ChemicalBook--->CAS DataBase List--->92-87-5


92-87-5 Structure

92-87-5 Structure



C.I. 37225
c.i. azoic diazo component 112
SPECS AC-907/25014310

[Molecular Formula]

[MDL Number]

[Molecular Weight]

[MOL File]

Chemical PropertiesBack Directory

Benzidine is a white, greyish-yellow, or slightly reddish crystalline solid or powder. The major use for benzidine is in the production of dyes, especially azo dyes in the leather, textile, and paper industries and as a synthetic precursor in the preparation and manufacture of dyestuffs. It is also used in the manufacture of rubber, as a reagent, and as a stain in microscopy. It is slightly soluble and slowly changes from a solid to a gas.

Benzidine is a white, grayish-yellow crystalline solid or powder. Turns brownish-red on exposure to air and light;
[Melting point ]

127-128 °C
[Boiling point ]

[density ]

[vapor pressure ]

Based on the specific vapor density value of 6.36 (Sims et al., 1988), the vapor pressure wascalculated to be 0.83 at 20 °C.
[refractive index ]

1.6266 (estimate)
[Fp ]

11 °C
[storage temp. ]

[solubility ]

Soluble in ethanol (U.S. EPA, 1985) and ether (1 g/50 mL) (Windholz et al., 1983)
[form ]


4.66(at 30℃)
[color ]

Grayish-yellow, crystalline powder; white or sltlyreddish crystals, powder

Stable. Combustible. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents.
[Water Solubility ]

Sparingly soluble. <0.1 g/100 mL at 22 ºC
[Merck ]

[BRN ]

[Henry's Law Constant]

(x 10-11 atm?m3/mol): 3.88 at 25 °C (estimated, Howard, 1989)
[Exposure limits]

Because it is a carcinogen and readily absorbed through skin, no TLV has been assigned. Exposure should be at an absolute minimum.
Recognized Human Carcinogen (ACGIH); Human Carcinogen (MSHA); Carcinogen (OSHA); Human Sufficient Evidence, Animal Sufficient Evidence (IARC).

[CAS DataBase Reference]

92-87-5(CAS DataBase Reference)

1 (Vol. 29, Sup 7, 99, 100F) 2012
[NIST Chemistry Reference]

[EPA Substance Registry System]

92-87-5(EPA Substance)
Hazard InformationBack Directory
[Chemical Properties]

Benzidine is a white, grayish-yellow, or slightly reddish crystalline solid or powder. The major use for benzidine is in the production of dyes, especially azo dyes in the leather, textile, and paper industries, as a synthetic precursor in the preparation and manufacture of dyestuffs. It is also used in the manufacture of dyes and rubber, as a reagent, and as a stain in microscopy. It is slightly soluble and slowly changes from a solid to a gas.
[General Description]

A grayish-yellow to grayish-red, crystalline solid. Toxic by ingestion, inhalation, and skin absorption. Combustion produces toxic oxides of nitrogen. Used to make other chemicals and in chemical and biological analysis.
[Reactivity Profile]

BENZIDINE(92-87-5) forms insoluble salts with sulfuric acid. Can be diazotized, acetylated and alkylated. Is hypergolic with red fuming nitric acid . Neutralizes acids in exothermic reactions to form salts plus water. May be incompatible with isocyanates, halogenated organics, peroxides, phenols (acidic), epoxides, anhydrides, and acid halides. Flammable gaseous hydrogen may be generated in combination with strong reducing agents, such as hydrides.
[Air & Water Reactions]

Darkens on exposure to air and light. Soluble in hot water.

