
テトラニトロメタン 化学構造式
TNM;tetan;NSC 16146;NCI-C55947;tetranitro-methan;TETRANITROMETHANE;tetranitromethane0;Methane,tetranitro-;rcrawastenumberp112;Tetranitromethane(R)
MOL File:

テトラニトロメタン 物理性質

融点 :
13-14 °C(lit.)
沸点 :
126 °C(lit.)
比重(密度) :
1.637 g/mL at 25 °C(lit.)
8.4 mm Hg ( 20 °C)
屈折率 :
n20/D 1.438(lit.)
闪点 :
>230 °F
貯蔵温度 :
アルコールおよびエーテルと混和する (Hawley, 1981)
外見 :
Merck :
NIOSH REL: TWA 1 ppm, IDLH 4 ppm; OSHA PEL: TWA 5 ppb (adopted).
Dielectric constant:
CAS データベース:
509-14-8(CAS DataBase Reference)
2B (Vol. 65) 1996
Tetranitromethane (509-14-8)
  • リスクと安全性に関する声明
  • 危険有害性情報のコード(GHS)
主な危険性  O,T+
Rフレーズ  8-25-26-36/37/38-40
Sフレーズ  17-28-36/37-45
OEL TWA: 1 ppm (8 mg/m3)
RIDADR  UN 1510 5.1/PG 1
WGK Germany  3
RTECS 番号 PB4025000
国連危険物分類  5.1
容器等級  I
有毒物質データの 509-14-8(Hazardous Substances Data)
毒性 Acute oral LD50 for rats 130 mg/kg, mice 375 mg/kg (quoted, RTECS, 1985).
IDLA 4 ppm
絵表示(GHS) GHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictograms
コード 危険有害性情報 危険有害性クラス 区分 注意喚起語 シンボル P コード
H271 火災または爆発のおそれ;強酸化性物質 酸化性液体; 酸化性固体 1 危険 GHS hazard pictograms P210, P220, P221, P280, P283,P306+P360, P371+P380+P375,P370+P378, P501
H301 飲み込むと有毒 急性毒性、経口 3 危険 GHS hazard pictograms P264, P270, P301+P310, P321, P330,P405, P501
H315 皮膚刺激 皮膚腐食性/刺激性 2 警告 GHS hazard pictograms P264, P280, P302+P352, P321,P332+P313, P362
H319 強い眼刺激 眼に対する重篤な損傷性/眼刺激 性 2A 警告 GHS hazard pictograms P264, P280, P305+P351+P338,P337+P313P
H330 吸入すると生命に危険 急性毒性、吸入 1, 2 危険 GHS hazard pictograms P260, P271, P284, P304+P340, P310,P320, P403+P233, P405, P501
H335 呼吸器への刺激のおそれ 特定標的臓器毒性、単回暴露; 気道刺激性 3 警告 GHS hazard pictograms
H351 発がんのおそれの疑い 発がん性 2 警告 P201, P202, P281, P308+P313, P405,P501
P210 熱/火花/裸火/高温のもののような着火源から遠ざ けること。-禁煙。
P220 衣類/.../可燃物から遠ざけること。
P221 可燃物と混合を回避するために予防策をとること。
P264 取扱い後は皮膚をよく洗うこと。
P264 取扱い後は手や顔をよく洗うこと。
P280 保護手袋/保護衣/保護眼鏡/保護面を着用するこ と。
P283 防火服/防炎服/耐火服を着用すること。
P302+P352 皮膚に付着した場合:多量の水と石鹸で洗うこと。
P305+P351+P338 眼に入った場合:水で数分間注意深く洗うこと。次にコ ンタクトレンズを着用していて容易に外せる場合は外す こと。その後も洗浄を続けること。
P321 特別な処置が必要である(このラベルの... を見よ)。
P332+P313 皮膚刺激が生じた場合:医師の診断/手当てを受けるこ と。
P362 汚染された衣類を脱ぎ、再使用す場合には洗濯をすること。

