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クロム酸二カリウム 製品概要
英語化学名:Potassium chromate
别名:dipotassiumchromate(k2cro4);dipotassiummonochromate;neutralpotassiumchromate;potassiumchromate[k2(cro4)];potassiumchromate6;CHROMIUM(VI) ATOMIC SPECTR. STD. CONC. 1 .00 G CR(VI), AMP.;CHROMIUM(VI) ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY STANDA&;POTASSIUM CHROMATE ACS REAGENT
カテゴリ情報:Inorganics;By Reference Material;N - RVolumetric Solutions;Reference Material Sodium thiosolfate;Salt Solutions;Volumetric Solutions;Metal and Ceramic Science;Potassium Salts;Salts;Metal and Ceramic Science;Potassium Salts;Materials Science;ACS GradeSynthetic Reagents;Essential Chemicals;Inorganic Salts;Potassium;Routine Reagents;Synthetic Reagents;CHCosmetics;Allergens;Anionic SolutionsChromatography;Anionic Standard SolutionsAlphabetic;Application CRMs;C;Ion Chromatography;Ion Chromatography Standards;Metals;Analytical Reagents for General Use;O-P, Puriss p.a. ACS;Puriss p.a. ACS
Mol File:7789-00-6.mol
クロム酸二カリウム 物理性質
融点 971 °C (lit.)
比重(密度) 1.00 g/mL at 20 °C
蒸気密度6.7 (vs air)
貯蔵温度 Store below +30°C.
溶解性H2O: soluble
外見 Solid
PH9.0-9.8 (50g/l, H2O, 20℃)
水溶解度 640 g/L (20 ºC)
Merck 14,7622
暴露限界値ACGIH: TWA 0.0002 mg/m3; STEL 0.0005 mg/m3 (Skin)
OSHA: Ceiling 0.1 mg/m3
NIOSH: IDLH 15 mg/m3; TWA 0.0002 mg/m3
安定性:Stable. Strong oxidizing agent - contact with combustible materials may lead to fire or violent reaction. Incompatible with strong reducing agents, combustible materials.
CAS データベース7789-00-6(CAS DataBase Reference)
EPAの化学物質情報Potassium chromate(VI) (7789-00-6)
主な危険性 T,N,O
Rフレーズ 49-46-43-51/53-8-50/53-36/37/38-22-45-52/53-25-42/43-20
Sフレーズ 53-45-60-61-36/37-26-23
RIDADR UN 3288 6.1/PG 3
WGK Germany 3
RTECS 番号GB2940000
国連危険物分類 5.1
容器等級 III
HSコード 28415000
有毒物質データの7789-00-6(Hazardous Substances Data)
MSDS Information
ACROS English
SigmaAldrich English
ALFA English
クロム酸二カリウム Usage And Synthesis


製品には、25g , 100g , 500g , 1kgなどの容量の種類がある他、2%水溶液などの製品もあります。通常、プラスチックボトルなど、実験室で取り扱いやすい包装で提供されます。常温での輸送・保管が可能な試薬です。


図2. クロム酸カリウムの化学的性質

クロム酸カリウムの固体はと類似の結晶構造であり、四面体型のクロム酸イオンが含まれ斜方晶系に属します。尚、格子定数はa = 5.92Å、b = 10.39Å、c = 7.68Åです。




クロム酸カリウム,K2CrO4(194.19).二クロム酸カリウムの熱水溶液に,炭酸カリウムを加え,微アルカリ性で蒸発濃縮後冷却すると析出する.黄色の結晶.室温ではα形の斜方晶系のイオン結晶で,四面体型のCrO42-が存在する.Cr-O約1.67 Å.密度2.73 g cm-3.675 ℃ に加熱すると赤色の六方晶系(β形)にかわり,冷却するともとに戻る.融点975 ℃.水に易溶.水溶液を酸性にすると,Cr2O72-を生じて赤橙色になる.濃塩酸を加えると,[CrO3Cl]- を生じ,この混合液を加熱すると,Cl2 を発生して,Cr3+ に還元される.酸化剤,分析試薬,皮なめし,媒染剤,クロム酸塩の原料(顔料など)などに用いられる.重金属イオンの分析試薬として用いられ、また、銀イオンのモール滴定法(ドイツのモールKarl Friedrich Mohr(1806―1879)が1856年に創始した終点検知法で、赤色のクロム酸銀の沈殿が現れる点を終点とする)における指示薬として用いられる。

