Kaliumhydroxid Chemische Eigenschaften,Einsatz,Produktion Methoden
TLV: (als STEL, ceiling) 2 mg/m? (ACGIH 2005).
MAK nicht festgelegt (DFG 2005).
Aufnahme in den Körper durch Inhalation des Aerosols und durch Verschlucken.
Verdampfung bei 20°C vernachlässigbar; eine gesundheitsschädliche Partikelkonzentration in der Luft kann jedoch schnell erreicht werden.
WIRKUNGEN BEI KURZZEITEXPOSITION: ätzend. Die Substanz verätzt stark die Augen, die Haut und die Atemwege. ätzend beim Verschlucken. Inhalation des Aerosols der Substanz kann zu Lungenödem führen (s.Anm.).
Wiederholter oder andauernder Hautkontakt kann Dermatitis hervorrufen.
Verschüttetes Material in geeigneten Behältern sammeln; falls erforderlich durch Anfeuchten Staubentwicklung verhindern. Reste mit viel Wasser wegspülen. Persönliche Schutzausrüstung: Vollschutzanzug mit umgebungsluftunabhängigem Atemschutzgerät.
R-Sätze Betriebsanweisung:
R34:Verursacht Verätzungen.
R35:Verursacht schwere Verätzungen.
R22:Gesundheitsschädlich beim Verschlucken.
R39/23/24/25:Giftig: ernste Gefahr irreversiblen Schadens durch Einatmen, Berührung mit der Haut und durch Verschlucken.
R23/24/25:Giftig beim Einatmen, Verschlucken und Berührung mit der Haut.
R36/38:Reizt die Augen und die Haut.
R36/37:Reizt die Augen und die Atmungsorgane.
R67:Dämpfe können Schläfrigkeit und Benommenheit verursachen.
S-Sätze Betriebsanweisung:
S7:Behälter dicht geschlossen halten.
S16:Von Zündquellen fernhalten - Nicht rauchen.
S36/37:Bei der Arbeit geeignete Schutzhandschuhe und Schutzkleidung tragen.
S45:Bei Unfall oder Unwohlsein sofort Arzt zuziehen (wenn möglich, dieses Etikett vorzeigen).
S36/37/39:Bei der Arbeit geeignete Schutzkleidung,Schutzhandschuhe und Schutzbrille/Gesichtsschutz tragen.
S26:Bei Berührung mit den Augen sofort gründlich mit Wasser abspülen und Arzt konsultieren.
Chemische Eigenschaften
Potassium hydroxide occurs as a white or nearly white fused mass. It is available in small pellets, flakes, sticks and other shapes or forms. It is hard and brittle and shows a crystalline fracture. Potassium hydroxide is hygroscopic and deliquescent; on exposure to air, it rapidly absorbs carbon dioxide and water with the formation of potassium carbonate. Soluble in water, alcohol, glycerol; slightly soluble in ether.
Potassium hydroxide (KOH) is a strong alkali that digests proteins and epidermal
debris. In one study, 10% solution was applied b.i.d. to each lesion for 30 days with excellent clearance. The side effects included stinging of the lesion and one case of secondary infection. Also reported were the occurrence of a hypertrophic scar
as well as some persistent or transitory hyper- and hypopigmentation. The same
authors who used the 5% KOH solution completed further studies and they found
it to be as effective-yet with decreased side effects.
Vorbereitung Methode
Potassium hydroxide is made by the electrolysis of potassium
chloride. Commercial grades may contain chlorides as well as other
Potassium hydroxide is used as an emulsifier in lotions and as an alkali in liquid soaps, protective creams, and shaving preparations. Depending on the concentration used, it can be highly irritating to the skin and/or cause a burning sensation. It is used in making potassium salts, in electroplatingand lithography, in printing inks, as a mordantfor wood, and finds wide applicationsin organic syntheses and chemical analyses.
Allgemeine Beschreibung
A white solid. Corrosive to metals and tissue. Used in soap manufacture, bleach, as an electrolyte in alkaline batteries, and as a food additive.
Air & Water Reaktionen
Hydrolysis generates enough heat to ignite adjacent combustible material [Haz. Chem. Data 1966]. Dissolves in water (with liberation of heat, may steam and spatter. Solution is basic (alkaline). Deliquescent
Reaktivität anzeigen
POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE absorbs moisture readily forming caustic solution that attacks aluminum and zinc. A piece of potassium hydroxide causes liquid chlorine dioxide to explode [Mellor 2:289. 1946-47]. 1,2-dichloroethylene and potassium hydroxide forms chloroacetylene, which is explosive and spontaneously flammable in air. Potassium hydroxide is highly toxic [Rutledge 1968. p. 134]. A reaction between n-nitrosomethylurea and potassium hydroxide in n-butyl ether resulted in an explosion due to the formation of diazomethane [Schwab 1972]. Potassium persulfate and a little potassium hydroxide and water ignited a polythene (polyethylene) liner of a container by release of heat and oxygen [MCA Case History 1155. 1955]. Using potassium hydroxide to dry impure tetrahydrofuran, which contains peroxides, may be hazardous. Explosions have occurred in the past. Sodium hydroxide behaves in a similar way as potassium hydroxide [NSC Newsletter Chem. Soc. 1967]. A strong base. Forms caustic solution in water. [Merck 11th ed. 1989].
