
클로로벤젠 구조식 이미지
카스 번호:
클로로벤젠;모노클로로벤졸;벤젠,클로로;테트로신SP;모노클로로벤젠;벤젠염화물;페닐염화물;벤젠 염화물;벤젠, 클로로;테트로신 SP;페닐 염화물
MONOCHLOROBENZENE;Chlorobenzen;Chlorbenzol;Chlorbenzene;CHLOROBENZOL;PHENYL CHLORIDE;cp27;NSC 8433;U.N. 1134;NCI-C54886
포뮬러 무게:
MOL 파일:
MSDS 파일:

클로로벤젠 속성

-45 °C (lit.)
끓는 점
132 °C (lit.)
1.106 g/mL at 25 °C (lit.)
증기 밀도
3.86 (vs air)
11.8 mm Hg ( 25 °C)
n20/D 1.524(lit.)
75 °F
저장 조건
물: 20°C에서 용해성0.207g/L
물리적 상태
APHA: ≤30
아몬드 같은 냄새
최대 파장(λmax)
λ: 288 nm Amax: 1.0
λ: 290 nm Amax: 0.40
λ: 300 nm Amax: 0.05
λ: 325 nm Amax: 0.04
λ: 360-400 nm Amax: 0.01
Henry's Law Constant
1.11, 1.54, 1.81, 2.80, and 3.79 at 2.0, 6.0, 10.0, 18.0, and 25.0 °C, respectively (EPICS-SPME, Dewulf et al., 1999)(x 10-3 atm?m3/mol)
노출 한도
TLV-TWA 75 ppm (~345 mg/m3) (ACGIH, MSHA, OSHA, and NIOSH); IDLH 2400 ppm.
Dielectric constant
안정적인. 산화제와 호환되지 않습니다. 가연성. 일부 유형의 플라스틱, 고무 및 코팅을 공격합니다.
3 at 20℃
CAS 데이터베이스
108-90-7(CAS DataBase Reference)
Benzene, chloro-(108-90-7)
Chlorobenzene (108-90-7)
  • 위험 및 안전 성명
  • 위험 및 사전주의 사항 (GHS)
위험품 표기 Xn,N,T,F
위험 카페고리 넘버 10-20-51/53-40-39/23/24/25-23/24/25-11
안전지침서 24/25-61-36/37-45-16-7
유엔번호(UN No.) UN 1134 3/PG 3
WGK 독일 2
RTECS 번호 CZ0175000
F 고인화성물질 3-10
자연 발화 온도 590 °C
위험 등급 3
포장분류 III
HS 번호 29039190
유해 물질 데이터 108-90-7(Hazardous Substances Data)
독성 LD50 orally in Rabbit: 2000 - 4000 mg/kg
IDLA 1,000 ppm
기존화학 물질 KE-25489
그림문자(GHS): GHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictograms
신호 어: Warning
유해·위험 문구:
암호 유해·위험 문구 위험 등급 범주 신호 어 그림 문자 P- 코드
H226 인화성 액체 및 증기 인화성 액체 구분 3 경고
H315 피부에 자극을 일으킴 피부부식성 또는 자극성물질 구분 2 경고 GHS hazard pictograms P264, P280, P302+P352, P321,P332+P313, P362
H332 흡입하면 유해함 급성 독성 물질 흡입 구분 4 경고 GHS hazard pictograms P261, P271, P304+P340, P312
H411 장기적 영향에 의해 수생생물에 유독함 수생 환경유해성 물질 - 만성 구분 2
P210 열·스파크·화염·고열로부터 멀리하시오 - 금연 하시오.
P233 용기를 단단히 밀폐하시오. 용기는 환기가 잘 되는 곳에 단단히 밀폐하여 보관하시오.
P240 용기와 수용설비를 접지 및 접합시키시오.
P273 환경으로 배출하지 마시오.
P303+P361+P353 피부(또는 머리카락)에 묻으면 오염된 모든 의복은 벗거나 제거하시오 피부를 물로 씻으시오/샤워하시오.
NFPA 704
3 0

클로로벤젠 C화학적 특성, 용도, 생산


클로로벤젠(chlorobenzene, 화학식: C6H5Cl) 는 벤젠의 염화물이며 페닐기 에 염소가 붙어있으므로 Ph-Cl 로 표시되기도 한다. 물에는 녹지 않고, 대부분의 유기용매와 임의의 비율로 섞인다. 철의 존재하에 벤젠을 염소화하여 얻는다.


