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酢酸コルチゾン 製品概要
英語化学名:Cortisone acetate
别名:11,20-trione,17,21-dihydroxy-pregn-4-ene-21-acetate;11-dehydro-17-hydroxycorticosterone-21-acetate;11-dehydro-17-hydroxycorticosteroneacetate;17,21-dihydroxypregn-4-ene-3,11,20-trioneacetate;4-PREGNEN-17ALPHA,21-DIOL-3,11,20-TRIONE ACETATE;4-PREGNEN-17,21-DIOL-3,11,20-TRIONE 21-ACETATE;4-PREGNENE-17ALPHA,21-DIOL-3,11,20-TRIONE 21-ACETATE;17ALPHA,21-DIHYDROXY-4-PREGNENE-3,11,20-TRIONE 21-ACETATE
カテゴリ情報:Biochemistry;Hydroxyketosteroids;Steroids;Inhibitors;CORTONE;Hormone Drugs;50-04-4
Mol File:50-04-4.mol
酢酸コルチゾン 物理性質
融点 237-240 °C(lit.)
沸点 577.3±50.0 °C(Predicted)
比旋光度 D25 +164° (c = 0.5 in acetone); D25 +208 to +217° (dioxane)
比重(密度) 1.26±0.1 g/cm3(Predicted)
屈折率 212 ° (C=1, MeOH)
貯蔵温度 2-8°C
溶解性Practically insoluble in water, freely soluble in methylene chloride, soluble in dioxan, sparingly soluble in acetone, slightly soluble in ethanol (96 per cent) and in methanol.
外見 Solid
White to Off-White
水溶解度 19mg/L(25 ºC)
Merck 14,2539
BRN 2067543
安定性:Stable. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents.
CAS データベース50-04-4(CAS DataBase Reference)
EPAの化学物質情報Cortisone acetate (50-04-4)
Sフレーズ 22-36/37-24/25
WGK Germany 3
RTECS 番号GM9140000
HSコード 32041200
MSDS Information
SigmaAldrich English
酢酸コルチゾン Usage And Synthesis
外観白色~わずかにうすい黄色, 粉末
溶解性クロロホルムに溶けやすく、メタノール、1,4 ‐ジオキサン及びアセトンに溶け、エタノールにわずかに溶け、水にほとんど溶けない。
効能抗炎症薬, グルココルチコイド受容体作動薬
商品名コートン (日医工)
確認試験(1) 本品2mgに硫酸2mLを加え,しばらく放置するとき, 帯黄緑色を呈し,徐々に黄だいだい色に変わる.紫外線を照 射するとき,液は淡緑色の蛍光を発する.この液に注意して 水10mLを加えるとき,退色し,澄明となる.
(2) 本品のメタノール溶液(1→50000)につき,紫外可視 吸光度測定法〈2.24〉により吸収スペクトルを測定し,本品 のスペクトルと本品の参照スペクトル又はコルチゾン酢酸エ ステル標準品について同様に操作して得られたスペクトルを 比較するとき,両者のスペクトルは同一波長のところに同様 の強度の吸収を認める.
(3) 本品を乾燥し,赤外吸収スペクトル測定法〈2.25〉の 臭化カリウム錠剤法により試験を行い,本品のスペクトルと本品の参照スペクトル又は乾燥したコルチゾン酢酸エステル 標準品のスペクトルを比較するとき,両者のスペクトルは同 一波数のところに同様の強度の吸収を認める.もし,これら のスペクトルに差を認めるときは,本品及びコルチゾン酢酸 エステル標準品をアセトンに溶かした後,アセトンを蒸発し, 残留物につき,同様の試験を行う.
定量法本品及びコルチゾン酢酸エステル標準品を乾燥し,そ の約10mgずつを精密に量り,それぞれをメタノール50mL に溶かし,次に内標準溶液5mLずつを正確に加えた後,メ タノールを加えて100mLとし,試料溶液及び標準溶液とす る.試料溶液及び標準溶液10μLにつき,次の条件で液体ク ロマトグラフィー〈2.01〉により試験を行い,内標準物質の ピーク面積に対するコルチゾン酢酸エステルのピーク面積の 比Q T及びQ Sを求める.
