
ロベリン 化学構造式
C07475;Lobelin;Lobeline;Inflatine;LOBELIDINE95%,98%;Lobeline USP/EP/BP;LOBELINE HCl, a-(P);L-lobeline free base;Lobeline (base and/or unspecified salts);2-(6-[2-Hydroxy-2-phenylethyl]-1-methyl-2-piperidinyl)-1-phenylethanone
MOL File:

ロベリン 物理性質

融点 :
比旋光度 :
D15 -43° (alc)
沸点 :
473.76°C (rough estimate)
比重(密度) :
1.0909 (rough estimate)
屈折率 :
1.5614 (estimate)
光学活性 (optical activity):
-4315 (c 1, エタノール)


主な危険性  T
Rフレーズ  23/24/25
Sフレーズ  36/37/39-45
RIDADR  1544
国連危険物分類  6.1(b)
容器等級  III

ロベリン 価格

メーカー 製品番号 製品説明 CAS番号 包装 価格 更新時間 購入

ロベリン 化学特性,用途語,生産方法


C22H27NO2(337.47).2(R)-[6(S)-(2-hydroxy-2-phenyl)-1-methyl-2-piperidinyl]-1-phenylethanone.インフラチンともいう.ロベリアアルカロイドの一つ.キキョウ科Lobelia inflataの主アルカロイド.融点130~131 ℃.[α]D-43°(エタノール).水にほとんど不溶,クロロホルム,エーテルに可溶.塩酸塩は融点178~180 ℃.[α]D-43°(水).2,6-ジスチリルピリジを出発物質として合成されるDL-ロベリンは融点110 ℃.呼吸興奮剤で呼吸障害(ショック,新生児仮死,手術時など)に用いられる.タバコが嫌いになる薬としても用いられる.LD50 7.8 mg/kg(マウス,静注).[CAS 134-63-4:塩酸塩]


ロベリン,北アメリカ原産のキキョウ科の一年草ロベリアソウ Loberia inflataの葉,種子に含まれるアルカロイド。化学的にはピペリジン誘導体である。神経節,神経筋接合部に対してニコチン様作用をもっている。作用の特徴は,ニコチンよりも頸動脈球の化学受容器に対する興奮作用が強く,反射的に呼吸中枢を興奮させることである。過量の麻酔薬による呼吸抑制,新生児の仮死,一酸化炭素やモルヒネの急性中毒などに対して呼吸興奮剤として用いられる。この場合,呼吸中枢の興奮性が保持されていないと効果を期待しにくい。大量投与では,心臓の刺激伝導系の障害を起して死亡することもある。




Lobeline is mainly present in Lobelia chinensis, Lobelia inflata, Campanula medium, Lobelia hassleri, and Lobelia nicotianaefolia . Lobelia inflata has also been considered as an Indian tobacco and has been used for the treatment of respiratory diseases for a long history. It was also a treatment of asthma by American Aborigines. In the United States during the nineteenth century, doctors use Lobelia inflata as a vomiting agent, to remove the poison from the body. It is also called “vomit grass.” Now Lobelia inflata is still used to clear throat, bronchial, lung, and other respiratory mucus .


Crystalline solid; melts at 130°C (266°F);slightly soluble in water, dissolves readily inhot alcohol, ether, chloroform, and benzene.


Appearance: White crystalline or granular powder, odorless, and bitter. Solubility: Soluble in ethanol or chloroform, slightly soluble in water. Melting point: 130–131?°C.


In the 1930s, the chemical synthesis process of lobeline was completed, and its artificial synthesis was realized, which was found in Lobelia inflata from the North American Campanulaceae. It was commonly used as a lobeline hydrochloride. Because of its structure similar to nicotine, it was initially used for the treatment of respiratory diseases. Further study found that lobeline can selectively excite the carotid sinus peripheral chemoreceptors, then reflect the excitement of the medullary breathing center, and enhance respiratory function. Therefore, it is widely used as a respiratory stimulant .
Although lobeline showed similar biological activity with nicotine, its potency is just only 1/5~1/20 of nicotine. Hence, lobeline was used as a substitute for nicotine in many smoking cessation products. However, in 1993, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned the sale of smoking cessation products containing lobeline because it was ineffective in helping people quit smoking. However, the research of lobeline in drug addiction still continues.


The action of lobeline is in many respects similar to nicotine; however, it is 50–100 times weaker than nicotine. It is also first, a stimulant, and second, a depressant of sympathetic ganglia, parasympathetic ganglia, adrenal glands, and others. It can be used as a drug to assist with quitting smoking.


Lobeline is the principal lobelia alkaloid.It occurs in the seeds and herb of Indiantobacco (Lobelia inflata and Lobeliaceae). Itis used as a respiratory stimulant. Its sulfatesalt is used in antismoking tablets.


Lobeline was recorded in chemical drug and preparations as lobeline hydrochloride, which is prepared as injection for the treatment of central respiratory inhibition induced by a variety of reasons. In addition, it is also used for the treatment of neonatal stasis, carbon monoxide, opioid poisoning, and so on.


ChEBI: An optically active piperidine alkaloid having a 2-oxo-2-phenylethyl substituent at the 2-position and a 2-hydroxy-2-phenylethyl group at the 6-position.


The structure of lobeline is different fromthose of nicotine and anabasine. It does nothave a pyridine ring, similar to the lattertwo alkaloids. However, its pharmacologicaction is similar to but less potent than thatof nicotine. Like anabasine, it is a respiratorystimulant. The toxic symptoms includeincreased salivation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,and respiratory distress.