클로로벤젠은 상온에서 독특한 냄새가 나는 무색의 액체 상태를 유지하는 방향족성 화합물로,5개의 수소 원자와 6개의 탄소 원자, 그리고 1개의 염소 원자로 구성되어 있습니다.여기서 방향족성(Aromaticity) 화합물이란 탄소 화합물이 불포화 결합이나,홀전자쌍 등에 의해 평면 고리 모양으로 결합되어 매우 안정화 되어 있는 성질을 가진 화합물을 말합니다.


클로로 벤젠은 특정 살충제 제조에 한번 사용되었습니다., 가장 주목할만한 것은 chloral (trichloroacetaldehyde), 그러나이 응용 프로그램은 ddt의 사용이 감소함에 따라 감소했습니다. 클로로 벤젠의 주요 용도는 제초제와 같은 필수품의 생산에서 중간체로서, 물감, 고무. 클로로 벤젠은 또한 많은 산업 분야뿐만 아니라 실험실에서도 고비 점용제로 사용됩니다. 클로로 벤젠을 대규모로 니트로 화하여 2- 및 4- 니트로 클로로 벤젠의 혼합물을 수득한다, 이는 분별 결정화 후 증류에 의해 분리 될 수있다.


클로로벤젠은 공기 중에서 약 3.5일, 물 속에서 하루, 그리고 토양에서 수 개월간 존재할 수 있으며,오염된 토양과 접촉하거나, 물을 마시거나, 오염된 공기를 호흡해 노출될 수 있습니다. 일반적으로 오염된 공기를 통해 체내로 들어온 클로로벤젠은 폐와 비뇨계를 통해 배출되지만,피부에 반복적으로 노출되면 탈지 작용으로 피부염을 일으킬 수 있으며, 급성으로 노출 시 기침 같은 작은 증상만 나타나지만 만성 흡입시 폐나 간, 신장에 손상을 줄 수 있기 때문에 주의가 팔요합니다.

화학적 성질

Chlorobenzene, also known as monochlorobenzene or MCB, is a colourless flammable liquid with an aromatic almond-like odor, Chlorination of benzene in the presence of a catalyst (FeCl3 or AICI3) yields chlorobenzene as the first product. It is insoluble in water and miscible with organic solvents. Chlorobenzene has a good solvency for fats, oils, resins, polymers, binders, rubber, and chlorinated rubber. Cellulose ethers dissolve in the presence of small amounts of alcohols; cellulose nitrate is insoluble. Chlorobenzene is a solvent in the production of bitumen and asphalt coatings for building protection.

물리적 성질

Clear, colorless, flammable liquid with a sweet almond, medicinal or mothball-like odor. An odor threshold concentration of 210 ppbv was reported by Leonardos et al. (1969). At 40 °C, the lowest concentration at which an odor was detected was 190 μg/L. At 25 °C, the lowest concentration at which a taste was detected was 190 μg/L (Young et al., 1996). The average least detectable odor threshold concentration in water at 60 °C was 0.08 mg/L (Alexander et al., 1982). Cometto-Muiz and Cain (1994) reported an average nasal pungency threshold concentration of 10,553 ppmv. Chlorobenzene can evaporate when exposed to air. It dissolves slightly when mixed with water. It is moderately soluble in water; up to 1,000 milligrams will mix with a liter of water. Chlorobenzene is slightly persistent in water, with a half-life of between 2 to 20 days. It persists in soil (several months), in air (3.5 days), and water (less than 1 day).


Chlorobenzene is a halogenated benzene that is used as a solvent for paints, as a heat transfer medium, and in the manufacture of phenol, aniline and nitrochlorobenzenes. Now chlorobenzene is mainly used as a solvent for pesticide formulations, diisocyanate manufacture, degreasing automobile parts, and for the production of nitrochlorobenzene and chemical toxicity QSAR research for agricultural pollution.

제조 방법

Chlorobenzene is produced by chlorination of benzene in the presence of a catalyst, and is produced as an end product in the reductive chlorination of di- and trichlorobenzenes.


