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アセト酢酸エチル 製品概要
英語化学名:Ethyl acetoacetate
别名:Ethyl acetoacetate,Acetoacetic ester;Ethyl acetoacetate, synthesis grade;Ethyl acetoacetate,99+%,extra pure;Ethyl acetoacetate >=99.0%;2-ethyl-3-oxobutanoate;Ethyl acetoacetate, extra pure, 99+% 100GR;Ethyl acetoacetate, pure, 99% 1LT;Ethyl acetoacetate, pure, 99% 2.5LT
カテゴリ情報:Organic synthesis;Solvent;Pharmaceutical Intermediates;Organics;API intermediates;Miscellaneous;ester Flavor;Analytical Reagents;Analytical Reagents for General Use;Analytical/Chromatography;Building Blocks;C6 to C7;Carbonyl Compounds;Chemical Synthesis;E-H;Esters;Organic Building Blocks;Puriss p.a.;bc0001;141-97-9
Mol File:141-97-9.mol
アセト酢酸エチル 物理性質
融点 −43 °C(lit.)
沸点 181 °C(lit.)
比重(密度) 1.029 g/mL at 20 °C(lit.)
蒸気密度4.48 (vs air)
蒸気圧1 mm Hg ( 28.5 °C)
屈折率 n20/D 1.419
闪点 185 °F
貯蔵温度 Store below +30°C.
溶解性116 g/L (20°C)
酸解離定数(Pka)11(at 25℃)
外見 Liquid
APHA: ≤15
比重1.027~1.035 (20/4℃)
Relative polarity0.577
PH4.0 (110g/l, H2O, 20℃)
臭い (Odor)Agreeable, fruity.
爆発限界(explosive limit)1.0-54%(V)
水溶解度 116 g/L (20 ºC)
JECFA Number595
Merck 14,3758
BRN 385838
Dielectric constant15.0(Ambient)
安定性:Stable. Incompatible with acids, bases, oxidizing agents, reducing agents, alkali metals. Combustible.
LogP0.8 at 20℃
CAS データベース141-97-9(CAS DataBase Reference)
NISTの化学物質情報Butanoic acid, 3-oxo-, ethyl ester(141-97-9)
EPAの化学物質情報Ethyl acetoacetate (141-97-9)
主な危険性 Xi
Rフレーズ 36
Sフレーズ 26-24/25
WGK Germany 1
RTECS 番号AK5250000
自然発火温度580 °F
国連危険物分類 3.2
容器等級 III
HSコード 29183000
有毒物質データの141-97-9(Hazardous Substances Data)
毒性LD50 orally in rats: 3.98 g/kg (Smyth)
MSDS Information
Acetoacetic ester English
SigmaAldrich English
ACROS English
ALFA English
アセト酢酸エチル Usage And Synthesis




溶解性水に可溶 (13g/100ml), エタノールに易溶。エタノール及びアセトンに極めて溶けやすく、水に溶ける。


代表的なβ-ケト酸エステルで,ケト形とエノール形の互変異性体からなり,その割合は新しく蒸留したもので,それぞれ92.3% および7.7% である.無色で,果実様の芳香をもつ液体.凝固点-45 ℃,沸点181 ℃,74 ℃(1.8 kPa).d201.0282.nD161.42092.ケト形はエタノール中-78 ℃ に冷却すると得られ,その性質は沸点40~41 ℃(0.26 kPa),凝固点-39 ℃.nD20"1.4225.水に難溶,有機溶媒に易溶.塩化鉄(Ⅲ)で紫色を呈する.ケトン試薬とは通常の反応をするが,ヒドラゾンなどはさらに反応が進行してピラゾロン誘導体を与える.ナトリウムを作用させるとエノール形のナトリウム塩CH3C(ONa)=CHCOOC2H5となり,これにハロゲン化アルキルを作用させるとケト形のアルキル置換体にかわる.この操作を繰り返して得られる二置換C-アルキル体を,希薄な塩基あるいは酸と加熱すると,分解していろいろなケトンを与える(ケトン分解).これは有用なケトンの合成法になっている.また,強塩基と加熱すると酢酸と脂肪酸を与える.これもβ-ケト酸エステルに共通の反応である(酸分解).これを利用して種々の脂肪酸が合成できる.種々の有機合成,アゾ染料などの出発物質,また解熱剤,抗マラリア剤の製造や塗料用溶剤,種々のフレーバー(香料)などに用いられる.LD50 3950 mg/kg(ラット,経口).

