Molybdenum (7439-98-7)
  • リスクと安全性に関する声明
  • 危険有害性情報のコード(GHS)
主な危険性  F,Xi,N,Xn
Rフレーズ  36/38-11-67-65-62-51/53-48/20-38
Sフレーズ  26-36/37/39-16-9-62-61-36/37
RIDADR  UN 3264 8/PG 3
WGK Germany  3
RTECS 番号 QA4680000
国連危険物分類  4.1
容器等級  III
HSコード  81029600
有毒物質データの 7439-98-7(Hazardous Substances Data)
IDLA 5,000 mg Mo/m3
消防法 危-2-M-2-III
安衛法 57-2
PRTR法 第1種指定化学物質
環境リスク評価 モリブデン(7439-98-7)
絵表示(GHS) GHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictograms
注意喚起語 危険
コード 危険有害性情報 危険有害性クラス 区分 注意喚起語 シンボル P コード
H228 可燃性固体 可燃性固体 1
GHS hazard pictograms P210, P240,P241, P280, P370+P378
P202 全ての安全注意を読み理解するまで取り扱わないこ と。
P210 熱/火花/裸火/高温のもののような着火源から遠ざ けること。-禁煙。
P240 容器を接地すること/アースをとること。
P241 防爆型の電気機器/換気装置/照明機器/...機器を使 用すること。
P280 保護手袋/保護衣/保護眼鏡/保護面を着用するこ と。
P308+P313 暴露または暴露の懸念がある場合:医師の診断/手当てを 受けること。

モリブデン 価格 もっと(307)

メーカー 製品番号 製品説明 CAS番号 包装 価格 更新時間 購入
富士フイルム和光純薬株式会社(wako) W01ALF010039 モリブデン, ワイヤー, 熱処理済
Molybdenum wire, 1.0mm (0.04in) dia, annealed, 99.94% (metals basis)
7439-98-7 5m ¥35800 2024-03-01 購入
富士フイルム和光純薬株式会社(wako) W01ALF010039 モリブデン, ワイヤー, 熱処理済
Molybdenum wire, 1.0mm (0.04in) dia, annealed, 99.94% (metals basis)
7439-98-7 25m ¥137600 2024-03-01 購入
関東化学株式会社(KANTO) 26173-53 モリブデン(キューブ), 5N 99.999%(Im.S.)
Molybdenum, cube, 5N 99.999%(Im.S.)
7439-98-7 5g ¥8000 2024-07-01 購入
関東化学株式会社(KANTO) 25367-32 モリブデン(粉末) >98.0%(T)
Molybdenum, powder >98.0%(T)
7439-98-7 25g ¥3200 2024-07-01 購入
Sigma-Aldrich Japan GF97201818 モリブデン foil, 100x100mm, thickness 0.1mm, annealed, 99.9%
foil, 100x100mm, thickness 0.1mm, annealed, 99.9%
7439-98-7 1EA ¥35100 2024-03-01 購入

モリブデン 化学特性,用途語,生産方法




水, 希酸に不溶 (徐々に反応し水素ガスを発生する。)。アルカリ水溶液に対して安定。酸化性の融解アルカリに侵される。塩酸や硫酸と反応しにくく、硝酸や王水にも酸化被膜をつくるので侵されにくい。硫酸、塩酸及び硝酸に溶けにくく、王水及び熱濃硫酸に溶ける。


  1. 金属モリブデンは粉末の時は灰色であるが、融解すると白色を示す
  2. モリブデンは融点及び沸点が高く、極低温から高温まで機械的性質が優れる
  3. 高温で延展性に富み、鋳造、圧延が可能
  4. モリブデンは熱膨張率が小さく、熱伝導度がよい(タングステンフィラメントをコイル状に巻く棒に使用される)
  5. 他の金属との合金で高硬度で耐熱性、耐食性等が優れた特性が得られる
  6. モリブデンは90パーセント以上がニッケルやクロムとの合金として、ステンレス鋼に使用
  7. ハロゲンガスや酸素中の加熱で反応するが、塩酸、フッ化水素、希硫酸には溶けない
  8. モリブデンは硫黄と結合しやすい
  9. 二硫化モリブデンは層状の構造で、耐荷重性と摩擦係数に優れている(研磨剤や固体潤滑剤としてガソリンや各種潤滑油に添加される)


