디클로로아이소시안산 나트륨

디클로로아이소시안산 나트륨
디클로로아이소시안산 나트륨 구조식 이미지
카스 번호:
디클로로아이소시안산 나트륨
디클로로아이소시안산나트륨;트로클로센나트륨;트로클로센나트륨;트로클로센 나트륨
Sodium dichloroisocyanurate
sdic;nadcc;TROCLOSENE SODIUM;DICHLOROISOCYANURIC ACID SODIUM SALT;DCCNA;BasolanDC(BASF);Sodium troclosene;SodiuM dichloroisocyanurat;acl60;oci56
포뮬러 무게:
MOL 파일:
MSDS 파일:

디클로로아이소시안산 나트륨 속성

1 g/cm3
0.006Pa at 20℃
저장 조건
DMSO (Slightly, Heated), Methanol (Slightly, Heated, Sonicated), Water
물리적 상태
powder to lump
흰색에서 거의 흰색
30g/100ml (25ºC)
Moisture Sensitive
안정적인. 산화제 - 가연성 물질과 접촉하면 화재가 발생할 수 있습니다. 강염기, 강산화제와 호환되지 않습니다. 많은 질소 함유 화합물과 쉽게 반응하여 폭발성 삼요오드화질소를 형성합니다. 습기에 민감합니다.
Sodium dichloro-s-triazinetrione (2893-78-9)
  • 위험 및 안전 성명
  • 위험 및 사전주의 사항 (GHS)
위험품 표기 O,Xn,N,E
위험 카페고리 넘버 8-22-31-36/37-50/53-2
안전지침서 8-26-41-60-61-45
유엔번호(UN No.) UN 2465 5.1/PG 2
WGK 독일 2
RTECS 번호 XZ1900000
위험 등급 5.1
포장분류 II
HS 번호 29336929
유해 물질 데이터 2893-78-9(Hazardous Substances Data)
기존화학 물질 KE-10215
유해화학물질 필터링 2014-1-688
함량 및 규제정보 물질구분: 유독물질; 혼합물(제품)함량정보: 트로클로센 나트륨 및 이를 25% 이상 함유한 혼합물
그림문자(GHS): GHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictograms
신호 어: Danger
유해·위험 문구:
암호 유해·위험 문구 위험 등급 범주 신호 어 그림 문자 P- 코드
H272 화재를 강렬하게 함; 산화제 산화성 액체;산화성 고체 구분 2
구분 3
GHS hazard pictograms P210, P220, P221P280, P370+P378,P501
H302 삼키면 유해함 급성 독성 물질 - 경구 구분 4 경고 GHS hazard pictograms P264, P270, P301+P312, P330, P501
H314 피부에 심한 화상과 눈에 손상을 일으킴 피부부식성 또는 자극성물질 구분 1A, B, C 위험 GHS hazard pictograms P260,P264, P280, P301+P330+ P331,P303+P361+P353, P363, P304+P340,P310, P321, P305+ P351+P338, P405,P501
H335 호흡 자극성을 일으킬 수 있음 특정 표적장기 독성 - 1회 노출;호흡기계 자극 구분 3 경고 GHS hazard pictograms
H410 장기적 영향에 의해 수생생물에 매우 유독함 수생 환경유해성 물질 - 만성 구분 1 경고 GHS hazard pictograms P273, P391, P501
P210 열·스파크·화염·고열로부터 멀리하시오 - 금연 하시오.
P260 분진·흄·가스·미스트·증기·...·스프레이를 흡입하지 마시오.
P273 환경으로 배출하지 마시오.
P280 보호장갑/보호의/보안경/안면보호구를 착용하시오.
P303+P361+P353 피부(또는 머리카락)에 묻으면 오염된 모든 의복은 벗거나 제거하시오 피부를 물로 씻으시오/샤워하시오.
P305+P351+P338 눈에 묻으면 몇 분간 물로 조심해서 씻으시오. 가능하면 콘택트렌즈를 제거하시오. 계속 씻으시오.
NFPA 704
2 2

디클로로아이소시안산 나트륨 MSDS


디클로로아이소시안산 나트륨 C화학적 특성, 용도, 생산

화학적 성질

Dichloroisocyanuric acid, sodium salt, is a white crystalline powder. Chlorine odor. Thermally unstable. It is produced as a result of reaction of cyanuric acid with chlorine. Sodium dichloroisocyanurate is a well established disinfectant used for many purposes including wound cleansing, hospital use, sterilizing babies bottles, disinfection of water for human consumption and disinfection of swimming pools.


Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate (SDIC) widely applied for the sterilization of swimming pool and drinking water, or fighting against infectious diseases, or act as disinfectant in raising silkworm, livestock, poultry and fish. Other applications of SDIC are found in wool shrinkage, textile bleaching, and industrial circulating water cleaning. SDIC is normally supplied in powder and granular, tablets are also available on request. Stabilised chlorine granular (dichlor) are used very widely to chlorinate swimming pool water.

제조 방법

Sodium dichloroisocyanurate is produced by chlorination of disodium cyanurate [Na2H(NCO)3] using chlorine (CI2) and neutralization with sodium hydroxide (NaOH).
Disodium cyanurate is obtained by action of sodium hydroxide on isocyanuric acid.

일반 설명

White solid with an odor of bleach-like odor. Mixes with water.

공기와 물의 반응

Water soluble. May vigorously react with water releasing chlorine gas. Material containing less than 39% available chlorine will undergo reactions as described herein, but may take longer to initiate, and the resulting reaction may not be as vigorous [AAR 1992].

반응 프로필

Contact with ammonium compounds or hydrated salts can cause a very vigorous reaction. Prolonged exposure to heat /fire may result in the vigorous decomposition of the material with the rupture of its containers, Sodium dichloroisocyanurate will accelerate the burning of combustible materials [AAR 1991]. Chlorine plus alcohols would yield alkyl hypochlorites. They decompose in the cold and explode on exposure to sunlight or heat. Tertiary hypochlorites are less unstable than secondary or primary hypochlorites [NFPA 491 M 1991].


Strong oxidizing material, fire risk near organic materials. Toxic by ingestion.


Dust causes sneezing and coughing, moderate irritation of the eyes, and itchiness and redness of the skin. Ingestion causes burns of mouth and stomach.

Safety Profile

Moderately toxic to humans and animals by ingestion. An experimental teratogen. Experimental reproductive effects. A severe skin and eye irritant. Human systemic effects by ingestion: ulceration or bleeding from stomach. The other main toxic effects were gastrointestinal irritation, salivation, lachrymation, dyspnea, weakness, emaciation, lethargy, diarrhea, coma, and (following very high dosage) death after 1-8 days, with autopsy showing irritation of stomach and gastrointestinal tract, liver dysfunction, and lung congestion. The concentrated material may be a little more toxic, due to greater gastrointestinal irritation. In the dry form, it is not appreciably irritating to dry skin. However, when moist, the concentrated material is irritating to skin, and also may cause severe eye irritation. A powerful oxidizer. Incompatible with combustible materials, ammonium salts, nitrogenous materials. Used to chlorinate swimming pools and in cleaning, bleaching, disinfecting, sanitizing. When heated to decomposition it emits very toxic fumes of Cl-, NOx, and Na2O.

잠재적 노출

Dichloroisocyanuric acid salts, are used in cleaning; making dry bleaches, detergents, sanitizers, and disinfectants; in swimming pool and sewage treatment.

운송 방법

UN2465 Dichloroisocyanuric acid, dry or Dichloroisocyanuric acid salts, Hazard Class: 5.1; Labels: 5.1-Oxidizer.

비 호환성

A powerful oxidizer. Dust may form explosive mixture with air. Violent reaction with reducing agents; organic matter; easily chlorinated or oxidized materials. Isocyanates are highly flammable and reactive with many compounds, even with themselves. Incompatible with oxidizers (chlorates, nitrates, peroxides, permanganates, perchlorates, chlorine, bromine, fluorine, etc.); contact may cause fires or explosions. Reaction with moist air, water or alcohols may form amines and insoluble polyureas and react exothermically, releasing toxic, corrosive or flammable gases, including carbon dioxide; and, at the same time, may generate a violent release of heat increasing the concentration of fumes in the air. Incompatible with amines, aldehydes, alkali metals, ammonia, carboxylic acids, caprolactum, alkaline materials, glycols, ketones, mercaptans, hydrides, organotin catalysts, phenols, strong acids, strong bases, strong reducing agents such as hydrides, urethanes, ureas. Elevated temperatures or contact with acids, bases, tertiary amines, and acyl-chlorides may cause explosive polymerization. Contact with metals may evolve flammable hydrogen gas. Attacks some plastics, rubber and coatings May accumulate static electrical charges, and may cause ignition of its vapors. Incompatible with ammonium salts, amines forming nitrogen trichloride

디클로로아이소시안산 나트륨 준비 용품 및 원자재


준비 용품

디클로로아이소시안산 나트륨 공급 업체

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디클로로아이소시안산 나트륨 관련 검색:

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