テトラニトロメタン 化学特性,用途語,生産方法


CN4O8(196.03).C(NO2)4.無水酢酸を発煙硝酸と室温以下で反応させるか,アセチレンと硝酸との反応により得られる.淡黄色の揮発性の液体.融点13.8 ℃,沸点126 ℃.d2541.6229.n25D1.4358.エタノール,エーテルに可溶,水に不溶.純粋なものは安定であるが,微量の有機物を含んでも不安定になる.シクロプロパン誘導体や不飽和化合物により黄色を呈するので,エチレン二重結合などの検出に用いられる.非常に爆発性が強く,取り扱いに注意を要する.液体ロケット燃料の酸化剤.刺激臭があり有毒.[CAS 509-14-8]




Tetranitromethane (TNM) is a nitroalkane compound that is a colorless to pale-yellow liquid or solid (below 57 F) with a biting, pungent odor at room temperature. TNM is not known to occur as a natural product and is generated during the manufacture of trinitrotoluene (TNT) as an undesired byproduct that can be separated by means of its higher vapor pressure. It can be prepared by different reactions, the nitration of acetic anhydride or acetylene with nitric acid being the less problematic. It was synthesized in large amounts (as an industrial-scale production) for the first time in Germany during World War II during the development of the V2 rocket for use as a substitute for nitric acid in rocket fuel and due to the observation that its addition to diesel fuel increased the cetane number. A pilot-scale manufacture was set up by Nitroform Inc. (Newark, NJ, USA), but in 1953 was destroyed by an explosion. In 1994, TNM was produced by only one company in the United States and another one in Russia.


Tetranitromethane, a nitroparaffin, is a colorless to pale yellow liquid or solid with a pungent odor. It causes tears.


Colorless to pale yellow to yellow-orange liquid with a pungent odor. Sensitive to heat, friction, and shock. Explosive in presence of impurities.


Reagent for nitration of enol silyl ethers7 and aromatic compounds.8 Employed in the photooxidation of sulfides to sulfoxides.9


A pale yellow liquid. Irritates skin and respiratory tract. Very toxic by inhalation. Difficult to ignite. Burns at a steady rate once ignited. Under prolonged exposure to fire or heat containers may rupture violently and rocket Produces toxic oxides of nitrogen during combustion.


Highly Flammable. Insoluble in water.


Self-reactive. TETRANITROMETHANE is a weak, but highly sensitive explosive [Van Dolah 1967]. May decompose explosively if contaminated with combustible material. A propellant. Ignites upon contact with alcohols, amines, ammonia, beryllium alkyls, boranes, dicyanogen, hydrazines, hydrocarbons, hydrogen, nitroalkanes, powdered metals, silanes, or thiols [Bretherick 1979 p.174].


Dangerous fire and explosion risk. Toxic by ingestion, inhalation, skin absorption. Eye and upper respiratory tract irritant. Upper respiratory tract cancer. Possible carcinogen.


Acute effects include irritation of the eyes and respiratory passages and mild burns to the skin. After more prolonged inhalation, headache and respiratory distress may occur. After prolonged exposure, central nervous system, heart, liver, and kidney damage can occur as well as pulmonary edema.


Spontaneous chemical reaction may produce fire. Material is a strong oxidizer. The potential for explosion is severe, especially when exposed to heat or to powerful oxidizing or reducing agents; or when shocked or heated. TETRANITROMETHANE is more easily detonated than TNT. Impurities can also cause explosion. The material is highly sensitive; hydrocarbons exposed to TETRANITROMETHANE form exceedingly sensitive explosives. When heated to decomposition, TETRANITROMETHANE emits highly toxic fumes of oxides of nitrogen. Shock will explode it. Avoid hydrocarbons, aluminum, toluene, cotton, aromatic nitro compounds, alkalis, metals and rubber. Avoid impurities, shock, heat, and reducing agents.


