
カドミウム 化学構造式
カドミウム;カドミウム(カラム充填剤);カドミウム(粒状);カドミウム,粉末;カドミウム,粒状;カドミウムおよびその化合物;カドミウム及びその化合物;カドミウム(粉末) 60メッシュ;カドミウム.粒状;カドミウム, 粒状, 99.99%;カドミウム, 小片;カドミウム pieces (99.9%);カドミウム shot (99.95%);カドミウム powder (99.999%);カドミウム powder, -200 mesh, 99.99% (metals basis);カドミウム powder (99.9%);カドミウム granules (99.999%)
MOL File:
MSDS File:

カドミウム 物理性質

融点 :
320.9 °C (lit.)
沸点 :
765 °C (lit.)
比重(密度) :
8.65 g/mL at 25 °C (lit.)
1.3 hPa (394 °C)
貯蔵温度 :
Store below +30°C.
8.2mg/l 不溶
外見 :
臭い (Odor):
電気抵抗率 (resistivity):
7.27 μΩ-cm, 22°C
水溶解度 :
不溶性H2O;希硝酸と反応し、高温の塩酸とゆっくりと反応 [MER06]
Merck :
TLV-TWA 0.05 mg/m3 (for dusts and salts) (ACGIH), 0.2 mg/m3 (MSHA), 0.1 mg/m3 (OSHA), lowest feasible level in air (NIOSH); ceiling 0.3 mg/m3 (OSHA).
CAS データベース:
7440-43-9(CAS DataBase Reference)
1 (Vol. 58, 100C) 2012
Cadmium (7440-43-9)
  • リスクと安全性に関する声明
  • 危険有害性情報のコード(GHS)
主な危険性  T,N,T+,F,Xi
Rフレーズ  45-50/53-68-63-62-48/23/25-26-17-36/38-20/21/22
Sフレーズ  53-45-61-60-43-7/8-26
RIDADR  UN 3082 9/PG 3
WGK Germany  3
RTECS 番号 EU9800000
HSコード  8107 20 00
国連危険物分類  8
容器等級  III
有毒物質データの 7440-43-9(Hazardous Substances Data)
毒性 A metal that is used for electroplating and in batteries, as a color pigment for paints and as a stabilizer in plastics. The oral LD50 in rats is about 0.88 mg/kg and the LC50 in fathead minnows is about 3.06 mg/L. Cadmium is a nephrotoxicant and hepatotoxicant, probably acting by displacement and substitution of essential metals in proteins and enzymes. In humans acute poisoning can cause nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, headache, muscular aches, salivation, abdominal pain, and shock. In acute poisoning, unabsorbed cadmium is removed by catharsis.
IDLA 9 mg Cd/m3
安衛法 特定化学物質障害予防規則:第2類物質,57,57-2
PRTR法 第1種指定化学物質(特定物質)
絵表示(GHS) GHS hazard pictograms
注意喚起語 警告
コード 危険有害性情報 危険有害性クラス 区分 注意喚起語 シンボル P コード
H410 長期的影響により水生生物に非常に強い毒性 水生環境有害性、慢性毒性 1 警告 GHS hazard pictograms P273, P391, P501
P273 環境への放出を避けること。
P391 漏出物を回収すること。
P501 内容物/容器を...に廃棄すること。

カドミウム 価格 もっと(537)

メーカー 製品番号 製品説明 CAS番号 包装 価格 更新時間 購入
富士フイルム和光純薬株式会社(wako) W01ALF011353 カドミウム powder, -200 mesh, 99.99% (metals basis)
Cadmium powder, -200 mesh, 99.99% (metals basis)
7440-43-9 5g ¥33000 2024-03-01 購入
富士フイルム和光純薬株式会社(wako) W01ALF011353 カドミウム powder, -200 mesh, 99.99% (metals basis)
Cadmium powder, -200 mesh, 99.99% (metals basis)
7440-43-9 25g ¥79400 2024-03-01 購入
関東化学株式会社(KANTO) 07005-31 カドミウム(粒状) >99.0%(T)
Cadmium, drops >99.0%(T)
7440-43-9 25g ¥3500 2024-07-01 購入
関東化学株式会社(KANTO) 07005-01 カドミウム(粒状) >99.0%(T)
Cadmium, drops >99.0%(T)
7440-43-9 500g ¥29500 2024-07-01 購入
Sigma-Aldrich Japan 265330 カドミウム granular, ≥99%, 5-20?mesh
Cadmium granular, ≥99%, 5-20?mesh
7440-43-9 100g ¥8460 2024-03-01 購入