用途1) 諸種の有機合成の出発原料。2) アゾ染料の出発原料。3) 解熱剤、、抗マラリア剤の製造。4) ラッカー、塗料用溶剤。5) タリウムの検出、カルシウムの酸化物および水酸化物、銅などの定量試薬の一つ。

図2. アセト酢酸エチルの構造


アセト酢酸エチルはケトエノール互変異性 (英: keto-enol tautomerism) の影響を受けます。33°Cでエノールは、全体の15%です。




図3. アセト酢酸エチルの合成

に金属ナトリウムなどを反応させると、アセト酢酸エチルが得られます。酢酸エチルにナトリウムエトキシドを加えて、縮合させても合成できます。ナトリウムエトキシドの化学式はC2H5ONaです。これらの反応はクライゼン縮合 (英: Claisen condensation) と呼ばれます。


説明The organic compound ethyl acetoacetate (EAA) is the ethyl ester of acetoacetic acid. It is mainly used as a chemical intermediate in the production of a wide variety of compounds, such as amino acids, analgesics, antibiotics, antimalarial agents, antipyrine and amino pyrine, and vitamin B1; as well as the manufacture of dyes, inks, lacquers, perfumes, plastics, and yellow paint pigments. Alone, it is used as a flavoring for food.
化学的特性Ethyl acetoacetate has a characteristic ether-like, fruity, pleasant, refreshing odor.
化学的特性Ethyl 3-Oxobutanoate is a colorless liquid with a fruity, ethereal, sweet odor reminiscent of green apples. It is used to create fresh, fruity top notes in feminine fine fragrances. Ethyl acetoacetate occurs in flavors of natural materials such as coffee, strawberries, and yellow passion fruits.
天然物の起源Naturally occurring in strawberry, coffee, sherry, passion fruit juice (yellow), babaco fruit (Carica pentagona Heilborn) and bread.
使用Ethyl acetoacetate is used as an intermediate in organic synthesis and as a co-promoter for unsaturated polyester resins. It is widely used in the production of dyes, inks, perfumes, plastics and flavoring agents. It is an important starting material for the syntheses of alpha-substituted acetoacetic esters and cyclic compounds like pyrazole, pyrimidine and coumarin derivatives. It acts as an intermediate in the synthesis of vitamins and pharmaceuticals. It finds application as a formaldehyde scavenger.
使用Ethyl acetoacetate (EAA) is used as starting material for the syntheses of alpha-substituted acetoacetic esters and cyclic compounds, e.g. pyrazole, pyrimidine and coumarin derivatives as well as intermediate for vitamins and pharmaceuticals. Product Data Sheet
定義This compound is a tautomer at room temperature consisting of about 93% keto form and 7% enol form.
製造方法Ethyl acetoacetate is produced industrially by treatment of diketene with ethanol.
The preparation of ethyl acetoacetate is a classic laboratory procedure . It is prepared via the Claisen condensation of ethyl acetate. Two moles of ethyl acetate condense to form one mole each of ethyl acetoacetate and ethanol.
調製方法Ethyl acetoacetate is manufactured through a reaction of high-purity ethyl acetate with sodium, followed by neutralization with sulfuric acid.
Aroma threshold valuesDetection: 520 ppb. Aroma characteristics at 10%: sweet fruity apple, fermented, slightly fusel-like and rummy, fruity banana with tropical nuances.
Taste threshold valuesTaste characteristics at 100 ppm: fruity banana, apple and white grape with slightly green estry and tropical nuances.Taste characteristics at 300 ppm: estery, fatty, fruity and tutti-frutti
Synthesis Reference(s)The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 58, p. 793, 1993 DOI: 10.1021/jo00055a046
一般的な説明A colorless liquid with a fruity odor. Flash point 185°F. Boiling point 365°F. May cause adverse health effects if ingested or inhaled. May irritate to skin, eyes and mucous membranes. Used in organic synthesis and in lacquers and paints.
反応プロフィールEthyl acetoacetate, a beta-keto ester, is more reactive than many esters. Undergoes an exothermic cleavage reaction in the presence of concentrated base. Reacts with acids to liberate heat along with alcohols and acids. Strong oxidizing acids may cause a vigorous reaction that is sufficiently exothermic to ignite the reaction products. Flammable hydrogen is generated by mixing esters with alkali metals and hydrides. Mixing with 2,2,2-tris(bromomethyl)ethanol and zinc led to an explosion [US Patent 3 578 619, Crotonaldehyde may rapidly polymerize with Ethyl acetoacetate (Soriano, D.S. et al. 1988. Journal of Chemical Education 65:637.).1971].
危険性Toxic by ingestion and inhalation; irritant to skin and eyes.
健康ハザードLiquid may cause mild irritation of eyes.
燃焼性と爆発性Non flammable