Confirmed carcinogen with carcinogenic and neoplastigenic data. Poison by ingestion, inhalation, intravenous, and intraperitoneal routes. Irritating to the skin, eyes, mucous membranes, and respiratory passages, and does serious damage to the liver. Mutation data reported. It occurs as an impurity in crude TNT, and is thought to be mainly responsible for the irritating properties of that material. It can cause pulmonary edema, mild methemoglobinemia, and fatty degeneration of the liver and hdneys. A powerful oxidizer. A very dangerous fire hazard. A severe explosion hazard when shocked or exposed to heat. May explode during distillation. Potentially explosive reaction with ferrocene, pyridine, sodium ethoxide. mxtures with amines (e.g., aniline) ignite spontaneously and may explode. Mixtures with cotton or toluene may explode when ignited. Forms sensitive and powerful explosive mixtures with nitrobenzene, l-nitrotoluene, 4-nitrotoluene, 1,3-dinitrobenzene, 1 -nitronaphthalene, other oxygen-deficient explosives, hydrocarbons. Can react vigorously with oxidizing materials. Incompatible with aluminum. When heated to decomposition it emits highly toxic fumes of NOx. Used as an oxidizer in rocket propellants and as an explosive. See also NITRATES; EXPLOSIVES, HIGH.


Tetranitromethane is used as a solvent for polymers and as a stabilizer; as an oxidizer in rocket propellant combinations. It is also used as an explosive in admixture with toluene.


Tetranitromethane is reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity from studies in experimental animals.


UN1510 Tetranitromethane, Hazard Class: 6.1; Labels: 6.1-Poison Inhalation Hazard, 5.1-Oxidizer, Inhalation Hazard Zone B.


Shake tetranitromethane with dilute NaOH, wash, steam distil, dry with Na2SO4 and fractionally crystallise it by partial freezing. The melted crystals are dried with MgSO4 and fractionally distilled under reduced pressure. Alternatively, shake it with a large volume of dilute NaOH until no absorption attributable to the aci-nitro anion (from monodiand trinitromethanes) is observable in the water. Then wash it with distilled water, and distil it at room temperature by passing a stream of air or nitrogen through the liquid and condensing it in a trap at -80o. It can be dried with MgSO4 or Na2SO4, fractionally crystallised from the melt, and fractionally distilled under reduced pressure. [Liang Org Synth Coll Vol III 803 1955, Beilstein 4 H 80, 4 I 21, 4 II 45, 4 III 116, 4 IV 107.] Potentially explosive (when impure e.g. with toluene), toxic, carcinogenic.


Tetranitromethane is a powerful oxidizer. It is more easily detonated than TNT. Contact with hydrocarbons, alkalis, or metals form explosive mixtures. Contact with toluene or cotton may cause fire andexplosion. Combustible material wet with tetranitromethane may be highly explosive. The potential for explosion is severe, especially when exposed to heat, powerful oxidizers, or reducing agents; or, when subject to mild shock. Impurities can also cause explosives. Attacks some plastics, rubber and coatings.


Consult with environmental regulatory agencies for guidance on acceptable disposal practices. Generators of waste containing this contaminant (≥100 kg/mo) must conform with EPA regulations governing storage, transportation, treatment, and waste disposal. Open burning at remote burning sites is not entirely satisfactory since it makes no provision for the control of the toxic effluents, nitrogen oxides and HCN. Suggested procedures are to employ modified closed pit burning, using blowers for air supply and passing the effluent combustion gases through wet scrubbers.

テトラニトロメタン 上流と下流の製品情報




  • 509-14-8
  • NSC 16146
  • Methane,tetranitro-
  • NCI-C55947
  • Rcra waste number P112
  • rcrawastenumberp112
  • tetan
  • tetranitro-methan
  • tetranitromethane0
  • TNM
  • Methane,tetranitro-(R)
  • Tetranitromethane(R)
  • Tetranitromethane(Technical)
  • テトラニトロメタン
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