
수크로스(설탕) 구조식 이미지
카스 번호:
SUGAR;SACCHAROSE;CANE SUGAR;Granulated sugar;White sugar;(2R,3R,4S,5S,6R)-2-(((2S,3S,4S,5R)-3,4-dihydroxy-2,5-bis(hydroxyMethyl)tetrahydrofuran-2-yl)oxy)-6-(hydroxyMethyl)tetrahydro-2H-pyran-3,4,5-triol;SACCHARUM;BEET SUGAR;Sucrose BP;Table sugar
포뮬러 무게:
MOL 파일:
MSDS 파일:

수크로스(설탕) 속성

185-187 °C (lit.)
67 º (c=26, in water 25 ºC)
끓는 점
397.76°C (rough estimate)
66.5 ° (C=26, H2O)
저장 조건
Inert atmosphere,Room Temperature
H2O: 500 mg/mL
물리적 상태
산도 계수 (pKa)
12.7(at 25℃)
냄새 없는
pH 범위
5.5 - 7 at 342 g/l at 25 °C
5.0-7.0 (25℃, 1M in H2O)
optical activity
[α]25/D +66.3 to +66.8°(lit.)
최대 파장(λmax)
λ: 260 nm Amax: 0.11
λ: 280 nm Amax: 0.08
Dielectric constant
노출 한도
ACGIH: TWA 10 mg/m3
OSHA: TWA 15 mg/m3; TWA 5 mg/m3
NIOSH: TWA 10 mg/m3; TWA 5 mg/m3
안정적인. 타기 쉬운. 강한 산화제와 호환되지 않습니다. 묽은 산과 인버타아제에 의해 가수분해됩니다.
-4.492 (est)
CAS 데이터베이스
57-50-1(CAS DataBase Reference)
Sucrose (57-50-1)
  • 위험 및 안전 성명
  • 위험 및 사전주의 사항 (GHS)
위험품 표기 Xi
위험 카페고리 넘버 36/37/38
안전지침서 24/25-37/39-26
OEL TWA: 10 mg/m3 (total)
WGK 독일 2
RTECS 번호 WN6500000
F 고인화성물질 3
HS 번호 17019910
유해 물질 데이터 57-50-1(Hazardous Substances Data)
독성 LD50 orally in Rabbit: 29700 mg/kg
기존화학 물질 KE-17258
그림문자(GHS): GHS hazard pictograms
신호 어: Warning
유해·위험 문구:
암호 유해·위험 문구 위험 등급 범주 신호 어 그림 문자 P- 코드
H315 피부에 자극을 일으킴 피부부식성 또는 자극성물질 구분 2 경고 GHS hazard pictograms P264, P280, P302+P352, P321,P332+P313, P362
H319 눈에 심한 자극을 일으킴 심한 눈 손상 또는 자극성 물질 구분 2A 경고 GHS hazard pictograms P264, P280, P305+P351+P338,P337+P313P
H335 호흡 자극성을 일으킬 수 있음 특정 표적장기 독성 - 1회 노출;호흡기계 자극 구분 3 경고 GHS hazard pictograms
P261 분진·흄·가스·미스트·증기·...·스프레이의 흡입을 피하시오.
P271 옥외 또는 환기가 잘 되는 곳에서만 취급하시오.
P280 보호장갑/보호의/보안경/안면보호구를 착용하시오.
NFPA 704
1 0

수크로스(설탕) MSDS


수크로스(설탕) C화학적 특성, 용도, 생산


수크로스(영어: sucrose) 또는 자당또는 설탕은 1분자의 프럭토스(과당)과 1분자의 글루코스(포도당)가 글리코사이드 결합으로 연결된 이당류이며, 화학식은 C12H22O11이다. 수크로스는 식물에서 자연적으로 생산되며, 식물에서 추출한 수크로스를 정제해서, 일상에서 소비하는 설탕을 만든다.


설탕의 주용도는 음식이나 음료에서 단맛을 내는 것이다. 단맛을 내는 물질을 통칭하여 일반적으로 당류라고 한다. 당류는 Sucrose이외에도 여러 가지가 있는데 모두 비슷한 분자식을 가지고 있다. 그렇지만 화학적 구조가 조금씩 달라 서로다른 특징을 나타낸다. 이외에도 감미료라고 부르는 것도 있다. 같은 단맛을 내는 것이지만 당류와는 확연히 구분되는 물질이다. 예전에 많이 사용되었던 사카린이나 요즈음 소주 등 대부분의 주류와 음료에 많이 사용되는 아스파탐이다.

화학적 성질

Sucrose is a sugar obtained from sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum Linne' (Fam. Gramineae)), sugar beet (Beta vulgaris Linne' (Fam. Chenopodiaceae)), and other sources. It contains no added substances. Sucrose occurs as colorless crystals, as crystalline masses or blocks, or as a white crystalline powder; it is odorless and has a sweet taste.


sucrose (table sugar) is an emollient, mild emulsifier, and humectant. It can be used in place of glycerin.


ChEBI: Sucrose is a disaccharide formed by glucose and fructose units joined by an acetal oxygen bridge from hemiacetal of glucose to the hemiketal of the fructose.