カドミウム 化学特性,用途語,生産方法




カドミウムの原子量は112.411、融点は321 ℃、沸点は765 ℃です。比重は25 ℃で8.65で、水には溶けません。汚染のない河川水中で、0.02~0.1 μg/L、海水で0.05~0.11 μg/L程度含まれているといわれています。カドミウムの結晶構造は六方晶です。













19世紀初頭,酸化亜鉛鉱は薬剤として用いられていたが,医薬品検査官を兼ねていたゲッチンゲン大学教授のFriedrich Stromeyerが,検査目的でもち込まれた試料を分析して新元素として確認し,1817年に亜鉛鉱物calamineのラテン名cadmiaにちなんでcadmiumと命名した.cadmiaはギリシアの地名καδμεια[kadmeia]に由来する.






  1. 亜鉛・鉛の焼結工程における除外設備より発生するガス洗浄液を、シックナー等を用いて固液分離します。
  2. 得たオーバーフローをイオン交換樹脂と接触させてカドミウムを濃縮し、カドミウムを含む再生液を得ます。
  3. 再生液を炭酸ナトリウム等で中和し、固液分離してカドミウムを炭酸カドミウムとして回収します。
  4. 炭酸カドミウムを硫酸で溶解し、不溶解分を除去した後、硫酸カドミウム溶液に粗カドミウムや電気亜鉛を投入し、セメンテーション反応によりスポンジカドミウムを得ます。
  5. スポンジカドミウムを溶解し、粗カドミウムを得、粗カドミウムを蒸留して蒸留カドミウムを得ます。




Cadmium is a grey-white, soft, blue-white malleable, lustrous metal. It is insoluble in cold water, hot water, methanol, diethyl ether, and n-octanol. It is stable and incompatible with strong oxidising agents, nitrates, nitric acid, selenium, and zinc, and the powdered metal may be pyrophoric and flammable.
Cadmium is associated with occupations such as industrial processes, metal plating, and production of nickel– cadmium batteries, pigments, plastics, and other synthetics. Cadmium metal is produced as a by-product from the extraction, smelting, and refining of the non-ferrous metals zinc, lead, and copper. In view of the unique properties, cadmium metal and cadmium compounds are used as pigments, stabilisers, coatings, specialty alloys, and electronic compounds.


Calmium is an odorless, silver-white lustrous metal with a bluish tinge, which is ductile and highly malleable with a melting point of 321 °C. The metal is soft enough to cut with a knife and will tarnish in air; as a powder, cadmium is flammable. Burning cadmium results in an odorless yellowbrown cadmium fume (cadmium monoxide or cadmium oxide fume) composed of finely divided particles dispersed in air. Both cadmium and cadmium oxide are insoluble in water and have a vapor pressure of approximately 0 mmHg. Cadmium is insoluble in water but can be solubilized in acid. Cadmium salts (e.g., cadmium sulfate and cadmium chloride) are soluble in water.


Cadmium is a soft, blue-white metal that is malleable and ductile although it becomesbrittle at about 80°C. It is also found as a grayish-white powder. It is considered rare and isseldom found by itself as an ore. Its melting point at 320.9°C is considered low. Its boilingpoint is 765°C, and its density is 8.65 g/cm3. Certain alloys of cadmium have extremely lowmelting points at about 70°C.


There are 52 isotopes of cadmium. Forty-four are radioactive and artificiallyproduced, ranging from Cd-96 to Cd-131. Of these 52 isotopes, there are five stableisotopes plus three naturally occurring radioactive isotopes with extremely long half-livesthat are considered as contributing to the element’s natural occurrence in the Earth’scrust. The three naturally radioactive isotopes (Cd-106, Cd-113, and Cd-116) are thelongest known beta emitters. They are two million years older than when the solar systemwas formed about 4.5 billion years ago. The five stable isotopes and their proportionalcontributions to the element’s existence on Earth are as follows: Cd-108 = 0.89%,Cd-110 = 12.49%, Cd-111= 12.80%, Cd-112 = 24.13%, and Cd-114 = 28.73%.


