
N2'-deacetyl-N2'-(3-Mercapto-1-oxopropyl)-메이탄신 구조식 이미지
카스 번호:
Maytansinoid dM 1;Mertansine (Maytansinoid DM 1);MERTANSINE; DM 1; MAYTANSINOID DM 1; 139504-50-0; UNII-DDZ29HGH0E; DM1 COMPOUND;;Mertansine;DM1 Compound;Maytansine DM1;DM1 Mertansine;Mertansine DMI;UNII-DDZ29HGH0E;The element DM1
포뮬러 무게:
MOL 파일:

N2'-deacetyl-N2'-(3-Mercapto-1-oxopropyl)-메이탄신 속성

190-192℃ (decomposition)
끓는 점
937.1±65.0 °C(Predicted)
1.33±0.1 g/cm3(Predicted)
저장 조건
DMSO:60.0(Max Conc. mg/mL);81.26(Max Conc. mM)
물리적 상태
결정성 고체
산도 계수 (pKa)
White to light yellow
  • 위험 및 안전 성명
  • 위험 및 사전주의 사항 (GHS)
그림문자(GHS): GHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictograms
신호 어: Danger
유해·위험 문구:
암호 유해·위험 문구 위험 등급 범주 신호 어 그림 문자 P- 코드
H300 삼키면 치명적임 급성 독성 물질 - 경구 구분 1,2 위험 GHS hazard pictograms P264, P270, P301+P310, P321, P330,P405, P501
H310 피부와 접촉하면 치명적임 급성 독성 물질 - 경피 구분 1,2 위험 GHS hazard pictograms P262, P264, P270, P280, P302+P350,P310, P322, P361, P363, P405, P501
H314 피부에 심한 화상과 눈에 손상을 일으킴 피부부식성 또는 자극성물질 구분 1A, B, C 위험 GHS hazard pictograms P260,P264, P280, P301+P330+ P331,P303+P361+P353, P363, P304+P340,P310, P321, P305+ P351+P338, P405,P501
H340 유전적인 결함을 일으킬 수 있음 (노출되어도 생식세포 유전독성을 일으키지 않는다는 결정적인 증거가 있는 노출경로가 있다면 노출경로 기재) 생식세포 변이원성 물질 구분 1A, 1B 위험 GHS hazard pictograms
H360 태아 또는 생식능력에 손상을 일으킬 수 있음 생식독성 물질 구분 1A, 1B 위험 GHS hazard pictograms
H370 장기(또는, 영향을 받은 알려진 모든 장기를 명시)에 손상을 일으킴(노출되어도 특정 표적장기 독성을 일으키지 않는다는 결정적인 노출경로가 있다면 노출경로를 기재) 특정 표적장기 독성 - 1회 노출 구분 1 위험 GHS hazard pictograms P260, P264, P270, P307+P311, P321,P405, P501
P260 분진·흄·가스·미스트·증기·...·스프레이를 흡입하지 마시오.
P262 눈, 피부, 의복에 묻지 않도록 하시오.
P264 취급 후에는 손을 철저히 씻으시오.
P264 취급 후에는 손을 철저히 씻으시오.
P270 이 제품을 사용할 때에는 먹거나, 마시거나 흡연하지 마시오.
P280 보호장갑/보호의/보안경/안면보호구를 착용하시오.
P301+P310 삼켰다면 즉시 의료기관(의사)의 진찰을 받으시오.
P301+P330+P331 삼켰다면 입을 씻어내시오. 토하게 하려 하지 마시오.
P302+P350 피부에 묻은 경우,비눗물로 부드럽게 씻기
P303+P361+P353 피부(또는 머리카락)에 묻으면 오염된 모든 의복은 벗거나 제거하시오 피부를 물로 씻으시오/샤워하시오.
P304+P340 흡입하면 신선한 공기가 있는 곳으로 옮기고 호흡하기 쉬운 자세로 안정을 취하시오.
P305+P351+P338 눈에 묻으면 몇 분간 물로 조심해서 씻으시오. 가능하면 콘택트렌즈를 제거하시오. 계속 씻으시오.
P307+P311 노출된 경우,독성 물질 센터 또는 의사에게 전화하기
P310 즉시 의료기관(의사)의 진찰을 받으시오. 삼켰다면 즉시 의료기관(의사)의 도움을 받으시오.
P321 (…) 처치를 하시오.
P322 특정 조치(라벨의 … 참조)
P330 입을 씻어내시오.
P361 즉시 오염된 의복을 모두 벗을 것
P363 다시 사용전 오염된 의류는 세척하시오.
P405 밀봉하여 저장하시오.
P501 ...에 내용물 / 용기를 폐기 하시오.
NFPA 704
4 0

N2'-deacetyl-N2'-(3-Mercapto-1-oxopropyl)-메이탄신 C화학적 특성, 용도, 생산


Maytansine, a natural alkaloid, was first isolated from Maydens ovale in 1972 and exists in the genus Maydens of the family Weedaceae and its relatives. The mechanism of action of maytansine, acting on microtubules and tubulin, blocks the formation of spindles in the process of cell mitosis by inhibiting the depolymerization of cell microtubules, and has a strong ability to inhibit tumor cell proliferation.