モリブデン,Mo.原子番号42の元素.電子配置[Kr]4d55s1の周期表6族遷移金属元素.原子量95.94(2).天然に質量数92(14.77(31)%),94(9.23(10)%),95(15.90(9)%),96(16.68(1)%),97(9.56(5)%),98(24.19(26)%),100(9.67(20)%)の同位体が存在する.100Mo は半減期7.3×1018 y で二重β崩壊して 100Ru になる放射性核種.このほか,質量数83~115の放射性核種が知られている.無機薬品としては,高温用潤滑剤の硫化モリブデンMoS2や塗料·顔料にも使われる.金属モリブデンは,照明器具,電子管陰極,電子レンジ用マグネトロンの部品に,IT関連でも携帯電話用などの半導体素子に使用される.


合金材料、着色剤原料。特殊鋼、ステンレス鋼の添加剤の他、触媒にも利用モリブデンは約2,600℃の高い融点と機械的強度及び剛性に優れるなどの特性を持つ。そのため主に特殊鋼用に使われている。強度を増すための鋼への添加剤、ステンレスへの添加剤、照明器具等に用いられる。加えて近年は石油精製触媒、石油化学用触媒、金属ターゲットなどの分野が伸 びている。







  1. ステンレス鋼部品(建材、厨房器具、電車など)
  2. 触媒(石油製品、石油化学)
  3. 無機薬品(防錆剤、顔料)
  4. 線板箔(自動車、通信機器部品、電子機器部品、パッケージランプ用線及び加工品)
  5. 特殊鋼部品(自動車部品、モーター、航空機部品、切削工具)
  6. 潤滑剤(MoS2など固体潤滑剤)


Molybdenum is an essential trace mineral associated with several enzyme systems required for the normal body functions. Mine workers have developed symptoms of molybdenosis. The significantly expanding or softening property of the material makes it useful in applications that involve intense heat, including the manufacture of aircraft parts, electrical contacts, industrial motors, and filaments.


Molybdenum is a silvery-white metal or dark gray or black powder with a metallic luster.


Molybdenum is in the middle of the triad elements of group 6. These three metals (fromperiods 4, 5, and 6) are chromium, molybdenum, and tungsten, which, in their pure states,are relatively hard, but not as hard as iron. They are silvery-white as pure metals, and they havesimilar oxidation states. Their electronegativity is also similar—Cr = 1.6, Mo = 1.8, and W =1.7—which is related to their reactivity with nonmetals.
Molybdenum is malleable and ductile, but because of its relatively high melting point, it isusually formed into shapes by using powder metallurgy and sintering techniques.
Molybdenum’s melting point is 2,617°C, boiling point = 4,612°C, and its density is 10.22g/cm3.


There are 36 isotopes of molybdenum, ranging in atomic weights from Mo-83to Mo-115. Of the seven isotopes considered stable, one (Mo-100) is radioactive and isconsidered stable because it has such a long half-life (0.95×10+19 years). The proportionsof the seven stable isotopes contributing to molybdenum’s natural existence onEarth are as follows: Mo-92 = 14.84%, Mo-94 = 9.25%, Mo-95 = 15.92%, Mo-96 =16.68%, Mo-97 = 9.55%, Mo-98 = 24.13%, and Mo-100 = 9.63%.


Molybdenum is derived from the Greek word molybdos, meaning lead. At one time, the mineral molybdaena (later called molybdenite) was believed to be a variety of lead ore.


Molybdenum is the 54th most abundant element on Earth. It is relatively rare and is foundin just 126 ppm in the Earth’s crust. Its major ore is molybdenite (MoS2), which is mined inColorado in the United States and is found too in Canada, Chile, China, England, Norway,Sweden, Mexico, and Australia. Moldybdenum is also found in two less important ores: wulfenite(PbMoO4) and powellite ([Ca(MoW)O4]. These ores are usually found in the same sitesalong with tin and tungsten ores.
Molybdenite ore is very similar to graphite, and they have been mistaken for each otherin the past.