Health Hazard
Toxic by ingestion and inhalation, strong caustic, handle with gloves or tongs, corrosive to tissue. Eye, skin and upper respiratory tract irritant.
Potassium hydroxide is a strongly alkaline, hydrophilic substance and therefore solid potassium hydroxide is highly corrosive. It reacts with fat and can cause irreversible damage to any site of contact with the body (for example skin or eyes). Solutions of potassium hydroxide in water at concentrations above 0.5% (w/w) are irritating at points of contact and, at higher concentrations, the solutions can be corrosive. Potassium hydroxide does not cause skin allergies. Because of the corrosive properties of potassium hydroxide, its ingestion can be fatal. Under normal conditions of handling and use, potassium hydroxide in solution will dissociate into its constituent ions and, if ingested, will not be systemically available in the body as such.
Non-combustible, substance itself does not burn but may decompose upon heating to produce corrosive and/or toxic fumes. Some are oxidizers and may ignite combustibles (wood, paper, oil, clothing, etc.). Contact with metals may evolve flammable hydrogen gas. Containers may explode when heated.
Flammability and Explosibility
Sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide are not flammable as solids or aqueous
Pharmazeutische Anwendungen
Potassium hydroxide is widely used in pharmaceutical formulations
to adjust the pH of solutions. It can also be used to react with weak
acids to form salts.
Therapeutically, potassium hydroxide is used in various
dermatological applications.
Poison by ingestion. An
eye irritant and severe human skin irritant.
Very corrosive to the eyes, skin, and mucous
membranes. Mutation data reported.
Ingestion may cause violent pain in throat
and epigastrium, hematemesis, collapse.
Stricture of esophagus may result if
substance is not immedately fatal. Above
84' it reacts with reducing sugars to form
poisonous carbon monoxide gas. Violent,
exothermic reaction with water. Potentially
explosive reaction with bromoform + crown
ethers, chlorine dioxide, nitrobenzene,
nitromethane, nitrogen trichloride,
peroxidized tetrahydrofuran, 2,4,6-
trinitrotoluene. Reaction with ammonium
hexachloroplatinate(2-) + heat forms a heat-
sensitive explosive product. Violent reaction
or ignition under the appropriate condtions
with acids, alcohols, p-bis(l,3-
dbromoethyl)benzene, cyclopentadene,
germanium, hyponitrous acid, maleic
anhydride, nitroalkanes, 2-nitrophenol,
potassium peroxodisulfate, sugars, 2,2,3,3-
tetrafluoropropanol, thorium dicarbide.
When heated to decomposition it emits
toxic fumes of K2O. See also SODIUM
Potassium hydroxide is widely used in the pharmaceutical and food
industries and is generally regarded as a nontoxic material at low
concentrations. At high concentrations it is a corrosive irritant to
the skin, eyes, and mucous membranes.
(rat, oral): 0.273 g/kg
mögliche Exposition
KOH is generally used as an alkali
and in the manufacture of other potassium compounds.
splash goggles and impermeable gloves should be worn at all times when handling these substances to prevent eye and skin contact. Operations with metal hydroxide solutions that have the potential to create aerosols should be conducted in a fume hood to prevent exposure by inhalation. NaOH and KOH generate considerable heat when dissolved in water; when mixing with water, always add caustics slowly to the water and stir continuously. Never add water in limited quantities to solid hydroxides. Potassium hydroxide should be stored in an airtight, nonmetallic container in a cool, dry place, separated from acids and incompatible substances.
UN1814 (solution) & UN1813 (solid); Potassium
hydroxide, solid or solution, Hazard class: 8; Labels:
8-Corrosive material.
läuterung methode
Its carbonate content can be reduced by rinsing KOH sticks rapidly with water prior to dissolving them in boiled out distilled water. Alternatively, a slight excess of saturated BaCl2 or Ba(OH)2 can be added to the solution which, after shaking well, is set aside so that the BaCO3 is allowed to separate out. Davies and Nancollas [Nature 165 237 1950] rendered KOH solutions carbonate free by ion exchange using a column of Amberlite IR-100 in the OH-form.
Potassium hydroxide is a strong base and is incompatible with any compound that readily undergoes hydrolysis or oxidation. Violent reaction with acids, alcohols, water, metals (when wet), halogenated hydrocarbons; maleic anhydride. Heat is generated if KOH comes in contact with water and carbon dioxide from the air. It should not be stored in glass or aluminum containers, Corrosive to zinc, aluminum, tin and lead in the presence of moisture releasing combustible/explosive hydrogen gas. Can absorb water from air and give off sufficient heat to ignite surrounding combustible materials.
Waste disposal
Dilute with large volume of
water, neutralize and flush to sewer
Regulatory Status
GRAS listed. Accepted for use in Europe in certain food
applications. Included in the FDA Inactive Ingredients Database
(injections, infusions, and oral capsules and solutions). Included in
nonparenteral and parenteral medicines licensed in the UK.
Included in the Canadian List of Acceptable Non-medicinal
Kaliumhydroxid Upstream-Materialien And Downstream Produkte
Downstream Produkte
Oxalsure, Kaliumsalz
Organosilicon water-proofing agent
antistatic agent F695
Potassium sorbate
Potassium isobutylxanthate
Zitronensure, Kaliumsalz
Antistatic agent PK
Gellan Gummi
Hydrogentribromid, Verbindung mit Pyrrolidin-2-on (1:3)
potassium silicate,electronic grade
Vat Grey M