=MS × Q T/Q S
内標準溶液 パラオキシ安息香酸ブチルのメタノール溶液 (3→5000)
純度試験類縁物質 本品25mgをアセトニトリル/水/酢酸 (100)混液(70:30:1)10mLに溶かし,試料溶液とする.こ の液1mLを正確に量り,アセトニトリル/水/酢酸(100)混 液(70:30:1)を加えて正確に100mLとし,標準溶液とする. 試料溶液及び標準溶液15μLずつを正確にとり,次の条件で 液体クロマトグラフィー〈2.01〉により試験を行う.それぞ れの液の各々のピーク面積を自動積分法により測定するとき, 試料溶液のコルチゾン酢酸エステル以外のピークの面積は, 標準溶液のコルチゾン酢酸エステルのピーク面積の1/2よ り大きくない.また,試料溶液のコルチゾン酢酸エステル以 外のピークの合計面積は,標準溶液のコルチゾン酢酸エステ ルのピーク面積の1.5倍より大きくない.
説明Cortisone acetate is a synthetic glucocorticoid with anti-inflammatory properties. It decreases the size of Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine-induced dermal lesions and tuberculin reactions in rabbits when administered at 2 mg/kg on alternate days over the course of 46 days. It also reduces the number and percentage of activated lesion-infiltrating mononuclear cells and decreases the amount of caseous necrosis and ulceration. Cortisone acetate (2.5 mg/kg per day, s.c.) slows tissue regeneration in a rabbit model of wound healing. It also decreases the number of dexamethasone binding sites on isolated human lymphocytes by 30%. Formulations containing cortisone acetate have been used to relieve inflammation, pruritic manifestations of corticosteroid-responsive dermatoses, and in the treatment of immune and allergic disorders.
化学的特性White needle crystal or crystalline powder (acetone), odorless. Stable in the air. Mp239- 241°C, specific rotation [α]20D+164°(0.5%, acetone), [α]23D+169°(chloroform), [α]25D+208°-+217°(dioxane), The ethanol solution of this product has a maximum absorption at a wavelength of 240nm. Soluble in chloroform (1:4), soluble in acetone (1:75), slightly soluble in ethanol and ether, and hardly soluble in water. This product dissolves in sulfuric acid and turns yellow without fluorescence (different from hydrocortisone acetate).
OriginatorCortone Acetate,MSD,US,1950
使用Cortisone Acetate (Hydrocortisone Acetate EP Impurity D) is a glucocorticoid. Cortisone Acetate is an antiinflammatory agent. Cortisone Acetate is bioavailable and readily converted to the therapeutically active form, Hydrocotisone.
製造方法Cortisone acetate is prepared from dehydropregnenolone by epoxidation, Wolff's oxidation, mycoxidation, chromic acid oxidation, hydrogen bromide ring-opening, Raney's nickel-catalyzed debromination, iodination, and acetyloxy substitution.
定義ChEBI: Cortisone acetate is a corticosteroid hormone.
Therapeutic FunctionGlucocorticoid
一般的な説明Cortisone acetate, 21-(acetyloxy)-17-hydroxypregn-4-ene-3,11,20-trione, is the 21-acetate of naturally occurring cortisone with good systemicanti-inflammatory activity and low-to-moderate salt-retentionactivity after its in vivo conversion to hydrocortisoneacetate. This conversion is mediated by 11β-hydroxysteroiddehydrogenase. It is used for the entire spectrum of uses discussedpreviously under the heading, “Therapeutic Uses ofAdrenal Cortex Hormones”—collagen diseases, Addisondisease, severe shock, allergic conditions, chronic lymphocyticleukemia, and many other indications. Cortisone acetateis relatively ineffective topically, mainly because itmust be reduced in vivo to hydrocortisone. Its plasma halflifeis only about 30 minutes, compared with 90 minutes to3 hours for hydrocortisone.
純化方法Crystallise -1cortisone-21-acetate from acetone or CHCl3. The UV has 15,800 M-1cm at 238nm in dioxane. [Sarett J Biol Chem 162 601 1946, Beilstein 8 III 4058, 5 IV 3481.]
参考文献1. Cortisone acetate in skin disease; local effect in the skin from topical application and local injection. DOI:10.1001/ARCHDERM.1952.01530210056007
2. McCue, R.E., Dannenberg, A.M., Jr., Huguchi, S., et al. The effect of cortisone on the accumulation, activation, and necrosis of macrophages in tuberculous lesions. Inflammation 3(2), 159-176 (1978). DOI:10.1007/BF00910737
3. Joseph, J., and Tydd, M. The effects of cortisone acetate on tissue regeneration in the rabbit’s ear. J. Anat. 115(Pt. 3), 445-460 (1973).
4. Schlechte, J.A., Ginsberg, B.H., and Sherman, B.M. Regulation of the glucocorticoid receptor in human lymphocytes. J. Steroid Biochem. 16(1), 69-74 (1982). DOI:10.1016/0022-4731(82)90145-5
5. Sittig's Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Encyclopedia
6. Textbook of organic medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry. DOI:10.1002/jps.3030451120
7. Purification of Laboratory Chemicals DOI:10.5860/choice.50-6768