化学的特性Potassium chromate(VI) is a yellow crystalline solid.
化学的特性lemon-yellow crystals
使用Has a limited application in enamels, finishing leather, rustproofing of metals, being replaced by the sodium salt; as reagent in analytical chemistry.
使用It is used as an oxidizing agent.
使用Potassium chromate (K2CrO4) is soluble in water and is used to make bright yellow inks and paint pigments. It is also used as a reagent in chemical laboratories and as a mordant to “fix” dyes in colored textiles.
定義A salt containing the ionCrO42-.
定義potassium chromate: A bright yellowcrystalline solid, K2CrO4, solublein water and insoluble in alcohol;rhombic; r.d. 2.73; m.p. 968.3°C; decomposes without boiling. It is producedindustrially by roasting powderedchromite ore with potassiumhydroxide and limestone and leachingthe resulting cinder with hotpotassium sulphate solution. Potassiumchromate is used in leatherfinishing, as a textile mordant, and inenamels and pigments. In the laboratoryit is used as an analyticalreagent and as an indicator. Likeother chromium(III) compounds it istoxic when ingested or inhaled.
定義ChEBI: A potassium salt consisting of potassium and chromate ions in a 2:1 ratio.
一般的な説明Potassium chromate is a yellow crystalline solid. Potassium chromate is soluble in water. The primary hazard is the threat to the environment. Immediate steps should be taken to limit its spread to the environment. Potassium chromate is used in chemical analysis, in making pigments for paints and inks, as a fungicide, and to make other chromium compounds.
空気と水の反応Soluble in water.
反応プロフィールOxidizing agents, such as Potassium chromate , can react with reducing agents to generate heat and products that may be gaseous (causing pressurization of closed containers). The products may themselves be capable of further reactions (such as combustion in the air). The chemical reduction of materials in this group can be rapid or even explosive, but often requires initiation (heat, spark, catalyst, addition of a solvent). Explosive mixtures of inorganic oxidizing agents with reducing agents often persist unchanged for long periods if initiation is prevented. Such systems are typically mixtures of solids, but may involve any combination of physical states. Some inorganic oxidizing agents are salts of metals that are soluble in water; dissolution dilutes but does not nullify the oxidizing power of such materials. Organic compounds, in general, have some reducing power and can in principle react with compounds in this class. Actual reactivity varies greatly with the identity of the organic compound. Inorganic oxidizing agents can react violently with active metals, cyanides, esters, and thiocyanates.
危険性Toxic by ingestion and inhalation.
健康ハザードInhalation causes local irritation of mucous membranes; continuing nose irritation can result in perforation of nasal septum. Ingestion may cause violent gastroenteritis, circulatory collapse, vertigo, coma, and toxic nephritis; ingestion of excessive quantities can be fatal. Contact with eyes causes severe irritation and conjunctivitis. Repeated or prolonged exposure to dust, mist, or solutions may cause dermatitis; contact with breaks in the skin may cause ``chrome sores'' appearing as slow-healing, hard-rimmed ulcers which leave the area vulnerable to infection.
火災危険Behavior in Fire: May increase intensity of fire if in contact with combustible materials. Cool containers and spilled material with plenty of water.





クロム酸カリウムの主な用途は、酸化剤や重金属イオンを分析するための試薬、繊維に染料を定着させるために使用する媒染剤、クロム酸塩の原料 (顔料など) です。また、なめし革の仕上げに使用され、革の耐熱性、染色性、断熱性を向上させる用途もあります。


安全性プロファイルConfirmed carcinogen with experimental tumorigenic data. Poison by ingestion, intravenous, subcutaneous, and intramuscular routes. An experimental teratogen. Other experimental reproductive effects. Human mutation data reported. A powerful oxidizer. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of K2O. Used as a mordant for wool, in the oxidizing and treatment of dyes on materials. See also CHROMIUM COMPOUNDS.
職業ばく露Potassium chromate is used in printing: photomechanical processing; chrome-pigment production; and wool preservative methods; to make dyes, pigments, inks and enamels; as an oxidizing agent; analytical reagent; in electroplating; explosives.

図1. クロム酸カリウムの合成



輸送方法UN1479 Oxidizing solid, n.o.s., Hazard Class: 5.1; Labels: 5.1-Oxidizer, Technical Name Required. UN3288 Toxic solids, inorganic, n.o.s., Hazard Class: 6.1; Labels: 6.1-Poisonous materials, Technical Name Required
純化方法Crystallise it from conductivity water (0.6g/mL at 20o), and dry it between 135o and 170o.
不和合性A powerful oxidizer. Violent reactions with combustibles, organics, powdered metals; or easily oxidizable substances. Contact with hydroxylamine, hydrazine causes explosion.