화학적 성질

Mertansine is a white powder. It is soluble in organic solvents such as ethanol, DMSO, and dimethyl formamide (DMF), which should be purged with an inert gas. The solubility of mertansine in these solvents is approximately 0.25, 20, and 33 mg/ml, respectively.


Mertansine (DM1) is a microtubulin inhibitor which binds at the tips of microtubules and suppresses the dynamicity of microtubules.. Mertansine is an antibody-conjugatable maytansinoid that was developed to overcome systemic toxicity associated with maytansine and to enhance tumor-specific delivery. It can be attached to a monoclonal antibody with a linker to create an antibody-drug conjugate (ADC).


ChEBI: Mertansine is an organic heterotetracyclic compound and 19-membered macrocyclic lactam that is maytansine in which one of the hydrogens of the terminal N-acetyl group is replaced by a sulfanylmethyl group. It has a role as an antineoplastic agent and a tubulin modulator. It is an alpha-amino acid ester, a carbamate ester, an epoxide, an organic heterotetracyclic compound, an organochlorine compound, a thiol and a maytansinoid. It derives from a maytansine.

생물학적 활성

Mertansine is a thiol-containing derivative of maytansine that is cytotoxic to human epidermoid carcinoma KB and human breast cancer SK-BR-3 cells (IC50 = 1.10 nM for both). Formulations containing mertansine have been studied for the treatment of multiple myeloma and squamous cell carcinoma.


Dose-limiting toxicity was observed at 2 mg/m2, and was manifested as profound weakness, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.


Mertansine synthesis steps: A solution of N 2'-deacetyl-N 2'- (3-methyldithio-1-oxopropyl)- maytansine (2b) (1.95 g, 2.5 mmol) in a mixture of ethyl acetate (140 mL) and methanol (210 mL) was stirred at room temperature under an argon atmosphere and treated with a solution of dithiothreitol (0.95 g, 6.2 mmol) in 0.05 M potassium phosphate buffer (140 mL) at pH 7.5 containing 2 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). The progress of the reaction was monitored by HPLC and was complete in three hours. The reaction mixture was treated with a solution of 0.2 M potassium phosphate buffer (250 mL) at pH 6.0 containing 2 mM EDTA and then extracted with ethyl acetate (3 x 600 mL). The organic layers were combined, washed with brine (100 mL), and then dried over sodium sulfate. Evaporation of the solvent gave a residue of crude thiol-containing maytansinoid 25a. The crude residue was purified by HPLC using a preparative Diazem cyano HPLC column (250 mm x 50 mm, 10 micron particle size) that was equilibrated in a mixture of hexanes/2-propanol/ethyl acetate (78.0:5.5:16.5, v/v/v) and run at a flow rate of 150 mL/min. The desired product 25a eluted as a peak centered at 16 min. The fractions containing the product were evaporated to give mertansine as a white solid (76% yield).
synthesis of Mertansine
Fig The synthetic method 1 of Mertansine.

Solubility in organics

Mertansine is soluble in organic solvents such as ethanol, DMSO, and dimethyl formamide (DMF). The solubility of mertansine in these solvents is approximately 0.25, 20, and 33 mg/ml, respectively. Mertansine is sparingly soluble in aqueous buffers. For maximum solubility in aqueous buffers, Mertansine should first be dissolved in DMF and then diluted with the aqueous buffer of choice. Mertansine has a solubility of approximately 0.03 mg/ml in a 1:30 solution of DMF: PBS(pH 7.2)using this method.

Mode of action

Mertansine is a 19-member ansa macrolide structure attached to a chlorinated benzene ring. It was originally isolated from the shrub Maytenus ovatus. The antimitotic effect of maytansine has been attributed to its ability to inhibit microtubule assembly by binding to tubulin with a KD of ~1 μmol/L, at or near the vinblastine-binding site. Mertansine is effective in vivo against Lewis lung carcinoma and B16 murine melanocarcinoma solid tumors and has antileukemic activity against P388 murine lymphocytic leukemia.

N2'-deacetyl-N2'-(3-Mercapto-1-oxopropyl)-메이탄신 준비 용품 및 원자재


준비 용품

N2'-deacetyl-N2'-(3-Mercapto-1-oxopropyl)-메이탄신 공급 업체

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N2'-deacetyl-N2'-(3-Mercapto-1-oxopropyl)-메이탄신 관련 검색:

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