Highly toxic by ingestion, inhalation, and skin absorption. Confirmed carcinogen.
[Health Hazard]

Exposure to benzidine causes irritation to the eyes. Laboratory animals exposed to benzidine at as low as 0.01% to 0.08% in food showed adverse health effects, such as organ weight decrease in the liver, kidney, and body weight, and an increase in spleen weight, swelling of the liver, and blood in the urine. Exposure may cause an increase in urination, blood in the urine, and urinary tract tumors. Benzidine is considered acutely toxic to humans by ingestion, with an estimated oral lethal dose of between 50 and 500 mg/kg. The symptoms of acute ingestion exposure include cyanosis, headache, mental confusion, nausea, and vertigo. Dermal exposure may cause skin rashes and irritation. Prolonged exposure to benzidine causes bladder injury in humans
[Health Hazard]

Poisonous if inhaled, swallowed or absorbed through skin. May cause contact dermatitis, irritation or sensitization. Ingestion may cause nausea and vomiting.
[Potential Exposure]

Benzidine is used primarily in the manufacture of azo dyestuffs; there are over 250 of these produced. Other uses, including some which may have been discontinued, are in the rubber industry as a hardener; in the manufacture of plastic films; for detection of occult blood in feces, urine, and body fluids; in the detection of H2O2 in milk; in the production of security paper; and as a laboratory reagent in determining HCN, sulfate, nicotine, and certain sugars. No substitute has been found for its use in dyes. Free benzidine is present in the benzidine-derived azo dyes. According to industry, quality control specifications require that the level not exceed 20 ppm and in practice the level is usually below 10 ppm. Regulations in the USA concerning this chemical define strict procedures to avoid worker contact: mixture containing 0.1% or more must be maintained in isolated or closed systems; employees must observe special personal hygiene rules, and certain procedures must be followed in case of emergencies. Some p-phenylenediamine compounds have been used as rubber components, and DFG warns of danger of skin sensitization. Benzidine and dyes metabolized to benzidine: The following three benzidine-based dyes have been tested and found to cause cancer in rodents after oral exposure for 13 weeks (NCI 1978, IARC 1982): C.I. direct black 38 (CAS 1937-37-7) caused liver cancer in rats and mice, mammary-gland cancer in mice, and colon and urinary-bladder cancer in rats. C.I. direct Blue 6 (CAS 2602-46-2) caused liver cancer in rats. C.I. direct brown 95 (CAS 16071-86-6) caused hepatocellular adenoma in the liver and one malignant liver tumor in rats.
[First aid]

If this chemical gets into the eyes, remove any contact lenses at once and irrigate immediately for at least 15 minutes, occasionally lifting upper and lower lids. Seek medical attention immediately. If this chemical contacts the skin, remove contaminated clothing and wash immediately with soap and water. Seek medical attention immediately. If this chemical has been inhaled, remove from exposure, begin rescue breathing (using universal precautions, including resuscitation mask) if breathing has stopped and CPR if heart action has stopped. Transfer promptly to a medical facility. When this chemical has been swallowed, get medical attention. Use gastric lavage if ingested followed by saline catharsis. Medical observation is recommended for 24 to 48 hours after breathing overexposure, as pulmonary edema may be delayed. As first aid for pulmonary edema, a doctor or authorized paramedic may consider administering a drug or other inhalation therapy.

UN1885 Benzidine, Hazard Class: 6.1; Labels: 6.1—Poisonous materials. PGII.

Dust may form explosive mixture with air. Incompatible with oxidizers (chlorates, nitrates, peroxides, permanganates, perchlorates, chlorine, bromine, fluorine, etc.); contact may cause fires or explosions. On contact with strong reducing agents, such as hydrides may form flammable gases. Keep away from alkaline materials, strong bases, strong acids, oxoacids, epoxides. Contact with red fuming nitric acid may cause fire. Oxidizes in air. Neutralizes acids in exothermic reactions to form salts plus water. May be incompatible with isocyanates, halogenated organics, peroxides, phenols (acidic), epoxides, anhydrides, and acid halides.
[Waste Disposal]

Incineration; oxides of nitrogen are removed from the effluent gas by scrubber, catalytic or thermal device. Package spill residues and sorbent media in 17 hour epoxy-lined drums and move to an EPA-approved disposal site. Treatment may include destruction by potassium permanganate oxidation, hightemperature incineration, or microwave plasma methods. 398 Benzidine Encapsulation by organic polyester resin or silicate fixation. These disposal procedures should be confirmed with responsible environmental engineering and regulatory officials.
[Physical properties]

Grayish-yellow to pale reddish powder or crystals. Darkens on exposure to air or light. Odorless.

