
아리스토로크산 구조식 이미지
카스 번호:
Aristolochic acid
ARISTOLOCHIC ACID I;ARISTOLOCHIC ACID A;tardolyt;Aristolochic acid Ⅰ;Isoaristolochic acid;3,4-methylenedioxy-8-methoxy-10-nitro-1-phenanthrenecarboxylicacid;TR 1736;NSC 11926;birthwort;nsc-50413
포뮬러 무게:
MOL 파일:
MSDS 파일:

아리스토로크산 속성

260 °C
끓는 점
476.92°C (rough estimate)
1.3162 (rough estimate)
1.4500 (estimate)
저장 조건
DMSO: 용해될 수 있다
산도 계수 (pKa)
물리적 상태
CAS 데이터베이스
313-67-7(CAS DataBase Reference)
1 (Vol. 82, 100A) 2012, 1 (Vol. 82, 100A) 2012
  • 위험 및 안전 성명
  • 위험 및 사전주의 사항 (GHS)
위험품 표기 T
위험 카페고리 넘버 25-68-36/37/38-23/24/25-45
안전지침서 7-35-45-36/37/39-26-53
유엔번호(UN No.) UN 1544 6.1/PG 3
WGK 독일 3
RTECS 번호 CF3325000
위험 등급 6.1(b)
포장분류 III
HS 번호 29329990
독성 LD50 in male, female mice, male, female rats (mg/kg): 38.4, 70.1, 82.5, 74.0 i.v.; 55.9, 106.1, 203.4, 183.9 orally (Mengs)
중점관리물질 필터링 별표2-51
그림문자(GHS): GHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictograms
신호 어: Danger
유해·위험 문구:
암호 유해·위험 문구 위험 등급 범주 신호 어 그림 문자 P- 코드
H301 삼키면 유독함 급성 독성 물질 - 경구 구분 3 위험 GHS hazard pictograms P264, P270, P301+P310, P321, P330,P405, P501
H340 유전적인 결함을 일으킬 수 있음 (노출되어도 생식세포 유전독성을 일으키지 않는다는 결정적인 증거가 있는 노출경로가 있다면 노출경로 기재) 생식세포 변이원성 물질 구분 1A, 1B 위험 GHS hazard pictograms
H350 암을 일으킬 수 있음 (노출되어도 암을 일으키지 않는다는 결정적인 증거가 있는 노출경로가 있다면 노출경로 기재) 발암성 물질 구분 1A, 1B 위험 GHS hazard pictograms
P202 모든 안전 조치 문구를 읽고 이해하기 전에는 취급하지 마시오.
P264 취급 후에는 손을 철저히 씻으시오.
P264 취급 후에는 손을 철저히 씻으시오.
P270 이 제품을 사용할 때에는 먹거나, 마시거나 흡연하지 마시오.
P280 보호장갑/보호의/보안경/안면보호구를 착용하시오.
P301+P310 삼켰다면 즉시 의료기관(의사)의 진찰을 받으시오.
P405 밀봉하여 저장하시오.
NFPA 704
2 0

아리스토로크산 MSDS

8-Methoxy-3,4-methylenedioxy-10-nitrophenanthrene-1-carboxylic acid

아리스토로크산 C화학적 특성, 용도, 생산


Aristolochic acid first appeared in Chinese medicine in the fifth century AD, while it was used to treat kidney and urinary diseases, as well as gout, snakebites, and a variety of other ailments. In many of these cases, aristolochic acid was just one of the main components of the salves. In the first century, aristolochic acid was first described as a composition of ingested medicine to treat symptoms such as asthma, hiccups, pains, and spasms.

화학적 성질

Shiny brown leaflets or a yellow or white powder.

물리적 성질

Appearance: brown sheet crystal or yellow powder. Solubility: practically insoluble in water and soluble in ethanol, chloroform, ethyl ether, acetone, glacial acetic acid, and aniline. Melting point: 260–265?°C (500–509?°F; 533–538?K).


At a clinic in Brussels, Belgium, a group of women who had all taken the same weight loss supplement, Aristolochia fangchi, which contained aristolochic acid, was first diagnosed with aristolochic acid poisoning. Balkan endemic nephropathy (BEN) was later found to be also the result of aristolochic acid (AA) consumption. Balkan endemic nephropathy is likely caused by low-level AA exposure, possibly from the contamination of wheat flour seeds by Aristolochia clematitis. BEN falls under the umbrella of what is now known as aristolochic acid nephropathy, the prevalent symptom of AA poisoning .


