Huimeng (Shanghai) Biomedical Co., Ltd.

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Product Name MF CAS Details
22RV1/human prostate cancer cells Details
COS-7 Details
HCC1937 Details
MEG-01 human megakaryocyte leukemia cell Details
SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells Details
TE-1 Details
A2780 human ovarian cancer cells Details
AZ-521 Details
K-562 human chronic myeloid leukemia cells Details
SCI paper service Details
WESTERN BLOT test Details
CACO-2 human colorectal adenocarcinoma Details
HUH-7 human liver cancer cells Details
MG-63 Details
TALEN technology Details
U-937 human histiocytic lymphoma cells Details
Immunology technical service Details
Experimental outsourcing Details
Hepa 1-6 Details
NR8383 (rat alveolar macrophages) Details
Gene synthesis Details
CHO-K1/hamster ovary cell substrain Details
WESTERN transfer membrane fluid Details
293 [HEK-293] human embryonic kidney cells Details
769-P human renal cell adenocarcinoma Details
A20 mouse B cell lymphoma cells Details
HCC827 human non-small cell lung cancer cells Details
QPCR detection Details
Molecular biology technical services Details
786-O human kidney clear cell adenocarcinoma Details
CALU-3 human lung adenocarcinoma cell Details
GES-1 human gastric mucosal cells Details
HACAT human immortalized epidermal cells Details
JURKAT, CLONE E6-1 human T lymphocytic leukemia cells Details
SNP detection Details
SW1990 Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells Details
Cell Biology Technology Service Details
CHO-K1 Details
ELISA Kit Details
HELA human cervical cancer cells Details
MCF-7 human breast cancer cells Details
Animal experiments and technical services Details
Gene synthesis Details
Exosomal testing services Details
Adenovirus packaging Details
L929 mouse fibroblast Details
SW620 human colon cancer cells Details
293T human embryonic kidney cell Details
ACHN human renal cell adenocarcinoma Details
B16-F10 mouse skin melanoma cells Details
BT-474 Details
B16-F0 Details
Hep-3B Details
HCT-116 Details
hFOB1.19 Details
HO-8910 Details
CNE Details
208F rat fibroblast Details
AN3 CA human endometrial adenocarcinoma cell Details
Human LoVo Details
Human PANC-1 Details
Human PC-3 Details
Μ-SLIDE 2-well co-culture Details
ES-2 Human ovarian clear cell carcinoma Details
H1299 human lung cancer cells Details
293FT Details
BxPC-3 Details
RAW-Blue Details
U-2 OS Details
BGC-823 Details
SGC-7901 Details
SW480 Details
CAPAN-1 human pancreatic cancer cells Details
CCRF-CEM Human Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia T Lymphocytes Details
Human CW-2 Details
Human HuT 78 Details
J82 Human transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder Details
Human MDA-MB-468 Details
MIA PACA-2 human pancreatic cancer cells Details
Human NCI-H1650 Details
PFEIFFER Human Diffuse Large Cell Lymphoma B Lymphocytes Details
U266 human myeloma cells Details
Human VCaP Details
Human ZR-75-1 Details
NA Details
Human Primary Cells Details
cell bank Details
Tumor model Details
HEK293 Details
LLC-PK1 Details
MDA-MB-231 Details
MGC80-3 Details
Tca-8113 Details
DLD-1/human colorectal adenocarcinoma epithelial cells Details
SNL-036 Details
A-431 human epidermoid carcinoma cell Details
A549 human lung cancer cell Details
BEL-7402 human liver cancer cell Details
CAKI-1/human renal clear cell carcinoma skin metastasis cells Details
A549 Details
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