ChEBI: A member of the class of biphenyls that is 1,1'-biphenyl in which the hydrogen at the para-position of each phenyl group has been replaced by an amino group.

1-Nitrobenzene restore 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine?turn with acid rearrangement.
[Production Methods]

Benzidine production is now exclusively for captive consumption and must be carried out in closed systems under stringent workplace controls. Benzidine is used in the synthesisofdyesanddyeintermediates,asahardenerforrubber, and as a laboratory reagent. The ?rst successful synthetic direct dye was Congo Red, a diazo derivative prepared from benzidinebyBoettigerin1884.Nearlyalldirectdyesareazo products. Congo Red is used in humans intravenously for the medical diagnosis of amyloidosis. The basis for its use is an unexplained af?nity for amyloid, which rapidly removes the dye from the blood. It is used medically for the management of profuse capillary hemorrhage such as the one occurring in septicemias and in the terminal phases of leukemia.
[Synthesis Reference(s)]

The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 41, p. 2661, 1976 DOI: 10.1021/jo00877a041
Synthesis, p. 40, 1976 DOI: 10.1055/s-1976-23952

Benzidine is known to be a human carcinogen based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity from studies in humans.

Benzidine can enter the environment by transport, use, and disposal, or by dyes and pigments containing the compound. A photodegradation product of 3,3′-dichlorobenzidine.
Based on laboratory analysis of 7 coal tar samples, benzidine was ND (EPRI, 1990).
[Environmental Fate]

Biological. In activated sludge, <0.1% mineralized to carbon dioxide after 5 d (Freitag et al., 1985). Kincannon and Lin (1985) reported a half-life of 76 d when benzidine in sludge was applied to a sandy loam soil.
Soil. Benzidine was added to different soils and incubated in the dark at 23 °C under a carbon dioxide-free atmosphere. After 1 yr, 8.3 to 11.6% of the added benzidine degraded to carbon dioxide primarily by microbial metabolism and partially by hydrolysis (Graveel et al., 1986). Tentatively identified biooxidation compounds using GC/MS include hydroxybenzidine, 3- hydroxybenzidine, 4-amino-4′-nitrobiphenyl, N,N′-dihydroxybenzidine, 3,3′-dihydroxybenzidine and 4,4′-dinitrobiphenyl (Baird et al., 1977). Under aerobic conditions, the half-life was estimated to be 2 to 8 d (Lu et al., 1977).
Chemical/Physical. Benzidine is not subject to hydrolysis (Kollig, 1993). Reacts with HCl forming a salt (C12H12N2?2HCl) that is very soluble in water (61.7 mg/L at 25 °C) (Bowman et al., 1976).
[Properties and Applications]

white or pink micro crystalline powder. Melting point 125 ℃, boiling point 400 ℃, relative density 1.250 (20 ℃). Soluble in ethanol, rare hydrochloric acid and acetic acid boiling, slightly soluble in ethyl ether, slightly soluble in water, very slightly soluble in cold water. In the air and light color line darker. This product is the dye and organic pigments intermediate.
[Purification Methods]

Its solution in *benzene is decolorized by percolating through two 2-cm columns of activated alumina, then concentrated until benzidine crystallises on cooling. Recrystallise alternately from EtOH and *benzene to constant absorption spectrum [Carlin et al. J Am Chem Soc 73 1002 1951]. It has also been crystallised from hot water (charcoal) and from diethyl ether. Dry it under vacuum in an Abderhalden pistol. Store it in the dark in a stoppered container. CARCINOGENIC. [Beilstein 13 IV 364.]
[Toxicity evaluation]