Aristolochic acids occur in Aristolochiaceae and in butterflies feeding on these plants. One of a group of fourteen known, substituted 1-phenanthrenecarboxylic acids


ChEBI: A monocarboxylic acid that is phenanthrene-1-carboxylic acid that is substituted by a methylenedioxy group at the 3,4 positions, by a methoxy group at position 8, and by a nitro group at position 10. It is the most abundant of the aristolochic acids and is found in almost all Aristolochia (birthworts or pipevines) species. It has been tried in a number of treatments for inflammatory disorders, mainly in Chinese and folk medicine. However, there is concern over their use as aristolochic acid is b th carcinogenic and nephrotoxic.


Due to the widely associated kidney problems and urothelial cancers, the FDA has issued warnings regarding consumption of AA-containing supplements.

World Health Organization (WHO)

Extracts of aristolochiaceae have traditionally been used as a bitter for which a broad range of therapeutic effects has been claimed. Aristolochic acid is claimed to promote phagocytosis and to have immunostimulant activity. However, in 1981, a three-month toxicity study in rats revealed the carcinogenic potential of aristolochic acid and preparations containing this substance have since been withdrawn in several countries.

일반 설명

This substance is a primary reference substance with assigned absolute purity (considering chromatographic purity, water, residual solvents, inorganic impurities). The exact value can be found on the certificate. Produced by PhytoLab GmbH & Co. KG


In 1992, some cases of women present with a rapidly progressive renal failure after having a slimming regimen including powdered extracts of Chinese herbal preparations. This outbreak of renal failure eventually resulted in about 100 cases in 1998, 70% of them being in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) . Recent research has confirmed that the main reason leading to renal injury is aristolochic acid found in many Chinese herbs . Aristolochic acid, a potent human carcinogen from Aristolochia plants, is associated with the incidence of urothelial carcinoma in the upper urinary tract (UUC). After the metabolic activation, aristolochic acid reacted with DNA to form aristolactam (AL)-DNA adducts. Mainly pathological changes are in renal cortex, where they serve as a specific biomarker, and are also found in urothelium, where they lead to a unique mutational signature in the TP53 tumorsuppressor gene. The conclusion is that exposure to aristolochic acid gives rise to the incidence of UUC, a finding with significant implications for the global public health .

Clinical Use

Aristolochia species are nephrotoxic and carcinogenic, and FDA has issued warnings regarding consumption of AA-containing supplements.

Safety Profile

Confirmed carcinogen. Poison by ingestion, intraperitoneal, and intravenous routes. Mutation data reported. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of NO,. Potentially Toxic Chemicals: April 1982." Vol. 5 No. 1: The Ministry of Health of the Federal Republic of Germany has withdrawn from the national market drugs containing aristolochic acid. The decision resulted from the demonstration of a carcinogenic potential in a three-month ingestion toxicity study undertaken in rats. Aristolochic acid is claimed to promote phagocytosis and to have immunostimulant activity. A growth-inhibiting effect on experimentally induced tumors has been described, but this effect has not been shown to have any clinical relevance. Extracts of species of Aristolochiacea have tradtionally been used as a bitter, and a broad range of therapeutic effects has been claimed.

잠재적 노출

Aristolochic acids are alkaloids used primarily as a chemical intermediate for pharmaceuticals, lab chemicals, herbal extract, drug.

운송 방법

UN1544 Alkaloids, solid, n.o.s. or Alkaloid salts, solid, n.o.s. poisonous, Hazard Class: 6.1; Labels: 6.1- Poisonous materials, Technical Name Required. PG III.

비 호환성

Compounds of the carboxyl group react with all bases, both inorganic and organic (i.e., amines) releasing substantial heat, water and a salt that may be harmful. Incompatible with oxidizers (chlorates, nitrates, peroxides, permanganates, perchlorates, chlorine, bromine, fluorine, etc.); contact may cause fires or explosions. Keep away from alkaline materials, strong bases, strong acids, oxoacids, epoxides.

폐기물 처리

It is inappropriate and possibly dangerous to the environment to dispose of expired or waste drugs and pharmaceuticals by flushing them down the toilet or discarding them to the trash. Household quantities of expired or waste pharmaceuticals may be mixed with wet cat litter or coffee grounds, double-bagged in plastic, discard in trash. Larger quantities shall carefully take into consideration applicable DEA, EPA, and FDA regulations. If possible return the pharmaceutical to the manufacturer for proper disposal being careful to properly label and securely package the material. Alternatively, the waste pharmaceutical shall be labeled, securely packaged and transported by a state licensed medical waste contractor to dispose by burial in a licensed hazardous or toxic waste landfill or incinerator. All federal, state, and local environmental regulations must be observed.

아리스토로크산 준비 용품 및 원자재


준비 용품

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