Given that molybdenum is located between chromium and tungsten in group 6, it chemicallyresembles a cross between these two partner elements. The three related elements donot occur as free elements in nature, but rather are found in minerals and ores. Their metal(elemental) radius size increases from chromium = 44 to molybdenum = 59 to tungsten = 60,which is related to their electronegativity and results in their using electrons in shells inside theouter shell during metallic bonding. This is a major characteristic of the transition of elementsfrom metals to nonmetals.
Molybdenum oxidizes at high temperatures but not at room temperatures. It is insolublein acids and hydroxides at room temperatures. At room temperatures, all three metals(chromium, molybdenum, and tungsten) resist atmospheric corrosion, which is one reasonchromium is used to plate other metals. They also resist attacks from acids and strong alkalis,with the exception of chromium, which, unless in very pure form, will dissolve in hydrochloricacid (HCl).


Peter Jacob Hjelm (1746–1813) is given credit for discovering molybdenum in 1781despite the fact that his paper was not published until 1890. He followed the advice of CarlWilhelm Scheele (1742–1786), who isolated and identified molybdenum, but incorrectlythought it was an element related to lead.
Although some reference works do give Scheele credit, most do not credit him for thediscovery of either molybdenum or the other elements he “discovered,” such as oxygen andmanganese.
Scheele did not receive credit for discovering oxygen two years before Joseph Priestley(1733–1804) announced his discovery and was given the credit. Scheele’s publisher wasnegligent in getting his work published in time. (There is a lesson in this story for all youngscientists—keep completed and accurate records of all your lab work and observations, andwhen you are sure of your experimental results, make sure to publish.)
The name “molybdenum” is derived from the Greek word for lead, molybdos, which standsfor any black minerals that historically could be used for writing. This also explains why theGreek word plumbago or “black lead” was used for graphite.


In the form of ferromolybdenum for manufg special steels for tools, boiler plate, rifle barrels, propeller shafts; electrical contacts, spark plugs, x-ray tubes, filaments, screens and grids for radio tubes; in the production of tungsten; glass-to-metal seals; nonferrous alloys; in colloidal form as lubricant additive.


A transition element that occurs naturally in molybdenite (MoS2) and wulfenite (PbMoO4). It is used in alloy steels, lamp bulbs, and catalysts. The compound ammonium molybdate, dissolved in nitric acid, is used as a test for phosphates(V). Molybdenum sulfide (MoS2) is used in lubricants to enhance viscosity. Symbol: Mo; m.p. 2620°C; b.p. 4610°C; r.d. 10.22 (20°C); p.n. 42; r.a.m. 95.94.


Molybdenum (Mo) is a dark gray or a black powder with a metallic luster and a chemical element of the second transition series. The name is derived from the Greek molybdos, meaning“lead.”In1778,CarlScheeleofSwedenrecognized molybdenite as a distinct ore of a new element, and in 1781 Hjelm prepared an impure form of the metal. The ?rst molybdenum mine, Knaben Gruver mine in southern Norway, was opened in 1885 and remained open until 1973. Today, the principal molybdenum mines are found in the United States, Chile, and China. Mined ore is crushed in ball or rod mills, and metallic minerals are separated from gangue by ?otation. The pure metal is prepared by the reduction of puri?ed molybdic trioxide or ammonium molybdate (AM) with hydrogen. When Mo is a by-product of copper mining, a concentrate ofcopperandmolybdenumis?rstproduced,andthetwoores are later separated by differential ?otation. MoS2 concentrates contain more than 85% MoS2 and roasted MoO3 typically contains a minimum of 57% Mo and less than 0.1% S.


Molybdenum, a chemical element, is a hard, high-melting (refractory) high-density dark gray metal or black powder. Insoluble in water. Used to make structural alloys; used as a catalyst. Molybdenum dust and fumes can irritate the eyes and respiratory tract.


Molybdenum is a reducing agent. In dust or powder form, Molybdenum may present a fire or explosion hazard under favoring conditions of particle size, dispersion and ignition. Bulk Molybdenum (rod, coil, sheet, etc.) is less reactive than dust or powder. Insoluble in hydrochloric acid or hydrofluoric acid solutions and in ammonia and sodium hydroxide solutions. Insoluble in dilute sulfuric acid solutions but soluble in concentrated sulfuric acid. Soluble in concentrated nitric acid. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents such as bromine trifluoride, bromine pentafluoride, chlorine trifluoride, potassium perchlorate, nitryl fluoride, fluorine, iodine pentafluoride, sodium peroxide, lead dioxide.