Industries release benzidine into the environment in the form of liquid waste and sludges. Benzidine may also be released into the environment due to spillage during transport. In air, benzidine is found bound to suspended particles or as a vapor, which may be brought back to the earth’s surface by rain or gravity.
Safety DataBack Directory
[Hazard Codes ]

[Risk Statements ]

R45:May cause cancer.
R22:Harmful if swallowed.
R50/53:Very Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment .
R52/53:Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment .
R39/23/24/25:Toxic: danger of very serious irreversible effects through inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed .
R23/24/25:Toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed .
R11:Highly Flammable.
R36/37/38:Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin .
R20/21/22:Harmful by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed .
[Safety Statements ]

S53:Avoid exposure-obtain special instruction before use .
S45:In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show label where possible) .
S60:This material and/or its container must be disposed of as hazardous waste .
S61:Avoid release to the environment. Refer to special instructions safety data sheet .
S36/37:Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves .
S16:Keep away from sources of ignition-No smoking .
S7:Keep container tightly closed .
S36:Wear suitable protective clothing .
S26:In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice .

UN 1885 6.1/PG 2
[WGK Germany ]


[F ]

[HazardClass ]

[PackingGroup ]

[HS Code ]


Benzidine should be kept stored in a cool, well-ventilated area, in closed, sealed containers and out of sunlight and away from heat.

At high temperatures, benzidine breaks down and releases highly poisonous fumes. During use and handling, workers should wear butyl rubber gloves, goggles, and full body plastic coveralls and ensure that no skin is exposed.
[Safety Profile]

Confirmed human carcinogen producing bladder tumors. Experimental carcinogenic and tumorigenic data. Poison by ingestion and intraperitoneal routes. Human mutation data reported. Can cause damage to blood, including hemolysis and bone marrow depression. On ingestion causes nausea and vomiting, which may be followed by liver and kidney damage. Any exposure is considered extremely hazardous. When heated to decomposition it emits highly toxic fumes of NOx. See also AROMATIC AMINES.
[Hazardous Substances Data]

92-87-5(Hazardous Substances Data)
Raw materials And Preparation ProductsBack Directory
[Raw materials]

1,2-Diphenylhydrazine-->Benzidine dihydrochloride-->Nitrobenzene
[Preparation Products]

Congo Red-->Direct Black 38-->ACID ORANGE 63-->N,N'-BISBENZYLIDENEBENZIDINE-->Acid Red 111-->C. I. Pigment Red 62-->Acid Yellow 44-->Direct Black BH-->ACID RED 114-->Acid Yellow 42-->CI NO 22610-->ACID RED 97 (C.I. 22890)-->4,4'-Diiodobiphenyl-->3,3'-Diaminobenzidine--> 3,3'-Dinitrobenzidine-->4,4'-BIPHENYLDICARBONYL CHLORIDE-->2,7-Diaminofluorene-->N,N'-[1,1'-Biphenyl-4,4'-diylbis(azo)bis(5-hydroxy-7-sodiosulfonaphthalene-6,2-diyl)]bis(glycine sodium) salt-->4-Amino-6-[[4'-[(7-amino-1-hydroxy-3-sulfo-2-naphtyl)azo]-1,1'-biphenyl-4-yl]azo]-5-hydroxy-3-[(4-nitrophenyl)azo]-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid trisodium salt-->5-Amino-4-hydroxy-3-[[4'-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenyl)azo]-1,1'-biphenyl-4-yl]azo]naphthalene-2,7-disulfonic acid disodium salt-->4-Amino-3-[(2,5-dichlorophenyl)azo]-6-[[4'-[(3-methyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)azo]-1,1'-biphenyl-4-yl]azo]-5-hydroxy-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid disodium salt
Material Safety Data Sheet(MSDS)Back Directory
[msds information]

Questions And AnswerBack Directory
[Chemical properties]

It appears as white or light pink crystalline powder with a melting point of 125 ℃, the boiling point of 400 ℃, (98.7kPa) and the relative density of 1.250 (20/4 ℃). It is soluble in boiling ethanol, acetic acid and diluted hydrochloric acid, slightly soluble in ether, slightly soluble in boiling water and slightly soluble in cold water. Its color is darkened under air and light. Analysis reagents are usually benzodine hydrochloride or acetate, which is more soluble, and sulfate is commonly used in the industry. Benzidine acetate is white or nearly white crystals, being soluble in water, acetic acid and hydrochloric acid, as an indicator. Benzidine sulfate is a white crystalline powder or flaky crystal, being soluble in ether, very slightly soluble in water, dilute acid and alcohol.

