
ペルオキシバリウム 製品概要
英語化学名:Barium peroxide
别名:bariumsuperoxide;Dioxyde de baryum;dioxydedebaryum;dioxydedebaryum(french);per-bariumoxid;Peroxyde de baryum;peroxydedebaryum;peroxydedebaryum(french)
カテゴリ情報:metal oxide;Inorganics;Oxidation;Peroxides;Synthetic Reagents;Industrial/Fine Chemicals
Mol File:1304-29-6.mol
ペルオキシバリウム 物理性質
融点 450 °C
沸点 losesO2 at 800°C
比重(密度) 4,96 g/cm3
闪点 21 °C
溶解性reacts with dilute acid solutions
外見 Powder
臭い (Odor)Odorless
水溶解度 Insoluble in water
Sensitive Moisture Sensitive
Merck 14,989
安定性:Stable. Strong oxidizer - contact with combustible material may cause fire. Incompatible with organic materials, combustible materials, reducing agents, most common metals.
LogP-0.425 (est)
CAS データベース1304-29-6(CAS DataBase Reference)
EPAの化学物質情報Barium peroxide (Ba(O2)) (1304-29-6)
主な危険性 O,Xn
Rフレーズ 8-20/22
Sフレーズ 13-27
RIDADR UN 1449 5.1/PG 2
WGK Germany 1
RTECS 番号CR0175000
国連危険物分類 5.1
容器等級 II
HSコード 28164000
有毒物質データの1304-29-6(Hazardous Substances Data)
毒性LD50 scu-mus: 50 mg/kg ZVKOA6 19,186,74
MSDS Information
ACROS English
SigmaAldrich English
ALFA English
ペルオキシバリウム Usage And Synthesis

過酸化バリウム,BaO2(169.33).水酸化バリウムの飽和水溶液に過酸化水素水を加えると,八水和物BaO2・8H2Oが得られる.また,BaO粉末を乾燥した酸素気流中500 ℃ で加熱すると無水物が得られる.無水物は白色の粉末.密度4.96 g cm-3.融点450 ℃.840 ℃ でBaOと O2 とに分解する.水に微溶.熱水では分解してBa(OH)2と O2 になる.酸を作用させると,H2O2を生じて分解する.八水和物は白色で光沢のある結晶.密度2.29 g cm-3.空気中におくとCO2の作用で徐々に炭酸塩になる.有機物に触れると発火する.低温で希硫酸を加えるとH2O2水溶液を生じるので,かつてはH2O2の製造原料として用いられていた.酸化剤,漂白剤,X線防御用ガラスの製造などに用いられる.有毒.八水和物は無色、六方晶系の結晶で、100℃で無水物に変わる。無水物よりはいくぶん水に溶けやすい。酸化剤として織物、そばの漂白、過酸化水素の製造原料のほか、爆発時を調整する延時薬として火薬の製造に使われる。

用途酸化剤,漂白剤,火薬原料 (NITE CHRIP)
説明Barium peroxide, is a grayish-white powder that is slightly soluble in water. Barium peroxide is a dangerous fire and explosion risk in contact with organic materials and decomposes around 1450°F (787°C). It is also toxic by ingestion, is a skin irritant, and should be kept cool and dry in storage. The four-digit UN identification number is 1449. The primary uses of barium peroxide are in bleaching, in thermal welding of aluminum, as an oxidizing agent, and in the dyeing of textiles.
化学的特性Barium peroxide is a grayish-white powder.
物理的性質BaO2 is an iron gray or white powder. It is slowly decomposed in air, forming the hydroxide and oxygen. It does not dissolve in water, but can slowly hydrolyze, forming hydrogen peroxide in solution. Barium peroxide is a strong oxidizing agent and will explode if direct contact with organic matter occurs. Therefore, barium peroxide is always diluted to form a slurry before usage. Barium peroxide is a strong oxidizing agent that is used for bleaching. Barium peroxide contains O22- subunits wherein the oxygen atoms bond to each other as well as to the barium.
使用Bariumperoxide is used as a hydrogen peroxide source and oxygen oxidant, as well as a bleaching agent. Its main usage has been for making hydrogen peroxide and oxygen, in organic syntheses, fabric printing and dyeing. Barium peroxide is available commercially, primarily as the oxctahydrate (which is the more stable form of this peroxide).
使用Barium peroxide (BaO2) is a grayish-white dry powder that makes an excellent bleaching agent that can be stored in paper packages. Its bleaching qualities are released when mixed with water.
使用Bleaching animal substances, vegetable fibers and straw; glass decolorizer; manufacture of H2O2 and oxygen; dyeing and printing textiles; with powdered aluminum in welding; in cathodes; in igniter compositions. Oxidizing agent in organic synthesis.