アセト酢酸エチルは活性メチレンを有し、塩基によって比較的安定なカルバニオンが生成します。活性メチレン (英: activated methylene) とは、カルボニル基のような電子求引基2つに挟まれたメチレン基のことです。

活性メチレンの影響で酸性が強い化合物には、マロン酸エステル、シアノ酢酸エステル、アセチルアセトンなどがあります。カルバニオンの安定性は、炭素-炭素結合形成のために利用可能です。具体例として、アセト酢酸エステル合成 (英: acetoacetic ester synthesis) やマロン酸エステル合成 (英: malonic ester synthesis) が挙げられます。

アセト酢酸エチルなどの活性メチレン化合物は、クロスカップリング反応 (英: Coupling reaction) やマイケル付加反応 (英: Michael addition) でも使用されます。




化学反応性Ethyl acetoacetate is subject to Keto - enol tautomerism. Ethyl acetoacetate is often used in the acetoacetic ester synthesis similar to diethyl malonate in the malonic ester synthesis or the Knoevenagel condensation. The protons alpha to carbonyl groups are acidic, and the resulting carbanion can undergo nucleophilic substitution. A subsequent thermal decarboxylation is also possible.Similar to the behavior of acetylacetone, the enolate of ethyl acetoacetate can also serve as a bidentate ligand. For example, it forms purple coordination complexes with iron (III) salts :
Ethyl acetoacetate can also be reduced to ethyl 3-hydroxy butyrate.
化学反応性Reactivity with Water No reaction; Reactivity with Common Materials: No reaction; Stability During Transport: Stable; Neutralizing Agents for Acids and Caustics: Not pertinent; Polymerization: Not pertinent; Inhibitor of Polymerization: Not pertinent.
安全性プロファイルeye irritant. Combustible liquid when exposed to heat or flame; can react with oxidzing materials. Explosive reaction when heated with Zn + tribromoneopentyl alcohol or 2,2,2 tris(bromomethy1)ethanol. To fight fire, use alcohol foam, CO2, dry chemical. When heated to decomposition it emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes. See also ESTERS.
合成Ethyl acetoacetate is a mixture of two tautomer forms: the enolic and the ketonic; the liquid ester at equilibrium contains approximately 70% of the enolic form. It is prepared by Claisen condensation of ethyl acetate in the presence of sodium ethylate; also by reacting diketene with ethanol in the presence of sulfuric acid or triethylamine and sodium acetate, with or without solvent.
純化方法Shake the ester with small amounts of saturated aqueous NaHCO3 (until no further effervescence), then with water. Dry it with MgSO4 or CaCl2 and distil it under reduced pressure. [Beilstein 3 IV 1528.]