The word cadmium is from the Latin word cadmia or the Greek word kadmeia, meaning the zinc oxide ore “calamine” that contains the element cadmium.


Cadmium is considered a rare element even though it is widely distributed over the Earth’scrust. Its estimated abundance in the Earth’s crust is 1.10-1 milligrams per kilogram. It is consideredthe 65th most abundant element, but it does not occur as a free metal in nature. It isusually found in relationship with other metallic ores. Its abundance is only about 1/1000ththat of zinc. It is found in an ore called greenockite, which is cadmium sulfite (CdS). This oredoes not have a high enough concentration of cadmium to be mined profitably. Cadmiumis found along with zinc, lead, and copper ores. Today, most cadmium is obtained as a byproductfrom the processing and refining of zinc ores. In addition, dust and fumes from roastingzinc ores are collected by an electrostatic precipitator and mixed with carbon (coke) andsodium or zinc chloride. This residue is then treated to recover the cadmium. Other refiningprocesses can obtain up to 40% recovery of cadmium from zinc ores.
Greenockite ore, as well as zinc and other ores, which produce cadmium as a by-product,are found in many countries, including Australia, Mexico, Peru, Zaire, Canada, Korea, andBelgium-Luxembourg and in the central and western United States.


Although cadmium is not considered a transition element in some periodic tables, it is thecentral element of the triad with zinc and mercury. Zinc is just above it and mercury is below itin group 12 of the periodic table. Cadmium’s chemical and physical properties are similar to itsgroup 12 mates. Their electronegativity is very similar: Zn = 1.6, Cd = 1.7, and Hg = 1.9.
Cadmium is resistant to alkalis, but is soluble in acids, mainly nitric acid. Although it isused to electroplate steel to prevent corrosion, it will tarnish in moist air.


A soft bluish metal, cadmium is extremely toxic, particularly in the compounds used for photography. It is found in zinc ores and in the mineral greenockite (CdS).


cadmium: Symbol Cd. A soft bluishmetal belonging to group 12 (formerlyIIB) of the periodic table; a.n.48; r.a.m. 112.41; r.d. 8.65; m.p.320.9°C; b.p. 765°C. The element’sname is derived from the ancientname for calamine, zinc carbonateZnCO3, and it is usually found associatedwith zinc ores, such as sphalerite(ZnS), but does occur as themineral greenockite (CdS). Cadmiumis usually produced as an associateproduct when zinc, copper, and leadores are reduced. Cadmium is used inlow-melting-point alloys to make solders,in Ni–Cd batteries, in bearingalloys, and in electroplating (over50%). Cadmium compounds are usedas phosphorescent coatings in TVtubes. Cadmium and its compoundsare extremely toxic at low concentrations;great care is essential wheresolders are used or where fumes areemitted. It has similar chemical propertiesto zinc but shows a greater tendencytowards complex formation.The element was discovered in 1817by F. Stromeyer.


Silver-white blue tinged lustrous metallic solid.


The finely divided metal is pyrophoric. Slowly oxidized by moist air to form CADMIUM oxide. Insoluble in water.


A violent explosion occurred 30 minutes after placement of a CADMIUM rod into hydrazoic acid [Mellor 8 Supp. 2:50 1967]. Fused ammonium nitrate with powdered metal often produces a violent explosive reaction. Reactivity similar to zinc. May be incompatible with oxidants.


Cadmium powder, dust, and fumes are all flammable and toxic if inhaled or ingested.Cadmium and many of its compounds are carcinogenic.
Severe illness and death can occur from exposure to many cadmium compounds. It isabsorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. However, it can be eliminated in the urine and fecesin young, healthy people.


Flammable in powder form. Combustible.