The powder and dust forms of molybdenum are flammable. The fumes from some of thecompounds should not be inhaled or ingested.


Molybdenum (Mo) is a silvery-white metal, occurring chiefly in the mineral molybdenite but also obtained as a by-product from copper ores. It is ductile, softer than tungsten, and is readily worked or drawn into very fine wire.
Its major use is in alloy steels, for example, as tool steels ( 10% molybdenum), stainless steel, and armor plate. Up to 3% molybdenum is added to cast iron to increase strength. Up to 30% molybdenum may be added to iron-, cobalt-, and nickel-base alloys designed for severe heat- and corrosion-resistant applications. It may be used in filaments for lightbulbs, and it has many applications in electronic circuitry.
Molybdenum forms mirrors and films on glass when it is produced by gas-phase reduction or decomposition of volatile molybdenum compounds in glass tubes. Molybdenum trioxide (MoO3) dissolves in glass, allowing strong binding of molten glass with preoxidized metal surfaces. Annealing is very effective, with little or no difference in thermal expansion at the metal glass interface. Molybdenum found early use in filaments for electric lightbulbs and later in the construction of electronic devices (for example, in vacuum tubes, contacts, electrodes, and transistors).


Poison by intratracheal route. Mutation data reported. An experimental teratogen. Experimental reproductive effects. Flammable or explosive in the form of dust when exposed to heat or flame. Violent reaction with oxidants (e.g., bromine trifluoride, bromine pentafluoride. chlorine trifluoride, potassium perchlorate, nitryl fluoride, fluorine, iodine pentafluoride, sodium peroxide, lead dioxide). When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of Mo.


Most of the molybdenum produced is used in alloys: steel, stainless steel; tool steel; case iron; steel mill rolls; manganese, nickel, chromium, and tungsten. The metal is used in electronic parts (contacts, spark plugs, X-ray tubes, filaments, screens, and grids for radios); induction heating elements; electrodes for glass melting; and metal spraying applications. Molybdenum compounds are utilized as lubricants; as pigments for printing inks; lacquers, paints, for coloring rubber animal fibers, leather, and as a mordant; as catalysts for hydrogenation cracking; alkylation, and reforming in the petroleum industry; in Fischer Tropsch synthesis; in ammonia production; and in various oxidation-reduction and organic cracking reactions; as a coating for quartz glass; in vitreous enamels to increase adherence to steel; in fertilizers, particularly for legumes; in electroplating to form protective coatings; and in the production of tungsten. Hazardous exposures may occur during high-temperature treatment in the fabrication and production of molybdenum products, spraying applications; or through loss of catalyst. MoO3 sublimes above 800℃.


機械的強度が大きく、剛性 が強い 


高温で展性、延性に富み 鋳造や圧延が容易


Guinea pigs exposed to molybdenum trioxide dust at a concentration of 200mg molybdenum/ m3 for 1 hour daily for 5 days developed nasal irritation, diarrhea, weight loss, and incoordination. 3 In 2-year inhalation studies at concentrations of up to 100mg/m3 molybdenum trioxide there was no evidence of carcinogenic activity in female rats, but there was equivocal evidence in males based on a marginally significant positive trend of alveolar/bronchiolar adenoma or carcinoma (combined). There was some evidence of carcinogenic activity in mice based on increased incidences of alveolar/bronchiolar adenoma and carcinomas (combined).4 Other exposure-related effects in exposed animals included alveolar inflammation, squamous metaplasia of the epiglottis and hyaline degeneration of the respiratory and olfactory epithelium. Molybdenum trioxide was not mutagenic in bacterial assays, nor did it induce sister chromatid exchanges or chromosomal aberrations in vitro.


UN3089 Metal powders, flammable, n.o.s., Hazard Class: 4.1; Labels: 4.1-Flammable solid.