Important dye intermediates, benzidine and its derivatives can be used to make direct dyes, acid dyes, vat dyes, ice dyed dyes, sulfur dyes, reactive dyes and organic pigments. More than 250 dyes are made from benzidine, of which the most important is the direct black EW. The benzidine yellow is a widely used organic pigment.

Benzidine is highly toxic, can be absorbed through the respiratory tract, skin and digestive tract, and is highly toxic, belonging to a carcinogen. Both solid and vapor are quickly absorbed through the skin, causing blood damage and causing bladder cancer. Mistakenly eating it can cause nausea, vomiting, liver and kidney damage. Mice oral LD50: 214mg / kg (body weight), rat oral LD50: 309 mg / kg (body weight). Rabbits and dogs have an oral minimum lethal dose of 200mg / kg (weight). The major toxic effect is hemorrhagic cystitis. The effect on the formation of methemoglobin is weak. It has stimulation effect on the skin and mucous membranes, being capable of causing contact dermatitis. It can cause liver cancer in mice and hamsters, causing rat liver, Zymbal gland, breast and colon cancer and cause bladder cancer in dogs. A variety of short-term mutagenicity test has given positive results. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies it as a human carcinogen (well-documented) with the targets being bladder. The relative risk of bladder cancer in dyes chemical worker is 19 with the incubation period of about 19 years.
Spectrum DetailBack Directory
[Spectrum Detail]

Well-known Reagent Company Product InformationBack Directory
[Sigma Aldrich]

92-87-5 suppliers list
Company Name: Henan Tianfu Chemical Co.,Ltd.
Tel: +86-0371-55170693 +86-19937530512 , +86-19937530512
Tel: +undefined-21-51877795
Company Name: career henan chemical co
Tel: +86-0371-86658258 +8613203830695 , +8613203830695
Company Name: Jilin Chinese Academy of Sciences - Yanshen Technology Co., Ltd.
Tel: 0431-80514535 13634302652
Company Name: Hubei Jusheng Technology Co.,Ltd.
Tel: 18871490254
Company Name: Hubei xin bonus chemical co. LTD
Tel: 86-13657291602
Company Name: Chongqing Chemdad Co., Ltd
Tel: +86-023-6139-8061 +86-86-13650506873 , +86-86-13650506873
Company Name: Alchem Pharmtech,Inc.
Tel: 8485655694
Company Name: Richest Group Ltd
Tel: 18017061086
Company Name: Shanghai Daeyeon Chemicals Co., Ltd
Tel: 021-64478606 +8615900664856 , +8615900664856
Company Name: Career Henan Chemica Co
Tel: +86-0371-86658258 +8613203830695 , +8613203830695
Company Name: Hefei TNJ Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd.
Tel: +86-0551-65418671 +8618949823763 , +8618949823763
Company Name: Changzhou Xuanming Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd.
Tel: +86-519-85525359 +86-15995072465 , +86-15995072465
Tel: +86-0571-85134551
Company Name: Baoji Guokang Bio-Technology Co., Ltd.
Tel: 0917-3909592 13892490616 , 13892490616
Company Name: Shaanxi Didu New Materials Co. Ltd
Tel: +86-89586680 +86-13289823923 , +86-13289823923
Company Name: Hebei Fengjia New Material Co., Ltd
Tel: +86-0311-87836622 +86-17333973358 , +86-17333973358
Company Name: LEAP CHEM CO., LTD.
Tel: +86-852-30606658
Tags:92-87-5 Related Product Information
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