Cadmium (symbol Cd) is a silvery-white crystallinemetal that has a specific gravity of 8.6,is very ductile, and can be rolled or beaten intothin sheets. It resembles tin and gives the samecharacteristic cry when bent, but is harder thantin. A small addition of zinc makes it very brittle.It melts at 320°C and boils at 765°C. Cadmiumis employed as an alloying element insoft solders and in fusible alloys, for hardeningcopper, as a white corrosion-resistant platingmetal, and in its compounds for pigments andchemicals. It is also used for Ni–Cd batteriesand to shield against neutrons in atomic equipment;but gamma rays are emitted when theneutrons are absorbed, and these rays requirean additional shielding of lead.
Most of the consumption of cadmium is forelectroplating. For a corrosion-resistant coatingfor iron or steel a cadmium plate of 0.008 mmis equal in effect to a zinc coat of 0.025 mm.The plated metal has a silvery-white color witha bluish tinge, is denser than zinc, and harderthan tin, but electroplated coatings are subjectto H2 embrittlement, and aircraft parts are usuallycoated by the vacuum process. Cadmiumplating is not normally used on copper or brasssince copper is electronegative to it, but whenthese metals are employed next to cadmium-plated steel a plate of cadmium may beused on the copper to lessen deterioration.


Confirmed human carcinogen with experimental carcinogenic, tumorigenic, and neoplastigenic data. A human poison by inhalation and possibly other routes. Poison experimentally by ingestion, inhalation, intraperitoneal,


Cadmium and cadmium compounds are known to be human carcinogens based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity from studies in humans, including epidemiological and mechanistic studies. Cadmium and cadmium compounds were first listed as reasonably anticipated to be human carcinogens in the First Annual Report on Carcinogens in 1980, based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity from studies in experimental animals. The listing was revised to known to be human carcinogens in the Ninth Report on Carcinogens in 2000.


Cadmium inhibits plasma membrane calcium channels and Ca2t-ATPases. It also inhibits repair of DNA damaged by various chemicals, an effect which is believed to be associated with the induction of tumors. Although cadmium forms a metallothionein, the preformed cadmium metallothionein is nephrotoxic (toxic to the kidneys); it is suggested that effects occur when, at some stage in the kidney, the cadmium is dissociated from the metallothionein. In Itai-Itai disease (see Human under Chronic Toxicity section), patients were found to have chromosome abnormalities.
Cadmium has an affinity for sulfhydryl groups, and hence can inhibit enzymes; however, cells treated with cadmium showed proliferation of peroxisomes, which contain catalase, an enzyme. It appears that cadmium at first inhibits catalase activity and then, after a time, enhances that activity. In addition, cadmium inhibits enzymes involved in gluconeogenesis (the generation of glycogen for energy production from noncarbohydrate precursors). It also inhibits oxidative phosphorylation (energy production) and depresses trypsin inhibitor capacity.


Cadmium should be kept stored in a tightly closed container in a cool place. It should be kept stored in a separate locked safety storage cabinet


UN2570 Cadmium compounds, Hazard Class: 6.1; Labels: 6.1-Poisonous materials, Technical Name Required.


Any oxide contaminant is removed by filtering the molten metal, under vacuum, through quartz wool. Its solubility in Hg is 5.2% (18o), and it is soluble in mineral acids. [Wagenknecht & Juza in Handbook of Preparative Inorganic Chemistry (Ed. Brauer) Academic Press Vol II p 1092 1965.]

Structure and conformation

The space lattice of Cadmium belongs to the hexagonal system, and its closely-packed hexagonal lattice has lattice constants of a=0.2973 nm and c=0.5607 nm.


Air exposure with cadmium powder may cause self-ignition. Moist air slowly oxidizes cadmium forming cadmium oxide. Cadmium dust is incompatible with strong oxidizers, ammonium nitrate; elemental sulfur; hydrazoic acid; selenium, zinc, tellurium. Contact with acids cause a violent reaction, forming flammable hydrogen gas.


With cadmium compounds in general, precipitation from solution as sulfides, drying and return of the material to suppliers for recovery is recommended. Cadmium may be recovered from battery scrap as an alternative to disposal. In accordance with 40CFR165, follow recommendations for the disposal of pesticides and pesticide containers. Must be disposed properly by following package label directions or by contacting your local or federal environmental control agency, or by contacting your regional EPA office.