The pharmacological effects of lobeline are extensive, mainly manifested as nicotine-like effect. On the one hand, lobeline can selectively excite the carotid sinus and aortic body chemoreceptors and induce reflective excitement of the respiratory center and vagus center. Lobeline showed better excitatory effect for the respiratory inhibition caused by morphine. There is bronchiectasis effect directly when lobeline is inhaled, hence, against pilocarpine and acetylcholine-induced tracheal contraction. When the dose increased, lobeline can directly stimulate the respiratory center and excite vagal center (reducing heart rate) and vomiting center in medulla oblongata. In addition, lobeline showed dual role in the regulation of ganglion, as manifested excitement and inhibition in chronological order. Lobeline has a zebra-like effect on the striated muscle. In addition, it also has a certain anticancer effect, as manifested by significantly inhibiting the uptake of oxygen in mouse ascites cancer cells .


It is mainly used in the treatment of (1) neonatal asphyxia, (2) suffocation caused by carbon monoxide, (3) poisoning induced by inhalation of anesthetics and other central inhibitors (such as opioids and barbiturates), and (4) respiratory failure caused by pneumonia, diphtheria, and other infectious diseases.


Lobeline also showed side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, cough, headache, palpitations, and other adverse reactions.


Lobeline, 1-methyl-2-(|?-hydroxy-|?-phenylethyl)-6-phenacylpiperidine (13.1.33), is the primary alkaloid of leaves from Lobelia inflata. It is synthesized by condensation of 2,6- dimethylpyridine with two moles of benzaldehyde, giving |á,|á??-distyrylpyridine (13.1.28) [37¨C39]. Exhaustive bromination of this product and subsequent dehydrobromination of the resulting tetrabromo derivative (13.1.29) leads to the formation of |á,|á??-diphenylethinylpyridine (13.1.30). Hydration of the triple bonds of the product (13.1.30) gives |á,|á??- diphenacylpyridine (13.1.31). Reacting this with methyl p-toluenesulfonate gives |á,|á??-diphenacylpyridinium N-methyl-p-toluenesulfonate (13.1.32), which is carefully reduced by hydrogen into the desired lobeline (13.1.33) using simultaneously palladium and platinum catalysts. The product is a racemic mixture from which the levorotatory isomer can be isolated if necessary


ロベリン 上流と下流の製品情報



ロベリン 生産企業

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  • 90-69-7
  • L-lobeline free base
  • Lobeline
  • LOBELIDINE95%,98%
  • LOBELINE HCl, a-(P)
  • Lobeline (base and/or unspecified salts)
  • (-)-α-[(2R,6S)-6-[(S)-β-hydroxyphenethyl]-1-methyl-2-piperidinyl]acetophenone
  • Inflatine
  • Lobelin
  • C07475
  • 2-(6-[2-Hydroxy-2-phenylethyl]-1-methyl-2-piperidinyl)-1-phenylethanone
  • Ethanone, 2-[(2R,6S)-6-[(2S)-2-hydroxy-2-phenylethyl]-1-methyl-2-piperidinyl]-1-phenyl-
  • Lobeline USP/EP/BP
  • インフラチン
  • l-ロベリン
  • ロブニコ
  • (-)-α-[(2R,6S)-6-[(S)-β-ヒドロキシフェネチル]-1-メチル-2-ピペリジニル]アセトフェノン
  • ロベリン
  • 2-[(2R)-6β-[(2S)-2-ヒドロキシ-2-フェニルエチル]-1-メチル-2β-ピペリジニル]-1-フェニルエタノン
  • (-)-α-[(2R,6S)-6-[(βS)-β-ヒドロキシフェネチル]-1-メチル-2-ピペリジニル]アセトフェノン
  • α-[(2R)-6β-[(2S)-2-ヒドロキシ-2-フェニルエチル]-1-メチル-2β-ピペリジニル]アセトフェノン
  • α-[(2R)-6β-[(S)-β-ヒドロキシフェネチル]-1-メチルピペリジン-2β-イル]アセトフェノン
  • (-)-ロベリン
  • (5S)-4-メトキシ-5α-[[(5S)-2-オキソ-4-メトキシ-7β,8α-ジメチル-7,8-ジヒドロ-2H,5H-ピラノ[4,3-b]ピラン-5α-イル]オキシ]-7β,8β-ジメチル-7,8-ジヒドロ-2H,5H-ピラノ[4,3-b]ピラン-2-オン
  • インフラチンE
  • (5S,7S,8S)-4-メトキシ-5-{[(5S,7S,8R)-4-メトキシ-7,8-ジメチル-2-オキソ-2H,5H,7H,8H-ピラノ[3,2-c]ピラン-5-イル]オキシ}-7,8-ジメチル-2H,5H,7H,8H-ピラノ[3,2-c]ピラン-2-オン
  • 2-[(2R,6S)-6-[(2S)-2-ヒドロキシ-2-フェニルエチル]-1-メチルピペリジン-2-イル]-1-フェニルエタン-1-オン
  • 1-フェニル-2-[(2R,6S)-1-メチル-6-[(2S)-2-ヒドロキシ-2-フェニルエチル]-2-ピペリジニル]エタノン
  • (2S)-1-メチル-2α-[(S)-β-ヒドロキシフェネチル]-6α-フェナシルピペリジン
  • コリン作動薬
  • 呼吸興奮薬
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