
2020/11/11 14:05:45

he study is the first to look into the effects that BPA and BPS can have on the brain cells and genes linked to the development of reproduction organs. To test the chemicals, the researchers exposed zebrafish, whose transparent embryos make it easier to watch cell growth, to very small amounts of either BPA or BPS. Using fluorescent-green protein tags, they were able to track the development of the animals' reproductive endocrine brain cells, which control puberty and fertility.

关于塑料中的双酚A,2011年欧盟就规定婴儿奶瓶禁用含双酚A。美国食品及药物管理局在婴儿奶瓶和吸管杯中禁用双酚A。但是,在美国食品及药物管理局的官方网站上“双酚A在食品接触应用中的问题及回答”一文中又指出 在目前的食品容器和包装中所批准的双酚A用量是安全的。尽管如此,双酚A在业界仍然存在较大争议,许多塑料公司都开始宣传不含双酚A的产品,比如无双酚A聚酯材料。而业界此前认为可以使用安全无害的双酚S替代双酚A。

参考文献:Actions of Bisphenol A and Bisphenol S on the Reproductive Neuroendocrine System During Early Development in Zebrafish
Wenhui Qiu, Yali Zhao, Ming Yang, Matthew Farajzadeh, Chenyuan Pan, and Nancy L. Wayne

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