생산 방법

Sucrose is obtained from the sugar cane plant, which contains 15–20% sucrose, and sugar beet, which contains 10–17% sucrose. Juice from these sources is heated to coagulate water-soluble proteins, which are removed by skimming. The resultant solution is then decolorized with an ion-exchange resin or charcoal and concentrated. Upon cooling, sucrose crystallizes out. The remaining solution is concentrated again and yields more sucrose, brown sugar, and molasses.

일반 설명

White odorless crystalline or powdery solid. Denser than water.

공기와 물의 반응

Water soluble. Sugar dust explosion is possibility.

반응 프로필

D(+)-Sucrose is a reducing agent. Can react explosively with oxidizing agents such as chlorates and perchlorates. Is hydrolyzed by dilute acids and by invertase (a yeast enzyme) . Chars rapidly and exothermically when mixed with concentrated sulfuric acid.


Dental erosion. Questionable carcinogen.



Pharmaceutical Applications

Sucrose is widely used in oral pharmaceutical formulations. Sucrose syrup, containing 50–67% w/w sucrose, is used in tableting as a binding agent for wet granulation. In the powdered form, sucrose serves as a dry binder (2–20% w/w) or as a bulking agent and sweetener in chewable tablets and lozenges. Tablets that contain large amounts of sucrose may harden to give poor disintegration.
Sucrose syrups are used as tablet-coating agents at concentrations between 50% and 67% w/w. With higher concentrations, partial inversion of sucrose occurs, which makes sugar coating difficult.
Sucrose syrups are also widely used as vehicles in oral liquiddosage forms to enhance palatability or to increase viscosity.(4,5) Sucrose has been used as a diluent in freeze-dried protein products.
Sucrose is also widely used in foods and confectionery, and therapeutically in sugar pastes that are used to promote wound healing.


is obtained from sugar beet, sugar cane and sweet sorghum. Table sugar is the most common form of sucrose. It comprises a glucose unit joined to a fructose unit. Honey consists of sucrose and its hydrolysis products.
Sucrose, glucose and fructose all exhibit optical activity. When sucrose is hydrolyzed, the rotation changes from right to left. This is called inversion, and an equimolar mixture of glucose and fructose is called invert sugar. The enzyme invertase hydrolyzes sucrose to glucose and fructose.
Sugar occurs universally throughout the plant kingdom in fruits, seeds, flowers and roots.

Safety Profile

Mildly toxic by ingestion. An experimental teratogen. Mutation data reported. Vigorous reaction with nitric acid or sulfuric acid (forms carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide). When heated to decomposition it emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes.


Sucrose is hydrolyzed in the small intestine by the enzyme sucrase to yield dextrose and fructose, which are then absorbed. When administered intravenously, sucrose is excreted unchanged in the urine.
Although sucrose is very widely used in foods and pharmaceutical formulations, sucrose consumption is a cause of concern and should be monitored in patients with diabetes mellitus or other metabolic sugar intolerance.
Sucrose is also considered to be more cariogenic than other carbohydrates since it is more easily converted to dental plaque. For this reason, its use in oral pharmaceutical formulations is declining. Although sucrose has been associated with obesity, renal damage, and a number of other diseases, conclusive evidence linking sucrose intake with some diseases could not be established.( 13,14) It was, however, recommended that sucrose intake in the diet should be reduced.
LD50 (mouse, IP): 14 g/kg
LD50 (rat, oral): 29.7 g/kg


Sucrose has good stability at room temperature and at moderate relative humidity. It absorbs up to 1% moisture, which is released upon heating at 90°C. Sucrose caramelizes when heated to temperatures above 160°C. Dilute sucrose solutions are liable to fermentation by microorganisms but resist decomposition at higher concentrations, e.g. above 60% w/w concentration. Aqueous solutions may be sterilized by autoclaving or filtration.
When sucrose is used as a base for medicated confectionery, the cooking process, at temperatures rising from 110 to 145℃, causes some inversion to form dextrose and fructose (invert sugar). The fructose imparts stickiness to confectionery but prevents cloudiness due to graining. Inversion is accelerated particularly at temperatures above 130°C and by the presence of acids.

Purification Methods

Crystallise D(+)-sucrose from water (solubility: 1g in 0.5mL H2O at 20o, 1g in 0.2mL in boiling H2O). It is soluble in EtOH (0.6%) and MeOH (1%). Sucrose diacetate hexaisobutyrate is purified by melting and, while molten, treated with NaHCO3 and charcoal, then filtered. [Beilstein 17/8 V 399.]

비 호환성

Powdered sucrose may be contaminated with traces of heavy metals, which can lead to incompatibility with active ingredients, e.g. ascorbic acid. Sucrose may also be contaminated with sulfite from the refining process. With high sulfite content, color changes can occur in sugar-coated tablets; for certain colors used in sugarcoating the maximum limit for sulfite content, calculated as sulfur, is 1 ppm. In the presence of dilute or concentrated acids, sucrose is hydrolyzed or inverted to dextrose and fructose (invert sugar). Sucrose may attack aluminum closures.

Regulatory Status

GRAS listed. Included in the FDA Inactive Ingredients Database (injections; oral capsules, solutions, syrups, and tablets; topical preparations). Included in nonparenteral and parenteral medicines licensed in the UK. Included in the Canadian List of Acceptable Non-medicinal Ingredients.

수크로스(설탕) 준비 용품 및 원자재


준비 용품

수크로스(설탕) 공급 업체

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