On exposures to cadmium, wash the skin immediately with plenty of water and a nonabrasive soap. Workers should cover the exposed skin with an emollient.

カドミウム 上流と下流の製品情報



カドミウム 生産企業

Global( 260)Suppliers
名前 電話番号 電子メール 国籍 製品カタログ 優位度
Henan Tianfu Chemical Co.,Ltd.
+86-0371-55170693 +86-19937530512
info@tianfuchem.com China 21667 55
career henan chemical co
+86-0371-86658258 +8613203830695
sales@coreychem.com China 29888 58
Hubei Jusheng Technology Co.,Ltd.
linda@hubeijusheng.com CHINA 28180 58
Hubei xin bonus chemical co. LTD
linda@hubeijusheng.com CHINA 22968 58
Chongqing Chemdad Co., Ltd
+86-023-6139-8061 +86-86-13650506873
sales@chemdad.com China 39916 58
Antai Fine Chemical Technology Co.,Limited
info@antaichem.com CHINA 9641 58
Hefei TNJ Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd.
+86-0551-65418671 +8618949823763
sales@tnjchem.com China 34571 58
Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd
+86-029-89586680 +86-18192503167
1026@dideu.com China 8132 58
Zhuoer Chemical Co., Ltd
02120970332; +8613524231522
sales@zhuoerchem.com China 2905 58
changzhou huayang technology co., ltd
2571773637@qq.com China 9827 58


  • 7440-43-9
  • Cadmium shot, 5cm (2 in.) dia.
  • Cadmium foil, 2.0mm (0.08 in.) thick
  • Cadmium, 1 to 4mm for reductors
  • Cadmium rod, 10mm (0.39 in.) dia.
  • Cadmium, rod, 100mm x 8mm diameter
  • cadmium atom
  • CADMIUM PIECES: 3N, 99.9%
  • CADMIUM SHOT, 3N5: 99.95%
  • CADMIUM FOIL, 3N: 99.9%
  • CADMIUM GRANULES: 5N, 99.999%
  • CADMIUM: 99.9999%, SHOT
  • CADMIUM: 99.99%, POWDER
  • Cadmium Shot, 3mm Tear Drop
  • Cadmium, AAS standard solution, Specpure(R), Cd 1000μg/ml
  • Cadmium wire, 0.5mm (0.02in) dia, Puratronic(R), 99.998% (metals basis)
  • Cadmium foil, 1.0mm (0.04in) thick, Puratronic(R), 99.998% (metals basis)
  • Cadmium, plasma standard solution, Specpure(R), Cd 1000μg/ml
  • Cadmium foil, 2.0mm (0.08in) thick, Puratronic(R), 99.998% (metals basis)
  • Cadmium rod, 8mm (0.3in) dia, Puratronic(R), 99.999% (metals basis)
  • Cadmium, Oil based standard solution, Specpure(R), Cd 1000μg/g
  • Cadmium wire, 0.3mm (0.013in) dia, Puratronic(R), 99.999% (metals basis)
  • Cadmium wire, 0.64mm (0.025in) dia, Puratronic(R), 99.999% (metals basis)
  • Cadmium foil, 0.05mm (0.002in) thick, Puratronic(R), 99.999% (metals basis)
  • Cadmium shot, 1-3mm (0.04-0.1in), Puratronic(R), 99.9999% (metals basis)
  • Cadmium foil, 0.025mm (0.001in) thick, Puratronic(R), 99.999% (metals basis)
  • Cadmium ingot, approximately 2.54x3.05x26.16cm (1.0x1.2x10.3in), 99.999% (metals basis)
  • カドミウム
  • カドミウム(カラム充填剤)
  • カドミウム(粒状)
  • カドミウム,粉末
  • カドミウム,粒状
  • カドミウムおよびその化合物
  • カドミウム及びその化合物
  • カドミウム(粉末) 60メッシュ
  • カドミウム.粒状
  • カドミウム, 粒状, 99.99%
  • カドミウム, 小片
  • カドミウム pieces (99.9%)
  • カドミウム shot (99.95%)
  • カドミウム powder (99.999%)
  • カドミウム powder, -200 mesh, 99.99% (metals basis)
  • カドミウム powder (99.9%)
  • カドミウム granules (99.999%)
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