ChEBI: Chlorobenzene is the simplest member of the class of monochlorobenzenes, that is benzene in which a single hydrogen has been substituted by a chlorine. It has a role as a solvent.

일반 설명

Chlorobenzene is a colorless to clear, yellowish liquid with a sweet almond-like odor. Flash point 84°F. Practically insoluble in water and somewhat denser than water (9.2 lb / gal). Vapors heavier than air. It can be converted to phenol by reaction with sodium hydroxide under extreme conditions (300°C and 200 atmospheres pressure). Used to make pesticides, dyes, and other chemicals.

공기와 물의 반응

Highly flammable. Insoluble in water.

반응 프로필

Chlorobenzene undergoes a sometimes explosive reaction with powdered sodium or phosphorus trichloride + sodium. May react violently with dimethyl sulfoxide. Reacts vigorously with oxidizing agents. Attacks some forms of plastic, rubber and coatings. Forms a shock sensitive solvated salt with silver perchlorate.


A possible carcinogen. Avoid inhalation and skin contact. Moderate fire risk. Explosive limits 1.8–9.6%.


Irritating to skin, eyes and mucous membranes. Repeated exposure of skin may cause dermatitis due to defatting action. Chronic inhalation of vapors or mist may result in damage to lungs, liver, and kidneys. Acute vapor exposures can cause symptoms ranging from coughing to transient anesthesia and central nervous system depression.
Limited information is available on the acute (short-term) effects of chlorobenzene. Acute inhalation exposure of animals to chlorobenzene produced narcosis, restlessness, tremors, and muscle spasms. Chronic (long-term) exposure of humans to chlorobenzene affects the central nervous system (CNS). Signs of neurotoxicity in humans include numbness, cyanosis, hyperesthesia (increased sensation), and muscle spasms. No information is available on the carcinogenic effects of chlorobenzene in humans. EPA has classified chlorobenzene as a Group D, not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity.


Flammable liquid; flash point (closed cup) 29°C (84°F); vapor pressure 8.8 torr at 20°C (68°F); autoignition temperature 638°C (1180°F). When heated to decomposition this compound emits toxic fumes of hydrogen chloride gas, CO and CO2.
Chlorobenzene vapors form explosive mixtures with air within the range 1.3-7.1% by volume in air. It is incompatible with strong oxidizing agents and dimethyl sulfoxide. Dimethyl sulfoxide decom poses violently in contact with chloroben zene (NFPA 1997). Many metal perchlorates, such as those of silver and mercury, may form shock-sensitive solvated perchlorates that may explode on impact.

Safety Profile

Suspected carcinogen. Moderately toxic by ingestion and intraperitoneal routes. Experimental teratogenic and reproductive effects. Mutation data reported. Strong narcotic with slight irritant qualities. Dichlorobenzols are strongly narcotic. Little is known of the effects of repeated exposures at lower concentrations, but it may cause hdney and liver damage. The industrial illnesses reported may possibly be due to nitrobenzol. Dangerous fire hazard when exposed to heat or flame. Moderate explosion hazard when exposed to heat or flame. Potentially explosive reaction with powdered sodium or phosphorus trichloride + sodtum. Violent reaction with AgClO4. Reacts vigorously with oxidizers. See also CHLORINATED HYDROCARBONS, AROMATIC. To fight fire, use foam, CO2, dry chemical, water to blanket fire. Associated with EPA Superfund sites

잠재적 노출

Chlorobenzene is used in the manufacture of aniline, phenol, and chloronitrobenzene; as an intermediate in the manufacture of dyestuffs and many pesticides, as a solvent; and emulsifier.


Chlorobenzene was not mutagenic in a variety of bacterial and yeast assays. Existing data suggest that genotoxicity may not be an area of concern for chlorobenzene exposure in humans.