製造方法Barium peroxide is best prepared by reacting barium nitrate with sodium peroxide in a cold solution:
The hydrated form is usually the octahydrate. If the anhydrate is desired, the hydrated peroxide is dried and then sintered at 350°C for 10 min or less:
4BaO2·xH2O+ heat→2BaO+2BaO2+xH2O+O2
About equal amounts of oxide and peroxide form. The ratio is a function of the time and temperature of heating. To separate the two forms, the heated mass is plunged into a large volume of water where the hydroxide is formed. The peroxide is insoluble whereas the hydroxide is soluble, allowing the separation of the two by filtration. The peroxide is then vacuum dried.
定義barium peroxide: A dense offwhitesolid, BaO2, prepared by carefullyheating barium oxide inoxygen; r.d. 4.96; m.p. 450°C. It is used as a bleaching agent. Withacids, hydrogen peroxide is formedand the reaction is used in the laboratorypreparation of hydrogen peroxide.
調製方法Barium peroxide, BaO2, was the first-known peroxo compound. It was used until mid-1900 in the manufacture of oxygen by the Brin process and of hydrogen peroxide by the Thenard reaction.
一般的な説明A grayish-white granular solid. Insoluble in water. Noncombustible, but accelerates the burning of combustible material. Mixture with finely divided combustible material may be explosive. Mixtures with combustible material may be ignited by friction or contact with moisture.
空気と水の反応Decomposed by water. Insoluble in water.
反応プロフィールBarium peroxide is a strong oxidizing agent. Contact with water can produce a temperature and oxygen concentration high enough to ignite organic materials [Bretherick's, 5th ed., 1995, p. 94]. Reacts explosively with acetic anhydride due to the formation of acetyl peroxide [Rust, 1948, p. 337]. Ignites when mixed with powdered aluminum, powdered magnesium or calcium-silicon alloys. Wood may ignite with friction from the peroxide. Decomposes when heated to 700°C to produce barium oxide and pure oxygen [Sax, 9th ed., 1996, p. 317]. Forms highly reactive mixtures with fuel-type materials.
危険性Oxidizing material. Fire and explosion risk in contact with organic materials. Keep cool and dry. Toxic by ingestion, skin irritant.
健康ハザードInhalation causes irritation of mucous membranes, throat, and nose. Contact with eyes or skin causes severe burns. Ingestion causes excessive salivation, vomiting, colic, diarrhea, convulsive tremors, slow, hard pulse, and elevated blood pressure; hemorrhages may occur in the stomach, intestines, and kidneys; muscular paralysis may follow.
火災危険Behavior in Fire: Can increase intensity of fire.
燃焼性と爆発性Not classified
安全性プロファイルA poison via subcutaneous route. A powerful oxidtzer. Explodes on contact with acetic anhydride. Ignites when mixed with calcium-silicon alloys, powdered aluminum, powdered magnesium, water + organic compounds. Mixtures with propane react violently when heated. The powder ignites when heated to 265℃ with selenium. Wood ignites with friction from the peroxide. Incompatible with H2S, water, peroxyformic acid, hydroxylamine solution, mixture of (Mg + Zn + Ba(NO3)2), and organic matter. See also BARIUM COMPOUNDS (soluble) and PEROXIDES, INORGANIC.
職業ばく露Is used as a bleaching agent; in making hydrogen peroxide, oxygen; in aluminum welding; in textile dyeing and for bleaching fibers; animal substances.
応急処置If this chemical gets into the eyes, remove anycontact lenses at once and irrigate immediately for at least15 min, occasionally lifting upper and lower lids. Seek medical attention immediately. If this chemical contacts the skin,remove contaminated clothing and wash immediately withsoap and water. Seek medical attention immediately. If thischemical has been inhaled, remove from exposure, begin rescue breathing (using universal precautions, including resuscitation mask) if breathing has stopped and CPR if heart actionhas stopped. Transfer promptly to a medical facility. Whenthis chemical has been swallowed, get medical attention.Give large quantities of water and induce vomiting. Do notmake an unconscious person vomit.
貯蔵Color Code—Yellow: Reactive Hazard; Store in alocation separate from other materials, especially flammables and combustibles. Store in tightly closed containersin a cool, well-ventilated area away from water or moisture,and away from contact with the incompatible materialscited above. See OSHA Standard 1910.104 and NFPA 43ACode for the Storage of Liquid and Solid Oxidizers fordetailed handling and storage regulations.
輸送方法UN1449 Barium peroxide, Hazard Class: 5.1; Labels: 5.1—Oxidizer, 6.1—Poisonous materials.
不和合性A strong oxidizer. Keep away from organic and combustible materials (such as wood, paper, oil, fuels, and other easily oxidized materials) and peroxyformic acid, hydrogen sulfide and hydroxylamine solutions, since violent reactions occur.
廃棄物の処理Dispose of contents and container to an approved waste disposal plant. All federal, state, and local environmental regulations must be observed. Contact your local or federal environmental protection agency for specific recommendations.