Metallic Mo is a combustible solid in form of dust or powder and is potentially explosive. Dust or powder may form explosive mixture with air. Soluble compounds: alkali metals; sodium, potassium, molten magnesium. Insoluble compounds: Violent reaction with oxidizers, nitric acid; sulfuric acid. Forms explosive mixture with potassium nitrate. Incompatible with oxidizers (chlorates, nitrates, peroxides, permanganates, perchlorates, chlorine, bromine, fluorine, etc.); contact may cause fires or explosions. Keep away from alkaline materials, strong bases, strong acids, oxoacids, epoxides.


Recovery is indicated whenever possible. Processes for recovery of Molybdenum from scrap, flue dusts, spent catalysts and other industrial wastes have been developed.

モリブデン 上流と下流の製品情報



モリブデン 生産企業

Global( 349)Suppliers
名前 電話番号 電子メール 国籍 製品カタログ 優位度
Hebei Andu Technology Com.,Ltd
+86-86-17798073498 +8617798073498
admin@hbandu.com China 300 58
Hebei Yanxi Chemical Co., Ltd.
peter@yan-xi.com China 5873 58
Yujiang Chemical (Shandong) Co.,Ltd.
+86-17736087130 +86-18633844644
catherine@yjchem.com.cn China 981 58
Henan Tianfu Chemical Co.,Ltd.
+86-0371-55170693 +86-19937530512
info@tianfuchem.com China 21667 55
Shanghai Zheyan Biotech Co., Ltd.
zheyansh@163.com CHINA 3620 58
career henan chemical co
+86-0371-86658258 +8613203830695
sales@coreychem.com China 29888 58
Hubei Jusheng Technology Co.,Ltd.
linda@hubeijusheng.com CHINA 28180 58
Chongqing Chemdad Co., Ltd
+86-023-6139-8061 +86-86-13650506873
sales@chemdad.com China 39916 58
Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd
+86-29-87569265 +86-15319487004
1015@dideu.com China 2132 58
Antai Fine Chemical Technology Co.,Limited
info@antaichem.com CHINA 9641 58


  • 7439-98-7
  • Molybdenum, lump
  • Molybdenum wire, 0.203mm (0.008in) dia, hard, 99.9%(metals basis)
  • Molybdenum,99.98%,powder, -20 μm
  • Molybdenum powder, -200 mesh, 99.9+% (metals basis)
  • Molybdenum, plasma standard solution, Specpure, Mo 10g/ml
  • MOLYBDENUM, 99.99%, POWDER, 200 MESH
  • 6.4 MM DIA. (~3.6G/CM)
  • mchvl
  • Molybdenum, plasma standard solution, Specpure(R), Mo 10,000μg/ml
  • Molybdenum rod, 3.17mm (0.125in) dia, annealed, 99.95% (metals basis)
  • Molybdenum rod, 5mm (0.2in) dia, Puratronic(R), 99.97% (metals basis)
  • Molybdenum (insoluble compounds) (as Mo)
  • Molybdenum (soluble compounds) (respirable dust) (as Mo)
  • Molybdenum (soluble compounds) (total dust) (as Mo)
  • Molybdenum, soluble compounds (respirable dust)
  • Molybdenum, pellets, 6 x 16 mm
  • molybdenum fume
  • Molybdenum powder, APS typically 0.3 micron, 99.95% (metals basis)
  • Molybdenum powder, spherical, APS 0.085 micron, 99.5% metals basis)
  • Nano-molybdenum
  • Molybdenum (O, N, C)
  • Molybdenum foil
  • Molybdenum pellets (99.7%)
  • Molybdenum rod (99.95%)
  • Molybdenum sheet (99.95%)
  • Molybdenum solution 10 000 ppm
  • モリブデン
  • モリブデン(粉末)
  • モリブデン粉末
  • モリブデン(キューブ), 5N
  • モリブデン(粉末) 2~3ミクロン
  • モリブデン, ワイヤー, 熱処理済
  • モリブデン, 粉末, 99.9%
  • モリブデン, ロッド
  • モリブデン, ペレット
  • モリブデン, ホイル
  • モリブデン rod (99.95%)
  • モリブデン wire (99.97%)
  • モリブデン酸塩
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