Chlorobenzene's production and use as a chemical intermediate, solvent, and heat transfer medium may result in its release to the environment through various waste streams. If released to air, chlorobenzene will exist solely as a vapor in the atmosphere. Photochemically produced hydroxyl radicals will ultimately degrade vapor-phase chlorobenzene in less than 24h.
Biological. In activated sludge, 31.5% of the applied chlorobenzene mineralized to carbon dioxide after 5 d (Freitag et al., 1985). A mixed culture of soil bacteria or a Pseudomonas sp. transformed chlorobenzene to chlorophenol (Ballschiter and Scholz, 1980). Pure microbial cultures isolated from soil hydroxylated chlorobenzene to 2- and 4-chlorophenol (Smith and Rosazza, 1974). Chlorobenzene was statically incubated in the dark at 25 °C with yeast extract and settled domestic wastewater inoculum. At a concentration of 5 mg/L, biodegradation yields at the end of 1 and 2 wk were 89 and 100%, respectively. At a concentration of 10 mg/L, significant degradation with gradual adaptation was observed.Complete degradation was not observed until after the 3rd week of incubation (Tabak et al.,1981).

운송 방법

UN1134 Chlorobenzene, Hazard Class: 3; Labels: 3-Flammable liquid.

Purification Methods

The main impurities are likely to be chlorinated impurities originally present in the *benzene used in the synthesis of chlorobenzene, and also unchlorinated hydrocarbons. A common purification procedure is to wash it several times with conc H2SO4 then with aqueous NaHCO3 or Na2CO3, and water, followed by drying with CaCl2, K2CO3 or CaSO4, then with P2O5, and distilling. It can also be dried with Linde 4A molecular sieve. Passage through, and storage over, activated alumina has been used to obtain low conductance material. [Flaherty & Stern J Am Chem Soc 80 1034 1958, Beilstein 5 H 199, 5 IV 640.]

비 호환성

Reacts violently with strong oxidizers; dimethyl sulfoxide; sodium powder; silver perchlorate; causing fire and explosion hazard. Attacks some plastics, rubber, and coatings. Decomposes on heating, producing phosgene and hydrogen chloride fumes.

폐기물 처리

Incineration, preferably after mixing with another combustible fuel; care must be exercised to assure complete combustion to prevent the formation of phosgene; an acid scrubber is necessary to remove the halo acids produced.

클로로벤젠 준비 용품 및 원자재


준비 용품

2-THENOYLACETONITRILE NAPHTHOL AS-LT 에틸알파-클로로페닐아세테이트 2-TERT-BUTYLPYRIDINE-4-CARBONITRILE 6-(3,5-다이클로로-4-메틸페닐)-3-(2H)-피리다지논 2-브로모-4-니트로이미다졸 2,2'-(1,3,4-oxadiazole-2,5-diyl)bis[1-aminoanthraquinone] 5-CHLORO-3-METHYLBENZO[B]THIOPHENE 3-클로로-벤조[B]티오펜-2-카복실산하이드라지드 2-클로로-1,3-디니트로벤젠 3- 하이드 록시 -4- 메 톡시 -2- 나프탈닐리드 3-클로로벤조[B]티오펜-2-카복스아미드 2-Hydroxy-N-(4-methoxyphenyl)-11H-benzo[a]carbazole-3-carboxamide 2-아미노-5,6-디메틸벤조티아졸 2-Chloroanthraquinone dimethyl 4-chloropyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate 1-벤질-2-메틸이미다졸 5-CHLOROBENZOTHIOPHENE 3-CHLOROBENZO[B]THIOPHENE-2-CARBONYL CHLORIDE 3-Hydroxy-N-naphthalen-1-ylnaphthalene-2-carboxamide 5-DIMETHYLAMINO-THIOPHENE-2-CARBALDEHYDE 3-(4-Chlorobenzoyl)propionic acid 6-BROMO-3,4-DIHYDRO-1H-QUINOLIN-2-ONE 다이클로로다이페닐트라이클로로에테인(디클로로디페닐트리클로로에탄) METHYL 3-CHLOROBENZO[B]THIOPHENE-2-CARBOXYLATE 3-CHLOROBENZO[B]THIOPHENE-2-CARBOXYLIC ACID 나프톨 AS-PH 3-Hydroxy-N-(3-nitrophenyl)-2-naphthalenecarboxamide 아트라진 플루옥사스트로빈 페닐트리클로로실란 2-브로모티오펜5-카복시알데히드 4-클로로벤젠설포닐 염화물 바클로펜 pigment yellow 155 2,5-티오펜이카복실산 나프톨 AS-D 4,4'-디클로로디페닐 술폰 a-클로로아세토페논 3,4'-Dichlorodiphenyl ether

클로로벤젠 공급 업체

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클로로벤젠 관련 검색:

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